A Robinhood API client for Elixir. Currently under development.
The package can be installed by adding ex_robinhood
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_robinhood, "~> 0.0.0"}
{:elixir_uuid, "~> 1.2"} # for generating device tokens
{:jason, "~> 1.2"} # decode responses
{:httpoison, "~> 1.7"} # http client
alias ExRobinhood, as: RH
# Unsuccessful response
{:error, reason} = RH.login("[email protected]", "notMyPassword")
# Successful response
{:ok, "Challenge Required"} = RH.login("[email protected]", "myPassword")
# Submit 2FA sms code
{:ok, "Success"} = RH.challenge("123456")
# Query by symbol
{:ok, stock} = RH.query_instruments("nvda")
Requests return a 2-tuple with the standard :ok
or :error
def login(username, password)
def challenge(sms_code)
def logout
def account
"next" => nil,
"previous" => nil,
"results" => [
"option_trading_on_expiration_enabled" => true,
"crypto_buying_power" => "0.0000",
"cash_held_for_options_collateral" => "0.0000",
"rhs_stock_loan_consent_status" => "...",
"cash_management_enabled" => false,
"account_number" => "XXXXXXXX",
"unsettled_debit" => "0.0000",
"locked" => false,
"eligible_for_drip" => false,
"eligible_for_cash_management" => true,
"only_position_closing_trades" => false,
"deactivated" => false,
"drip_enabled" => false,
"user_id" => "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"instant_eligibility" => %{
"additional_deposit_needed" => "0.0000",
"compliance_user_major_oak_email" => nil,
"created_at" => "1920-01-10T00:00:00.000000-04:00",
"created_by" => nil,
"reason" => "",
"reinstatement_date" => nil,
"reversal" => nil,
"state" => "ok",
"updated_at" => nil
"user" => "api.robinhood.com/user/",
"unsettled_funds" => "0.0000",
"type" => "margin",
"portfolio_cash" => "0.0000",
"cash_balances" => nil,
"cash_available_for_withdrawal" => "0.0000",
"margin_balances" => %{
"day_trades_protection" => true,
"crypto_buying_power" => "0.0000",
"cash_held_for_options_collateral" => "0.0000",
"instant_used" => "0.0000",
"start_of_day_overnight_buying_power" => "0.0000",
"marked_pattern_day_trader_date" => "1920-01-10T00:00:00.000000-04:00",
"cash_held_for_dividends" => "0.0000",
"margin_withdrawal_limit" => nil,
"unsettled_debit" => "0.0000",
"cash_held_for_restrictions" => "0.0000",
"funding_hold_balance" => "0.0000",
"margin_limit" => "0.0000",
"overnight_buying_power" => "0.0000",
"day_trade_buying_power" => "0.0000",
"gold_equity_requirement" => "0.0000",
"unsettled_funds" => "0.0000",
"cash_held_for_nummus_restrictions" => "0.0000",
"portfolio_cash" => "0.0000",
"eligible_deposit_as_instant" => "0.0000",
"cash_available_for_withdrawal" => "0.0000",
"uncleared_nummus_deposits" => "0.0000",
"received_ach_debit_locked" => false,
"uncleared_deposits" => "0.0000",
"sweep_enabled" => false,
"withdrawal_halted" => false,
"active_subscription_id" => nil,
"cash_held_for_orders" => "0.0000",
"state" => "active",
"created_at" => "1920-01-10T00:00:00.000000-04:00",
"buying_power" => "0.0000",
"cash" => "0.0000",
"sma" => "0.0000",
"eligible_for_fractionals" => true,
"rhs_account_number" => 123456789,
"is_pinnacle_account" => true,
"url" => "https://api.robinhood.com/accounts/XXXXXXXX/",
"deposit_halted" => false,
"can_downgrade_to_cash" => "https://api.robinhood.com/accounts/XXXXXXXX/can_downgrade_to_cash/",
"permanently_deactivated" => false,
"max_ach_early_access_amount" => "1000.00",
"sma_held_for_orders" => "0.0000",
"fractional_position_closing_only" => false,
def user
"created_at" => "1920-01-10T00:00:00.000000-04:00",
"email" => "[email protected]",
"email_verified" => true,
"first_name" => "First",
"id" => "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"id_info" => "https://api.robinhood.com/user/id/",
"last_name" => "Last",
"origin" => %{"locality" => "US"},
"profile_name" => "FirstL12345",
"url" => "https://api.robinhood.com/user/",
"username" => "first.last"
def investment_profile
"annual_income" => "...",
"interested_in_options" => "...",
"investment_experience" => "...",
"investment_experience_collected" => true,
"investment_objective" => "...",
"liquid_net_worth" => "...",
"liquidity_needs" => "...",
"option_trading_experience" => "...",
"professional_trader" => "...",
"risk_tolerance" => "...",
"source_of_funds" => "...",
"suitability_verified" => true,
"tax_bracket" => "...",
"time_horizon" => "...",
"total_net_worth" => "...",
"understand_option_spreads" => "...",
"updated_at" => "1920-01-10T00:00:00.000000-04:00",
"user" => "api.robinhood.com/user/"
def portfolios
"results" => [
"account" => "https://api.robinhood.com/accounts/XXXXXXXX/",
"adjusted_equity_previous_close" => "0.0000",
"adjusted_portfolio_equity_previous_close" => "0.0000",
"equity" => "0.0000",
"equity_previous_close" => "0.0000",
"excess_maintenance" => "0.0000",
"excess_maintenance_with_uncleared_deposits" => "0.0000",
"excess_margin" => "0.0000",
"excess_margin_with_uncleared_deposits" => "0.0000",
"extended_hours_equity" => "0.0000",
"extended_hours_market_value" => "0.0000",
"extended_hours_portfolio_equity" => "0.0000",
"last_core_equity" => "0.0000",
"last_core_market_value" => "0.0000",
"last_core_portfolio_equity" => "0.0000",
"market_value" => "0.0000",
"portfolio_equity_previous_close" => "0.0000",
"start_date" => "1920-01-10T00:00:00.000000-04:00",
"unwithdrawable_deposits" => "0.0000",
"unwithdrawable_grants" => "0.0000",
"url" => "https://api.robinhood.com/portfolios/XXXXXXXX/",
"withdrawable_amount" => "0.0000"
def dividends
def positions
def securities_owned
def query_instruments(stock)
"next" => nil,
"previous" => nil,
"results" => [
"bloomberg_unique" => "EQ0010169500001000",
"country" => "US",
"day_trade_ratio" => "0.2500",
"default_collar_fraction" => "0.05",
"fractional_tradability" => "tradable",
"fundamentals" => "https://api.robinhood.com/fundamentals/AAPL/",
"id" => "450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e",
"list_date" => "1990-01-02",
"maintenance_ratio" => "0.2500",
"margin_initial_ratio" => "0.5000",
"market" => "https://api.robinhood.com/markets/XNAS/",
"min_tick_size" => nil,
"name" => "Apple Inc. Common Stock",
"quote" => "https://api.robinhood.com/quotes/AAPL/",
"rhs_tradability" => "tradable",
"simple_name" => "Apple",
"splits" => "https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e/splits/",
"state" => "active",
"symbol" => "AAPL",
"tradability" => "tradable",
"tradable_chain_id" => "7dd906e5-7d4b-4161-a3fe-2c3b62038482",
"tradeable" => true,
"type" => "stock",
"url" => "https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e/"
def instrument(symbol)
"next" => nil,
"previous" => nil,
"results" => [
"bloomberg_unique" => "EQ0010169500001000",
"country" => "US",
"day_trade_ratio" => "0.2500",
"default_collar_fraction" => "0.05",
"fractional_tradability" => "tradable",
"fundamentals" => "https://api.robinhood.com/fundamentals/AAPL/",
"id" => "450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e",
"list_date" => "1990-01-02",
"maintenance_ratio" => "0.2500",
"margin_initial_ratio" => "0.5000",
"market" => "https://api.robinhood.com/markets/XNAS/",
"min_tick_size" => nil,
"name" => "Apple Inc. Common Stock",
"quote" => "https://api.robinhood.com/quotes/AAPL/",
"rhs_tradability" => "tradable",
"simple_name" => "Apple",
"splits" => "https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e/splits/",
"state" => "active",
"symbol" => "AAPL",
"tradability" => "tradable",
"tradable_chain_id" => "7dd906e5-7d4b-4161-a3fe-2c3b62038482",
"tradeable" => true,
"type" => "stock",
"url" => "https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e/"
def quote(id)
"adjusted_previous_close" => "121.100000",
"ask_price" => "120.870000",
"ask_size" => 236,
"bid_price" => "120.830000",
"bid_size" => 100,
"has_traded" => true,
"instrument" => "https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e/",
"last_extended_hours_trade_price" => "120.850000",
"last_trade_price" => "121.190000",
"last_trade_price_source" => "consolidated",
"previous_close" => "121.100000",
"previous_close_date" => "2020-10-13",
"symbol" => "AAPL",
"trading_halted" => false,
"updated_at" => "2020-10-14T22:46:28Z"
def quote_list(ids)
"results" => [
"adjusted_previous_close" => "121.100000",
"ask_price" => "121.100000",
"ask_size" => 50,
"bid_price" => "120.920000",
"bid_size" => 10,
"has_traded" => true,
"instrument" => "https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e/",
"last_extended_hours_trade_price" => "121.060000",
"last_trade_price" => "121.190000",
"last_trade_price_source" => "consolidated",
"previous_close" => "121.100000",
"previous_close_date" => "2020-10-13",
"symbol" => "AAPL",
"trading_halted" => false,
"updated_at" => "2020-10-14T23:13:18Z"
"adjusted_previous_close" => "222.860000",
"ask_price" => "220.800000",
"ask_size" => 6,
"bid_price" => "220.350000",
"bid_size" => 1,
"has_traded" => true,
"instrument" => "https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/50810c35-d215-4866-9758-0ada4ac79ffa/",
"last_extended_hours_trade_price" => "220.600000",
"last_trade_price" => "220.860000",
"last_trade_price_source" => "consolidated",
"previous_close" => "222.860000",
"previous_close_date" => "2020-10-13",
"symbol" => "MSFT",
"trading_halted" => false,
"updated_at" => "2020-10-14T23:12:07Z"
def stock_marketdata(symbols) # !
- stock (str): stock ticker/s
- interval (str): resolution of data ~~> Values are
. - span (str): length of data ~~>
, or5year
. - bounds (atom ~~>
): extended or regular trading hours ~~> default is:regular
def historical_quotes(symbol, interval, span, bounds \\ :regular)
"results" => [
"InstrumentID" => "450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e",
"bounds" => "regular",
"historicals" => [
"begins_at" => "2020-10-14T14:00:00Z",
"close_price" => "122.120000",
"high_price" => "122.820000",
"interpolated" => false,
"low_price" => "121.180000",
"open_price" => "122.690700",
"session" => "reg",
"volume" => 13558258
"begins_at" => "2020-10-14T15:00:00Z",
"close_price" => "120.815000",
"high_price" => "122.270000",
"interpolated" => false,
"low_price" => "120.720000",
"open_price" => "122.130000",
"session" => "reg",
"volume" => 7667417
"instrument" => "https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e/",
"interval" => "hour",
"open_price" => "121.000000",
"open_time" => "2020-10-14T13:30:00Z",
"previous_close_price" => "121.100000",
"previous_close_time" => "2020-10-13T20:00:00Z",
"quote" => "https://api.robinhood.com/quotes/450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e/",
"span" => "day",
"symbol" => "AAPL"
def popularity(id) # !
Args: tag - Tags may include but are not limited to:
def tickers_by_tag(tag)
"canonical_examples" => "",
"description" => "",
"instruments" => [
"membership_count" => 20,
"name" => "Top Movers",
"slug" => "top-movers"
def fundamentals(symbol)
"average_volume" => "155470041.000000",
"average_volume_2_weeks" => "155470041.000000",
"ceo" => "Timothy Donald Cook",
"description" => "Apple, Inc. engages in the design, manufacture, and sale of smartphones, personal computers, tablets, wearables and accessories, and other variety of related services. It operates through the following geographical segments: Americas, Europe, Greater China, Japan, and Rest of Asia Pacific. The Americas segment includes North and South America. The Europe segment consists of European countries, as well as India, the Middle East, and Africa. The Greater China segment comprises of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The Rest of Asia Pacific segment includes Australia and Asian countries. Its products and services include iPhone, Mac, iPad, AirPods, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Beats products, Apple Care, iCloud, digital content stores, streaming, and licensing services. The company was founded by Steven Paul Jobs, Ronald Gerald Wayne, and Stephen G. Wozniak on April 1, 1976 and is headquartered in Cupertino, CA.",
"dividend_yield" => "0.639068",
"float" => "17320118735.700001",
"headquarters_city" => "Cupertino",
"headquarters_state" => "California",
"high" => "123.030000",
"high_52_weeks" => "137.980000",
"industry" => "Telecommunications Equipment",
"instrument" => "https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/450dfc6d-5510-4d40-abfb-f633b7d9be3e/",
"low" => "119.620000",
"low_52_weeks" => "53.152500",
"market_cap" => "2101107387000.000000",
"num_employees" => 137000,
"open" => "121.000000",
"pb_ratio" => "29.491300",
"pe_ratio" => "37.819600",
"sector" => "Electronic Technology",
"shares_outstanding" => "17337300000.000000",
"volume" => "150969107.000000",
"year_founded" => 1976
- instrument_url: the RH URL for the instrument (str)
- symbol: the ticker symbol for the instrument (str)
- order_type: 'market' or 'limit'
- time_in_force: 'gfd' or 'gtc' (day or until cancelled) (str)
- trigger: 'immediate' or 'stop' (str)
- price: The share price you'll accept (float)
- stop_price: The price at which the order becomes a market or limit order (float)
- quantity: The number of shares to buy/sell (int)
- side: 'buy' or 'sell' (str)
def order(order_id)
def order_history
def place_market_buy_order(instrument_url, symbol, quantity, time_in_force \\ "gtc")
def place_limit_buy_order(instrument_url, symbol, price, quantity, time_in_force \\ "gtc")
def place_stop_loss_buy_order(instrument_url, symbol, stop_price, quantity, time_in_force \\ "gtc")
def place_stop_limit_buy_order(instrument_url, symbol, price, stop_price, quantity, time_in_force \\ "gtc")
def place_market_sell_order(instrument_url, symbol, quantity, time_in_force \\ "gtc")
def place_limit_sell_order(instrument_url, symbol, price, quantity, time_in_force \\ "gtc")
def place_stop_loss_sell_order(instrument_url, symbol, stop_price, quantity, time_in_force \\ "gtc")
def place_stop_limit_sell_order(instrument_url, symbol, price, stop_price, quantity, time_in_force \\ "gtc")
def cancel_order(order_id)
def set_account_url
it's easier to use: place_market_buy_order()
, place_limit_sell_order()
, etc...
- instrument_URL: the RH URL for the instrument (str)
- symbol: the ticker symbol for the instrument (str)
- order_type: 'market' or 'limit'
- time_in_force: 'gfd' or 'gtc' (day or until cancelled) (str)
- trigger: 'immediate' or 'stop' (str)
- price: The share price you'll accept (float)
- stop_price: The price at which the order becomes a market or limit order (float)
- quantity: The number of shares to buy/sell (int)
- side: 'buy' or 'sell' (str)
def place_order(instrument_url, symbol, order_type, time_in_force, trigger, price, stop_price, quantity, side)
- Go to robinhood.com. Log out if you're already logged in
- Right click > Inspect element
- Click on Network tab
- Enter
in the input line at the top where it says "Filter" - With the network monitor-er open, login to Robinhood
- You'll see two new urls pop up that say "api.robinhood.com" and "/oauth2/token"
- Click the one that's not 0 bytes in size
- Click on Headers, then scroll down to the Request Payload section
- Here, you'll see new JSON parameters for your login. What you'll need here is the device token.
- Make sure you keep this saved
- If using the device_token from this method then 2FA will probably be bypassed.