Pet Immunization Record Application
Comprehensive system developed for veterinary doctors to efficiently manage and track pet immunization records. The system facilitates the creation and editing of vaccine schedules, with the ability to generate reports. It allows veterinarians to manage pet and owner information. The system enables the signing of immunization records to mark them as complete, as well as generate daily immunization bills. Additionally, it provides the functionality to generate comprehensive immunization reports covering all vaccinations administered to date. Furthermore, it incorporates features for tracking pet vitals before and after vaccination for potential diagnostic purposes in case of any health issues.
class ShotRecord {
+ abstract boolean isComplete()
+ abstract List<ShotDTO> getShotDTO()
+ abstract void generateSchedule()
class VaccineFactory {
+ getInstance() VaccineFactory
+ getVaccine(String name, int frequency, String intervalsCSV, int offset) Vaccine
class ShotFactory {
+ getInstance() ShotFactory
+ getObject() ShotRecord
class Vaccine {
- String name
- int frequency
- List<Integer> intervals
- int offset
- boolean default
- Species species
- float cost
+ isDefault() boolean
+ Vaccine(String name, int frequency, String intervalsCSV, int offset, Species s, Boolean default) Vaccine
+ static parseIntervals(String intervalsCSV) Integer[]
+ getShotRecord(Date dob) ShotRecord
+ save() void
class ImmunizationStatus {
class Schedule {
- int id
- Date scheduledDate
- Date administeredDate
- ImmunizationStatus status
- Doctor doctor
+ Schedule(Date scheduledDate, Date administeredDate) Schedule
- updateStatus() void
+ isDelayed() boolean
+ isComplete() boolean
+ markComplete(Doctor d) void
+ setScheduledDate(Date date) void
+ setAdministeredDate(Date date) void
- save() void
class SingleShotRecord {
- Vaccine vaccine
- Schedule schedule
+ SingleShotRecord(Vaccine v) SingleShotRecord
+ markComplete(Doctor signedDoctor) void
+ static getByScheduleId(int scheduleID) ShotRecord
+ isComplete() boolean
+ getShotDTO() List<ShotDTO>
- generateSchedule() void
class MultiShotRecord {
- Vaccine vaccine
- List<Schedule> schedules
+ MultiShotRecord(Vaccine v) MultiShotRecord
+ markComplete(int scheduleID, Doctor signedDoctor) void
+ static getByScheduleId(int scheduleID) ShotRecord
+ isComplete() boolean
+ getShotDTO() List<ShotDTO>
- generateSchedule() void
class Gender {
class Species {
note for Pet "getShotRecords() Gives list of shot record or empty if pet immunization record already exists"
class Pet {
- int id
- String name
- Date dob
- Gender gender
- Species s
+ Pet(String name, Date dob, Gender gender, Species s) Pet
+ save() void
+ getShotRecords() List<ShotRecord>
class DuplicateShotRecordException {
String message
class ScheduleNotFoundException {
String message
class ImmunizationReport {
- List<ShotRecord> immunizationRecords
- Pet pet
+ ImmunizationReport(Pet p) ImmunizationReport
- load(Pet p) void
+ create() void
+ addShotRecord(Vaccine v) void
+ shotRecordExists(Vaccine v) boolean
- addDefaultShotRecords(Species s) void
+ completeShot(int scheduleID, Doctor signedDoctor) void
+ getCompletedShotsTillDate() List<ShotRecord>
+ getTodaysShots() List<ShotRecord>
+ getTodaysCompletedShots() List<ShotRecord>
+ getUpcomingScheduledShots() List<ShotRecord>
class User {
# String username
# String password
# String billing_address
class Person {
# String name
# String address
# Date dob
class Owner {
# String name
# String address
# Date dob
+ Owner(name, dob, address) Owner
+ getPets() List<Pet>
class Doctor {
# String name
# String address
# Date dob
# String username
# String password
# String billing_address
- String clinic_address
- float service_cost
class BillStatus {
class BillItemType {
class BillItemFactory {
+ getInstance() BillItemFactory
+ getItem(Doctor d) Item
+ getItem(ShotRecord s) Item
class BillItem {
- int id
- String name
- float cost
- BillItemType type
+ BillItem(String name, float cost, BillItemType type) BillItem
class Bill {
- static final TAX_RATE
- int id
- User from
- Person to
- List<BillItem> items
- Date billing_date
- float tax_percent
+ getTaxInfo() TaxDTO
+ save() void
+ getSum() float
+ getTax() float
+ getSummary() BillSummaryDTO
+ Bill(List<ShotRecords> items, Doctor d, Person o) Bill
class BillType {
class BillFactory {
+ getInstance() BillFactory
+ getImmunizationBill(ImmunizationReport report) Bill
User --|> Person : Inheritance
Doctor --|> User : Inheritance
Owner --|> Person : Inheritance
SingleShotRecord --|> ShotRecord: Inheritance
MultiShotRecord --|> ShotRecord: Inheritance
ShotRecord *-- ImmunizationReport : Composition
Pet *-- ImmunizationReport
Schedule *-- ShotRecord : Composition
Schedule ..|> Vaccine : Realization
Schedule --> ImmunizationStatus
Pet --> Gender
Pet --> Species
Vaccine --> Species: Association
BillItemType --> BillItem
BillFactory --> BillType
Bill --> BillStatus
BillItem *-- Bill : Composition
class Utility {
+ static generateId() int
+ static formatDate(Date d) String
class DoctorDTO {
- int id
- String name
class ScheduleDTO {
- Date scheduled_date
- Date administered_date
- String status
- DoctorDTO doctor
class ShotDTO {
- String name
- List<ScheduleDTO> shot_schedule
class PetDTO {
- String name
- int id
- Date dob
- String gender
class ImmunizationReportDTO {
- List<ShotDTO> shots
- PetDTO pet
class TaxDTO {
- float tax_rate
- float tax_amount
class CustomerDTO {
- String name
- String phone
class BillingUserDTO {
- String name
- String address
- String phone
class BillItemsDTO {
- String name
- float price
- String type
class BillSummaryDTO {
- CustomerDTO customer
- BillingUserDTO user
- TaxDTO tax
- List<BillItemsDTO> items
- Use the MERMAID TO PNG to extract the PNG (Note: It replaces the markdown with image so make sure to remove image in file)
- Move the images to docs file