A diet and wellness manager application built with Java and JavaFX using Software Design Principles and Patterns
- Java 8
- IntelliJ - as developer platform
- Add library and .jar dependencies in IntelliJ IDE project structure (the opencsv-5.0.jar and the commons-lang library). You need both to run the program.
- Run the DietManager class.
- Double click the "WellnessManager.jar"
- NOTE: exercise.csv, foods.csv, and log.csv must all be in the same directory as the .JAR file
- You can add and delete basic foods and recipes, and exercises.
- You can log a food, exercise, weight, or calorie goal by date.
- You can change the date that you are working with.
- You can see a breakdown of the entries from the selected date and a graph.
You cannot delete an entry from the log.