gofastbill is API for FastBill
FastBill is a finance-app specifically for small businesses and the self-employed. With FastBill have your finances easy under control, for example, easily and easily create invoices or collect receipts.
go get github.com/Fruchtgummi/gofastbill
Here are the things you can do until now:
- Authentication : Login => Email, API-Key | Login for Mobile and Add-Ons with => Email, Password | Type xml or json
- Customer : get, create, update, delete
- Contact : get, create, update, delete
- Invoice : get, create, update, delete, complete, cancel, sign, sendbyemail, sendbypost, setpaid
- Article : get, create, update, delete
- Estimate : get, create, sendbyemail, creatinvoice, delete
- Template : get
- Item : get, delete
- Time : get, create, update, delete
- Expense : get, create (TODO: Upload for paid document)
- Document : get, create (TODO: Upload for document)
- Recurring : get, create, update, delete
- Revenue : get, create, setpaid, delete
- Project : get, create, update, delete
cooming soon:
- Webhooks : get, create, delete (BETA)
- GO-Routines (threads)
- Chan (Stats)
- Minimal Models with hooks
- Authentication (https://gowalker.org/github.com/Fruchtgummi/gofastbill#Init, Connect with Email & API-Key or as Mobile & Add-On with Email & Passwort)
Any ideas for the API or bug fixes please feel free to create a issue
import "github.com/Fruchtgummi/gofastbill"
you find out all Structs for request and response on "gofastbill"-object
fastbill, err = gofastbill.Init("[email protected]", "xxxxxf2f39ebe33418e4f173cxxxx05IdihIGYAxSiABUfXgMeMBExxxpBC4xxx", false, true, "json")
if err != nil {
var x gofastbill.CustomerGet_Request
x.CUSTOMER_ID = "123456" //is CUSTOMER_ID empty you get all customers
fbapi, err := fastbill.Customer_get(x)
if err != nil {
var x gofastbill.CustomerCreate_Request
x.CUSTOMER_TYPE = "consumer" // or business
x.LAST_NAME = "Mustermann" // Required by consumer
x.ORGANIZATION = "Mustermann GmbH" //Required by business
fbapi, err := fastbill.Customer_create(x)
if err != nil {
var x gofastbill.InvoiceCreate_Request
x.CUSTOMER_ID = "123456"
x.TEMPLATE_ID = "123456"
x.INTROTEXT = "I'm a example"
x.INVOICE_TITLE = "Title of Invoice"
var y gofastbill.ITEMS
y.ARTICLE_NUMBER = "1234567"
y.DESCRIPTION = "I'm a description of ITEM"
y.QUANTITY = "4"
y.UNIT_PRICE = "25.00"
y.VAT_PERCENT = "19"
x.ITEMS = append(x.ITEMS, y)
//loop end
fbapi, err := fastbill.Invoice_create(x)
if err != nil {