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An Exploration of Machine Learning Methods on SVHN Dataset


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[Report: An Exploration of Machine Learning Methods on SVHN Dataset]

This is a project of CS385: Machine Learning in Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


pip install -r requirements.txt


For logistic regression based models:

python --cfg [Config File]

For SVM based models:

python --cfg [Config File]

For deep neural network models:

python --cfg [Config File]

For VAE based generative models:

python --cfg [Config File]

Other Function

For HOG feature generation (before SVM training):


For parameter analysis (after SVM training):

python --cfg [Config File]

For Grad-CAM visualization (after deep neural network training, currently only support ResNet-based networks):

python --cfg [Config File]

Implemented Models

  • Logistic regressions;
  • Logistic regressions based on HOG features;
  • Logistic regressions with Lasso/ridge loss;
  • Support vector machines;
  • Support vector machines with kernel methods;
  • Support vector machines with ridge loss;
  • LeNet;
  • AlexNet;
  • VGG Nets, including vgg11, vgg13, vgg16, vgg19, vgg11bn, vgg13bn, vgg16bn, vgg19bn;
  • GoogLeNet;
  • ResNets, including resnet18, resnet34, resnet50, resnet101, resnet152;
  • Variational auto-encoders;
  • beta-VAE;
  • Disentangled beta-VAE;
  • DFC-VAE.

Configuration Files

All configuration files of the experiments are in the configs folder.


  author =       {Hongjie Fang},
  title =        {An Exploration of Machine Learning Methods on SVHN Dataset},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         {2021}


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