This is a C++ demo program showing how RTIMULib can be used with ROS. It is essentially the same as Romain Reignier's original implementation ( with a few small tweaks. In particular, the publish rate is now the same as the sample rate and accelerations are sent in m/s/s.
The contents of this repo are released under the the BSD license.
Testing was performed using ROS Jade on a Raspberry Pi 2 running Ubuntu 14.04. ROS Jade should be installed from here -
The first thing to do is to clone the RTIMULIb repo:
cd ~
git clone git://
Alternatively clone RTIMULib2 instead of RTIMULib to get the latest developments including simplified magnetometer calibration.
To use roscpprtimulib it is necessary to install RTIMULib using the CMake method:
cd RTIMULib/Linux
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DBUILD_DEMO=0 -DBUILD_GL=0
make -j4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
Once the appropriate RTIMULib install has been performed enter:
cd ~/
git clone git://
cd roscpprtimulib
source devel/
If roscore is running on a different machine, add the following two lines to the .bashrc file on the Raspberry Pi 2:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<roscore IP address>:11311
export ROS_IP=<raspberry pi IP address>
To run roscpprtimulib enter:
roslaunch roscpprtimulib roscpprtimulib.launch
rostopic can be used to check if things are working:
rostopic echo /imu
As usual, magnetometer calibration is an issue and calibration needs to be performed using the RTIMULibCal program in the RTIMULib repo - The resulting RTIMULIb.ini should be copied into the package directory.