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Docker helps to deliver software in a container which can be deployed on any OS machine having docker. This removes the dependency on system requirements as those are captured in the container itself.


  • Image: This is the output of docker build and has all the information about what all software components goes into the package.
  • Container: This is the output of docker run and is built out of image.

Build Images

docker image build -t imagename .

Dockerfile is needed to build the docker image.

Searching Images

docker search alpine

Listing images

docker image ls

Image history

docker image history image_name

Removing image

docker image rm image_name

Run Containers

docker container run -itd -p 80:80 --name demo alpine ash

i stands for interactive mode( to have stdin connected to terminal of container)
d for detached mode
t for virtual terminal linked to container
name gives the container name
alpine is the image name
ash is the command run within the container

See Logs

docker logs container_name


docker container inspect container_name

Stopping Container

docker container stop container_name

Restarting a container

docker restart container_name

Removing Container

docker container rm container_name

Removing all stopped containers

docker container prune

Run something inside a container

docker container exec -it container_name /bin/bash

Listing all containers

docker container ls


Creating a network

docker network create network_name

Connecting a container to a network

docker network connect network_name container_name

Disconnect a container to a network

docker network disconnect network_name container_name

List all networks

docker network ls

Remove a network

docker network rm network_name

Inspecting a network

docker network inspect network_name


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