Releases: GeoNode/geonode-mapstore-client
Releases · GeoNode/geonode-mapstore-client
What's Changed
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #915
- Dataset uploads are not updated appropriately by @DavidQuartz in #914
- Irrelevant message in dataset style editor by @DavidQuartz in #920
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #921
- Add layer visibility toggle to legend component by @DavidQuartz in #916
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #922
- [Fixes #905] Integrity db error between geoapps tables on upgrade from 3.x to 4.x by @marthamareal in #906
- Issues with filters: no debounce and dropdown closing on click by @DavidQuartz in #912
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #934
- #937: Pending copy exectutions are not updated correctly on page reload by @allyoucanmap in #936
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #938
- Clear filters button not well aligned and not visible by @DavidQuartz in #944
- Truncate abstract inside the metadata table inside the info box by @DavidQuartz in #943
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #945
- [Fixes #947] Show direct links and embed links inside Share panel by @DavidQuartz in #951
- [Fixes #942] Failing datasets uploads are generating double entries in the list of not processed upload by @DavidQuartz in #952
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #958
- [Fixes #946] Autoclose info panel on single click on the map by @DavidQuartz in #960
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #962
- [Fixes #9252] Migration form Version 3.2 to 4 – map config is missing by @mattiagiupponi in #959
- [Fixes #973] Improve LOCKDOWN_GEONODE by @mattiagiupponi in #972
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #985
- [Fixes #987] Failing migration by @mattiagiupponi in #988
- [Fixes #991] Add CREATE_LAYER setting to geonode_config by @marthamareal in #994
- [Fixes #979] Expose mapstore's setViewer to allow for custom GFI panel by @DavidQuartz in #982
- [Fixes #967] Drop support for GeoJSON upload by @DavidQuartz in #995
- [Fixes 966] Provide visual feedback while loading filtered resources by @DavidQuartz in #996
- [Fixes #964] info icon for not approved / not published resource shouldn't take a line by @DavidQuartz in #997
- [Fixes #986] Anonymous users have an option of adding dataset and annotations to a map by @DavidQuartz in #998
- [Fixes #969] Add "with_resources" GET parameter on regions and categories endpoints by @DavidQuartz in #1001
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1003
- [Fixes #961] Show an error if dataset as a ll_bbox_polygon is greater then the WGS84 max extent by @DavidQuartz in #1000
- [Fixes #993] Use createLayer configuration to show the create dataset action by @DavidQuartz in #1002
- [Fixes 925] The upload box should accept xml and sld files along with the dataset itself by @DavidQuartz in #1008
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1010
- [Fixes #1011] Datasets with valid bbox do not open in viewer page by @DavidQuartz in #1012
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1013
- [Fixes #932] Symbol type is not visible in annotations styles by @DavidQuartz in #1017
- [Fixes #1018] The client should not submit xml or sld(if provided) as base_file in dataset uploads by @DavidQuartz in #1019
- [Fixes #1020] Show invalid bbox warning on the overview of the dataset by @DavidQuartz in #1021
- [Fixes #976] Fix missing required accessToken for MapBox background when adding a map to a geostory by @allyoucanmap in #1014
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1026
- [Fixes #968] Adjustments to links inside Share Panel by @DavidQuartz in #1024
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1027
- [Fixes 1028] The DatasetCatalog plugin but be enabled for a new map by @DavidQuartz in #1034
- [Fixes 1023] Change the lable for the GML FeatureCollection export format by @DavidQuartz in #1035
- [Fixes #935] Share permissions form not showing for users in groups with manage permission by @DavidQuartz in #1036
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1044
- [Fixes 1053] Include base support for localization in gn-document app entry by @DavidQuartz in #1054
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1055
- [Fixes #1064] Expose supported upload file formats as configurations by @DavidQuartz in #1063
- rename function to get dataset supported types by @mattiagiupponi in #1068
- [Fixes 955] Blured icon images by @DavidQuartz in #1056
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1071
- [Fixes #1069] Use new config setting for supported dataset file types by @DavidQuartz in #1070
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1073
- [Fixes 1051] Total number of resources and list of resources should be updated after deleting a resource from the list by @DavidQuartz in #1057
- [Fixes 1085] Spinner is missing during the upload phase by @DavidQuartz in #1087
- [Fixes 1058] Problem with color picker in Bar and Pie chart by @DavidQuartz in #1082
- [Fixes 1072] Dataset legend must show the dataset's title instead of Geoserver's layername by @DavidQuartz in #1075
- [Fixes 1038] Reload catalogue after saving a reaource by @DavidQuartz in #1062
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1091
- [Fixes 1084] Use raw JSON body instead of ulencoded form for permissions PUT by @DavidQuartz in #1086
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1093
- [Fixes 1089] Fix text overflow in resource Delete dialog box by @DavidQuartz in #1090
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1094
- [Fixes 1097] Spinner should not keep spinning in INVALID state by @DavidQuartz in #1098
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1105
- [Fixes 1108] Show some informative message when a GPKG is imported by @DavidQuartz in #1107
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in #1109
- [Fixes 1115] Upload progress for GKPG based on execution requests by @DavidQuartz in #1116
- new client build by @geosolutions-pr-generator in https://gith...
Full changelog 4.0.5..4.1.0
Change Log
4.0.5 [2022-12-22]
Backward Compatibility
- This release must be used with GeoNode 4.0.2 only
Change Log
4.0.4 [2022-09-14]
Backward Compatibility
- This release must be used with GeoNode 4.0.0 only