This repo contains notebooks, code and presentation about the meetup Introducción a MLFlow y Databricks: acelerando el Machine Learning Lifecycle in the meetup group of Python Sevilla Developers.
Slides can be found both on Slideshare and [in this repository](pythonsevilla2019 - Introducción a MLFlow.pdf)
pip install -r requirements.txt
jupyter notebook
Run jupyter notebook
and execute the notebook tracking.ipynb
To execute the last section is necessary to possess an Azure or AWS account with a deployed Databricks resource.
The first example uses a public project located in the official MLFlow repository (
mlflow run -P alpha=5
The second example uses our own project (./project_example)
cd project_example
mlflow run . -P n_estimators=500
Execute the notebook models.ipynb
The second part of the demo consist on deploying a trained model from the mlruns
folder that MLFlow creates after tracking experiments.
So, it is necessary to navigate through the corresponding folder and execute the mlflow serve
cd mlruns/<selected experiment_id>/<selected run_id>/artifacts/model/
mlflow models serve -m . -p 1234
After some time, a gunicorn + Flask microservice is deployed on port 1234. It is possible to send http post request by means of programs like Postman. The endpoint is:
And this is an example of valid body for the request:
"data": [[ 0.52444161, 0.97309661, 0.43247518, 0.38717859, -1.03377319,
-0.73048166, -0.70972218, -0.41044243, -1.00047971, -0.82507126,
-0.08818832, -0.04623819, -0.18209319, -0.0038316 , -1.04758402,
-0.93257644, -0.65865037, -0.69601737, -0.71241416, -0.25530814,
0.58767599, 1.36061943, 0.48167379, 0.44795641, -0.62887522,
-0.64418546, -0.62375274, -0.23693879, 0.08147618, 0.05512114]]