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Inventory System

A modular and flexible Unity Inventory System that supports dynamic item management, slot-based functionality, customizable saving and loading mechanisms, and more. This system separates configuration data from runtime data, making it efficient and easy to extend.


  1. Open the Package Manager in Unity.
  2. Click the + icon in the top-left corner.
  3. Select Add package from git URL....
  4. Enter the Git URL:
  5. Click Add to install the package into your project.

Beware: the system is moving quickly, much faster than the documentation is, it is possible that some elements of the documentation are outdated.


  • Editor Tools Hub: Centralized hub to managee inventories, tabs and items with an easy to use, visual tool.
  • Item Splitting Feature: Item stack splitting and assignation to a new slot.
  • Optional Currency Extension: New extension to manage currency elements while not overriding a currency system a developer would want to use.
  • Optional Crafting Extension: New extension to provide APIs to handle recipe based crafting tools.

Creating New Items

To create new items for the inventory system:

  1. Create an Item ScriptableObject:

    • Right-click in your Project window.
    • Select Create > Slax > Inventory > Item.
    • This will create a new ItemSO ScriptableObject.
  2. Configure Item Properties:

    • ID: Unique identifier for the item.
    • Name: Display name of the item.
    • Description: (Optional) Add a description for the item.
    • Preview Sprite: Assign a sprite for UI representation.
    • Action Types: Define actions (e.g., "Equip", "Consume").
    • Tab Configs: Categorize the item within the inventory.
    • Prefab: (Optional) Link a prefab for instantiation.
    • Loot Settings: (Optional) Configure drop quantities when looted.

Managing Item Slots

The system uses a slot-based approach with slots managed by RuntimeInventory at runtime.

  1. RuntimeInventory:

    • Manages slots and items during gameplay.
    • Initialized using an InventorySO configuration.
  2. Adding Items to a Slot:

    inventory.AddItemToSlot(itemSO, amount);
  3. Removing Items from a Slot:

    inventory.RemoveItemFromSlot(itemSO, amount);
  4. Finding Slots:

    • Find First Slot with Specific Item:
      var slot = inventory.FindSlot(tabType, itemSO);

Communicating with the Inventory via Script

Use the InventoryManager component to interact with the inventory.

  1. Reference the Inventory:

    public class MyInventoryHandler : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] private InventoryManager inventoryManager;
        void Start()
            var item = ... // Your ItemSO reference
            inventoryManager.AddItemToSlot(tabType, 0, item, 1);
  2. Listening to Inventory Events:

    • The InventoryManager class triggers events for various inventory changes:
    inventoryManager.OnAdd += HandleItemAdded;
    inventoryManager.OnRemove += HandleItemRemoved;
    void HandleItemAdded(InventoryUpdate update)
        Debug.Log("Item added: " + update.Slot.Item.Name);
    void HandleItemRemoved(InventoryUpdate update)
        Debug.Log("Item removed: " + update.Slot.Item.Name);

Saving and Loading

The inventory system supports saving and loading using a JSON-based save system or custom implementations.

Using the Default Save System

  1. Save Inventory:

    inventoryManager.SaveInventory(); // Saves to JSON in the Application's persistent data path
  2. Load Inventory:

    inventoryManager.LoadInventory(allItems); // Loads from JSON

Implementing a Custom Save System

  1. Create a Custom Save System:

    [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "CustomSaveSystem")]
    public class CustomInventorySaveSystem : InventorySaveSystemSO
        public override void SaveInventory(SerializedInventory inventoryData, string inventoryName)
            Debug.Log("Saving inventory with custom inventory save system: " + inventoryName);
        public override SerializedInventory LoadInventory(string inventoryName)
            Debug.Log("Loading inventory with custom inventory save system: " + inventoryName);
            return null;
  2. Use the Custom Save System:

    • Create the asset and assign it to the InventoryManager.

Managing Multiple Inventories

MultiInventoryManager supports managing multiple RuntimeInventory instances, suitable for different characters or contexts.

  1. Save All Inventories:

  2. Load All Inventories:


Visual Representations and Diagrams

How to Save and Load

graph LR
    A[Start] --> B[Initialize InventoryManager or MultiInventoryManager]
    B --> C[Set Custom Save System -- optional]
    C --> D[Load Inventory Data]
    E[Manipulate Inventory]
    E --> F[Save Inventory Data]
    F --> G[End]

    D --> H{Save System Set?}
    H -->|Yes| E
    H -->|No| I[Use Default Save System]
    I --> E

Creating a New Config if None Exists

graph LR
    A[Start] --> B[Check for Existing InventorySO Config]
    B -->|Exists| C[Load Existing Config]
    B -->|Doesn't Exist| D[Create New InventorySO Config]
    D --> E[Assign Tabs and Slot Unlock States]
    E --> F[Assign to InventoryManager or MultiInventoryManager]
    F --> G[Initialize RuntimeInventory]
    G --> H[End]

Reacting to Events

graph TD
    A[Start] --> B[Attach Event Listeners to InventoryManager]
    B --> C[Handle OnAdd Event]
    B --> D[Handle OnRemove Event]
    B --> E[Handle OnSell Event]
    B --> F[Handle OnBuy Event]
    C --> G[Execute Custom Logic for Adding Items]
    D --> H[Execute Custom Logic for Removing Items]
    E --> I[Execute Custom Logic for Selling Items]
    F --> J[Execute Custom Logic for Buying Items]
    G --> K[End]
    H --> K
    I --> K
    J --> K

Inventory System Initialization Flow

graph LR
    A[Start] --> B[Create or Load InventorySO]
    B --> C[Assign to InventoryManager]
    C --> D[Create RuntimeInventory from InventorySO]
    D --> E[Assign RuntimeInventory to UI Components]
    E --> F[Load Inventory Data]
    F --> G[Begin Gameplay]
    G --> H[End]

Class Communication Overview

    InventoryManager --> RuntimeInventory : uses
    InventoryManager --> InventoryUpdate : triggers
    InventoryManager --|> InventorySaveSystemSO : uses
    InventorySO --> InventorySlot: manages
    InventoryUpdateType --> InventoryUpdate : defines type
    ItemSO <-- InventorySlot : contains
    MultiInventoryManager --> RuntimeInventory : manages multiple
    ItemActionTypeSO --> ItemSO : categorizes
    InventoryTabConfigSO --> ItemSO : categorizes
    DefaultInventorySaveSystem --|> InventorySaveSystemSO : inherits
    RuntimeInventory <-- InventorySO: provides configuration for
    RuntimeInventoryTabConfig <-- RuntimeInventory: manages
    InventoryTabConfigSO --> RuntimeInventoryTabConfig: provides configuration

    class InventorySO {
        +List~InventoryTabConfigSO~ TabConfigs
        +string Name
        +bool UseWeight
        +float MaxWeight

    class RuntimeInventory {
        +Dictionary~InventoryTabConfigSO, List~InventorySlot~ SlotsByTab
        +float CurrentWeight
        +InventorySO InventoryConfig
        +void AddItemToSlot(InventoryTabConfigSO, int, ItemSO, int)
        +void RemoveItemFromSlot(InventoryTabConfigSO, int, int)
        +void SaveInventory()
        +void LoadInventory(List~ItemSO~)

    class InventorySlot {
        +ItemSO Item
        +int Amount
        +bool IsEmpty
        +void AddItem(ItemSO, int)
        +void RemoveItem(int)
        +void ClearSlot()

    class InventoryManager {
        +RuntimeInventory RuntimeInventory
        +UnityAction~InventoryUpdate~ OnAdd
        +UnityAction~InventoryUpdate~ OnRemove
        +InventoryUpdate AddItemToSlot(InventoryTabConfigSO, int, ItemSO, int)
        +InventoryUpdate RemoveItemFromSlot(InventoryTabConfigSO, int, int)

    class InventoryUpdate {
        +InventorySlot Slot
        +int SlotIndex
        +bool Remaining
        +InventorySO Inventory
        +InventoryUpdateType UpdateType

    class InventoryUpdateType {
        +string ToString()
        +static InventoryUpdateType Added
        +static InventoryUpdateType Removed
        +static InventoryUpdateType Sold
        +static InventoryUpdateType Bought
        +static InventoryUpdateType Custom(string)

    class ItemSO {
        +string ID
        +string Name
        +string Description
        +Sprite PreviewSprite
        +List~ItemActionTypeSO~ ActionTypes
        +List~InventoryTabConfigSO~ TabTypes
        +GameObject Prefab

    class MultiInventoryManager {

List~RuntimeInventory~ RuntimeInventories
        +void SaveAllInventories()
        +void LoadAllInventories(List~ItemSO~)

    class InventorySaveSystemSO {
        +void SaveInventory(SerializedInventory, string)
        +SerializedInventory LoadInventory(string)

    class DefaultInventorySaveSystem {
        +void SaveInventory(SerializedInventory, string)
        +SerializedInventory LoadInventory(string)


The Inventory System is modular and extendable. You can enable or disable certain features based on your game’s needs.

Weight System

Enforce a weight limit on your inventory.

How to Enable:

  1. Set up item weights in the ItemSO ScriptableObject.
  2. Enable the weight system in the InventorySO ScriptableObject.
  3. Subscribe to the weight limit event:
    inventory.OnWeightLimitReached += HandleWeightLimitReached;
    void HandleWeightLimitReached(float currentWeight, float maxWeight)
        Debug.Log($"Cannot add item: Weight limit reached! Current: {currentWeight}, Max: {maxWeight}");

Size Limit System

Enforce a slot limit in your inventory.

How to Enable:

  1. Configure Slot Unlock States by creating SlotUnlockStateSO assets.
  2. Set Up Inventory with SlotUnlockStateSO in the InventoryTabConfigSO.
  3. Unlocking Slots During Gameplay:
    inventory.UnlockSlotsForTab(tabType, unlockState);


Simple Inventory System for Unity







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