Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
We conduct research to support a sustainable use of our natural resources to benefit both mankind and the environment.
- Leipzig, Germany
- https://www.ufz.de/
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Showing 10 of 33 repositories
- galaxy-tools Public
Helmholtz-UFZ/galaxy-tools’s past year of commit activity - decimatoR Public Forked from elizavetashch/decimatoR
An R package to convert coordinate formats into decimal degrees
Helmholtz-UFZ/decimatoR’s past year of commit activity - saqc Public
This is a read-only mirror, comments, issues and pull requests are very welcome on https://git.ufz.de/rdm-software/saqc.
Helmholtz-UFZ/saqc’s past year of commit activity - network-meta-analysis-using-crop.yield.data Public Forked from maxanochirim/network-meta-analysis-using-crop.yield.data
R-Code, dataset and results for the article "The implementation of network meta-analysis in Ecology; a case study using crop yield data.
Helmholtz-UFZ/network-meta-analysis-using-crop.yield.data’s past year of commit activity - MiniSpecFirmware Public
Firmware for STM32-Nukleo board driving cutom hardware for the Hamamatsu C12880MA Mini-Spectrometer
Helmholtz-UFZ/MiniSpecFirmware’s past year of commit activity - MiniSpecHardware Public
Custom hardware to connect the Hamamatsu C12880MA Mini-Spectrometer with a STM32-Nukleo
Helmholtz-UFZ/MiniSpecHardware’s past year of commit activity