A useful command line tool for Flutter, which support Flutter component management, built-in commands and custom command etc.(一个实用的Flutter命令行工具,支持Flutter组件管理、内置命令和自定义命令等)
The latest release of flutter_manager
requires Dart SDK 2.12.0
or later.
Terminal executes the following command to activate
$ dart pub global activate flutter_manager
Learn more about activating and using packages here.
The same as Installation
manager <command> [arguments]
The mvm
command can uniformly manage the version number of the flutter component library and switch between local path and remote git dependencies with one click. The principle is that the tool constructs a directed acyclic graph by reading the configuration file under the mvm
folder, and then backtracks all the paths from each child node to the root node.
The biggest advantage of this library is:
Low cost of use. Since it is a command-line tool, you only need to execute
manager mvm
once when adding or deleting dependent libraries or updating the library version number -
Low cost of retrofit. The original componentization solution hardly needs to be moved, just configure the project structure and dependencies in the
configuration folder, and the tool will automatically identify and manage it -
Users do not need to manually add or delete dependent libraries or update the version number to the submodule, just modify it in the unified configuration file
, and the tool will automatically locate and update under the correct module. Especially when switching between git and path dependencies, there is no need to repeat the tedious search process -
The dependencies of each module on the third-party library are independent of each other, so a unified underlying module is not necessary, and it is truly
The management of the version number of the dependent library by the configuration file
is shared by the entire project, that is, each submodule uses a unified version of the third-party library to avoid version conflicts -
The local/remote branch of each component can be managed uniformly through the
tag of thedelegate.yaml
configuration file
The configuration file will automatically generate a template when executing manager mvm
for the first time, or it can be created manually. It contains module.yaml
, version.yaml
and delegate.yaml
, users will register and update project component information in these three files.
The role of each file is as follows:
List the dependencies of all business components (including host projects)
- thirdPartyLibraryName
- yourModuleName
Configure the version number of all dependent libraries (support version number, path and git three ways)
thirdPartyLibraryName1: versionCode
thirdPartyLibraryName2: git
yourModuleName1: git
yourModuleName2: path
Configure the actual address of git and path dependencies
# The local root path for all components
path: commonLocalRootPath
url: ""
#The branch of this component
ref: ""
url: ""
ref: ""
Remember, when the configuration file changes, you need to execute the manager mvm
command again to take effect.
When the Execution succeed
log keyword appears on the console, it means that the task is successfully executed, and the real dependencies between project components will be printed,
which may be different from the dependencies you configured in version.yaml, because flutter requires a certain The actual dependencies of all paths from components to host projects must be consistent.
But you only need to pay attention to version.yaml, the log only indicates that there is a better dependency configuration.
You can run the example
sample experience.
Run flutter commands,such as clean
manager clean
Run built-in commands,such as delete a file
manager delete a.txt
Run custom commands
manager custom ~/currentActivity.sh
manager custom flutter pub get
Each command has an abbreviation, usually the first character of the command.
You can run manager help
get more details.
Global options:
-h, --help Print this usage information.
Available commands:
clean run flutter clean
custom run a custom command or its own script
delete run delete file, the default is pubspec.lock
format run flutter format .
mvm flutter module version manager
pub run flutter pub get (note: this is a parent command)
pure run delete,clean and pub get in order
Run "manager help <command>" for more information about a command.