Releases: FactomProject/enterprise-wallet
Releases · FactomProject/enterprise-wallet
Frontend Changes:
- General
- logos updated to new Factom logo
- Launcher
- some wording changed (transfering factoids and footer)
- Wallet
- Wording changes
- FCT/EC logos replaced with text
- Yellow (+) button on Transactions/Address Book now always popped out
for visibility - Settings
- Sync Method revamped to include Factomd Open Node and https support
for the courtesy node - Custom input allows entry of the scheme, just prefix the address
with "http://" or "https://" (For localhost https support, please
refer to the factomd.conf settings) - New default factdom endpoint (open node)
- "Custom" API Endpoint now sanitizes input into accepted format
(Prepends http:// if no scheme specified, removes trailing slashes)
- Sync Method revamped to include Factomd Open Node and https support
- Send Factoids / Buy EC
- No longer requires you to click a button to preview the transaction,
updates as you type - Clicking send now takes you to a confirmation prompt
- Wording changes of error messages and some of the UI elements
- Address Book popout now allows you to click on an address to select it
- No longer requires you to click a button to preview the transaction,
- Address Book and other popups open faster
Backend Changes:
- Dramatic speed improvements to the "Transaction" tab after the first initial
loading. For more details see:
FactomProject/factom#85 - https support
- Temporary (60 seconds) caching of balance requests to reduce factomd requests