Version 2.0 (January 23, 2021)
Added alora.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Renamed setup-alora.tp2 -> alora.tp2 , and moved it into alora top-folder to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced AUTHOR
keyword with SUPPORT
deprecated command with README
function to convert string entries for EE games.
Added component DESIGNATED
number and "alora_npc_for_bg2 "LABEL
Gathered Alora mod for classical BG2 and BG2:EE in one single package, and added native EET compatibility.
Commented code as much as possible.
Removed useless pdialog.2da and interdia.2da patching for BG2 standalone games.
bcmalor.d: Integrated Lollorian's class script trigger fixes .
ucmg702.baf: Added "Continue()
" to the script block that is patched via EXTEND_TOP
Rewrote installation procedure to use WeiDU's built-in HANDLE_AUDIO
Added Alora and Edwin sound clips for every translated language.
Fixed Alora portraits in EE games and removed portraits installation as they already exist in games biff files.
Added foreign languages WeiDU prompts whenever possible.
Proofread tra files (jazira).
Added French translation (by tonton-thon), proofread by jazira.
Re-formated, updated and renamed readme file to alora-readme.html and moved it into new readme folder.
Removed useless portraits and backup folder.
Lower cased files.
Updated OggDec to v1.9.7.
Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
Included Linux and Mac Os X versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
Updated WeiDU installer to v247.
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