Freya's expanded math functionality for Unity!
- This is primarily a way for me to share the math functionality I write and use in my own personal projects
- I will recklessly edit and adapt things without too much thought into backwards compatibility
- Minimum Unity version is currently 2021.2 due to using newer C# version features. It may be possible to auto-downgrade through your IDE if necessary
- Commits with version tags should be relatively stable. Other commits may not be
There are several ways to install this library into your project:
- Plain install
- Clone or download this repository and put it somewhere in the Assets folder of your Unity project
- Unity Package Manager (UPM):
- Add either of the the following lines to Packages/manifest.json:
"com.acegikmo.mathfs": "",
if you want to target a specific version (recommended)"com.acegikmo.mathfs": "",
if you want to pull the latest commit (potentially unstable)- More information about UPM and git here
- OpenUPM
- After installing openupm-cli, run the following command:
openupm add com.acegikmo.mathfs
After installation you will be able to access the library in scripts by including the namespace using Freya
- 2D Intersection tests between all combinations of:
- Ray
- LineSegment
- Line
- Circle
- Curves & Splines
- Bézier (Quadratic, Cubic & Generalized)
- Hermite
- Catmull-Rom
- B-Spline (Uniform Cubic & Generalized Non-Uniform)
- NURBS (Non-Unifrom Rational B-Spline)
- Trajectory (Cubic & Generalized)
- Trajectory math
- GetDisplacement (point in trajectory), given gravity, angle, speed & time
- GetLaunchSpeed, given gravity, angle & lateral distance
- GetLaunchAngles, given gravity, speed & lateral distance
- GetMaxRange, given gravity & speed
- GetHeightPotential, given gravity, current height and speed
- GetSpeedFromHeightPotential, given gravity, current height and height potential
- Triangle math
- Area / SignedArea, given three points or base and height
- Contains check, given three triangle vertices and a point to test by
- Right-angle trig functions to calculate Opposite/Adjacent/Hypotenuse/Angle
- Incenter / Centroid
- Incircle / Circumcircle
- SmallestAngle
- Polygon math
- Area / SignedArea
- IsClockwise
- WindingNumber
- Contains
- Circle math
- FromTwoPoints (get smallest circle passing through both points)
- FromThreePoints (get unique circle passing through three points)
- RadiusToArea / AreaToRadius
- AreaToCircumference / CircumferenceToArea
- RadiusToCircumference / CircumferenceToRadius
- 2D Angle helpers (AngToDir, DirToAng...)
- 2D Vector extension methods (Rotate90CCW/CW, Rotate, RotateAround...)
- Quadratic & Linear Root finders
- Remap functions
- Constants (Tau, Pi, Golden Ratio, e, sqrt2)
- Vector extension methods (WithMagnitude, ClampMagnitude(min,max)...)
- Expanded basic math operations to vectors (Clamp, Round, Abs...)
- Color extensions (WithAlpha, MultiplyRGB...)
- Smoothing functions (Smooth01, SmoothCos01...)
- Triangle Math helpers (SignedArea, Circumcenter, Incircle...)
- Circle Math helpers (Area, Circumference...)
- All functions use radians
- And more!
Mathfs.cs does not fully match Unity's Mathf.cs, I've made a few changes:
- All angles are in radians, no methods use degrees
- Lerp and InverseLerp:
- Unclamped by default
- LerpClamped/InverseLerpClamped are now the special case functions/exceptions
- Uses the more numerically stable evaluation
- Smoothstep is removed in favor of the more explicit:
- LerpSmooth (which is how it was implemented) and
- InverseLerpSmooth (which is how it is implemented everywhere but Unity's Mathf.cs)
- Min/Max functions with arbitrary inputs/array input will throw on empty instead of returning 0