This changelog was generated by GitHub. We've also generated our own changelog which might be easier to follow.
What's Changed
- Create config.yml to add Puter Discord to the issue screen by @Zac0511 in #631
- Add issue template for meta suggestions by @secondtruth in #619
- Update README.md by @Zac0511 in #632
- Add badges by @Zac0511 in #633
- Traits, and Services as Drivers by @KernelDeimos in #607
- Add Indonesian Translation for i18n by @fauzipadlaw in #638
- Update Kurdish language template by @BryarGh in #640
- Eric/test drivers by @KernelDeimos in #647
- Update Dutch translations by @RandomStrangerOnTheInternet in #646
- Complete Korean translation #541 by @ljyamada in #648
- Updated Korean translation file by @de1eb in #650
- Hebrew translation by @Razy-F in #654
module by @KernelDeimos in #653- broadcast message encryption by @KernelDeimos in #656
- Completed Translation of English To Portuguese(Portugal) by @NGunjyal01 in #657
- completed translation english to danish in da.js by @NGunjyal01 in #658
- completed translation english to swedish in sv.js by @JoelSjogren in #659
- Added Finnish translations related to issue #536 by @Ranegg in #661
- Add security email to contact section by @looz0 in #662
- Add Danish translation of README.en.md by @JesHansen in #679
- 672 Adding readme portuguese translation by @TatianaMagnus in #680
- added readme translation into Russian by @NFFY88 in #681
- fix broken links in readme by @NFFY88 in #683
- Add feature flags by @KernelDeimos in #686
- translate README.md to spanish by @juank0205 in #685
- chore: update SystemFSEntryService.js by @eltociear in #689
- added readme translation into hindi by @abhishekpaturkar in #690
- Translate README.md to japanese by @calreed-prof in #691
- Created Read.me in Turkish. by @emrhngngr in #695
- Create README in Korean by @jsdmas in #698
- Require verified email to enable 2FA by @KernelDeimos in #699
- Added Readme in Vietnamese by @Priyanshu1035 in #700
- add Chinese, add language tag by @Sam-SSTU in #702
- added readme file in Italian by @FabioDePalma in #703
- AI Streaming + Claude + puter.drivers by @KernelDeimos in #704
- Added README.bn.md by @Priyanshu1035 in #705
- feat(readme): add french readme respecting format and styling by @Morraycage in #707
- Add Tamil readme file by @yanniro2 in #706
- Add README.id.md by @fauzipadlaw in #708
- Add link to Indonesian in main readme by @fauzipadlaw in #709
- Added the README.ro.md file by @Atharva089 in #711
- Fixes issue #677: Translate README.md from English to Romanian by @catalin-lungu in #712
- Create README.th.md by @Panyakornk in #717
- Added README.ar.md by @yomalbalooshi in #718
- translated README.en.md from English to Polish by @VinayakPaka in #719
- Update README.md by @Zac0511 in #726
- Translated README section to Urdu with correct clickable links by @EngrAdnanAhmad in #727
- dev: launchApp as registered ipc handler by @KernelDeimos in #724
- chore: rename putil by @KernelDeimos in #729
- GUI bundle update by @KernelDeimos in #730
- translate README.md to finnish by @Pulkitxm in #740
- No need word repetition for gambar in Indonesian by @fauzipadlaw in #746
- Create README.he.md by @OrelsProjects in #747
- README.en.md translated to Farsi and added to project by @Sky-De in #748
- dev: update ipc ready and app launched events by @KernelDeimos in #749
- Create README.hy.md by @gng92 in #751
- Add Swedish Readme content by @Pulkitxm in #742
- Add Dutch Readme content by @Pulkitxm in #743
- translate README.md to Ukrainian by @Pulkitxm in #741
- Add Malayalam translation to README.md by @rinogodson in #753
- Ukrainian Translation added by @SergiyZyuzko in #757
- feat: hungarian readme translation by @gyarfasB in #760
- Update README.ko.md to fix phrasing issues by @the-heidi in #762
- Issue670/english to german by @bibekp-dev in #763
- Added Swedish translation | Other fixes by @4nshuman in #765
- feat: translate README.md to Dutch by @ruthwikchikoti in #770
- dev: update v86, switch twisp to epoxy-server with twisp feature by @ProgrammerIn-wonderland in #788
- v86 9p server by @ProgrammerIn-wonderland in #794
- change PWD to not use prompt-path and fix unicode issues by @ProgrammerIn-wonderland in #800
- switch ne2k_pci to virtio by @ProgrammerIn-wonderland in #801
- [WIP] Puter client-side filesystem caching by @KernelDeimos in #795
- added telugu language translation by @lohitkotni in #803
- Update the "bug report" issue template to an issue form by @Zac0511 in #802
- CI: Add a simple test workflow by @bitsnaps in #782
- Update README.te.md by @lohitkotni in #805
- v86 persistence by @ProgrammerIn-wonderland in #807
- Preparation for adding a service manager to puter.js by @KernelDeimos in #810
- Issue/zip operation by @4nshuman in #787
- WIP symlink, net_device virtio, move fixes, upload binary fixes by @ProgrammerIn-wonderland in #814
- minor documentation fixes by @djelacik in #817
- Edit "Puter version" title and description in the bug report template by @Zac0511 in #816
- Update README.fr.md by @Zac0511 in #830
- Added a chime to play on user's first interaction by @4nshuman in #831
- Revert "Added a chime to play on user's first interaction" by @KernelDeimos in #837
- Update es.js by @Abhinav-Bansal751 in #882
- Filled the missing Bengali translation and updated the old translation by @FahimFBA in #885
- fixixng arabic translation by @NadaAly56 in #888
- Update bn.js by @kazi331 in #887
- issue #842 by @Barkatzx in #889
- Added missing translations for Bengali localization (#842) by @motabbirhossain in #886
- Revert "Added missing translations for Bengali localization (#842)" by @jelveh in #890
- Translate completed to Portuguese-BR by @LuizGribner in #891
- finish translation for vi.js by @tien0412 in #894
- Update zhtw.js by @kiwipix in #895
- fix french missing translations by @nlaburu in #892
- feat(i18n): update Urdu localization with missing translations by @afaq-karim in #896
- Update th.js by @mark10112 in #897
- Fix: Resolved issue #848 - Ukrainian translation by @pashak1207 in #899
- Added installation instructions for public hosting to readme by @decipher2k in #715
- Revert "Added installation instructions for public hosting to readme" by @jelveh in #900
- Turkish translations completed and missing parts fixed (Issue #849) by @kemal-akar in #898
- Improved Work Overlay Behavior by @DavidReque in #902
- Add missing tamil translations; issue #851 by @Kumara2mahe in #903
- Update ro.js by @saltimbanc in #904
- Complete the Hungarian (Magyar) translation of Puter (Issue #867) by @PeterZsigmond in #906
- update ru.js by @yeldynov in #905
- Update pt.js by @rsdribeiroIT in #907
- Update fa.js by @AmirH-Sal in #908
- Update fr.js by @Zac0511 in #909
- Fix missing Hindi translations in hi.js by @monish-j in #910
- Updated nl.js with missing translations by @mardax007 in #911
- update issues/#845 by @SoarUI in #913
- Update zh.js by @BertramYe in #912
- Update Swedish translations in sv.js by @JessicaFredin in #914
- Fix: Japanese Translation for i18n (Issue 862) by @bestlucky123 in #915
- new transulations are added by @DigitalGenius-ui in #916
- Improve your word choice to make it easier for Indonesians to underst… by @rhecustein in #917
- Revert "Improve your word choice to make it easier for Indonesians to underst…" by @jelveh in #918
- "Complete Kurdish Translation for ku.js"Completed missing Kurdish translations in ku.js by @Rebandradha in #919
- Update hy.js by @gng92 in #920
- Update id.js #865 by @junian in #921
- Update zh translations by @monyxie in #923
- update id.js by @denisugiarto in #924
- added Korean translations by @anapimolodec in #922
- KOREAN-000861: Missing translations done by @hpark75 in #926
- Update ig.js by @Fumnanya92 in #925
- Issues #861-Add missing Korean translations by @keimindev in #927
- Update Igbo translation of words #864 by @Nathaniyell in #928
- Update he.js by @AmitMaymon in #930
- Added German translation by @ahamiltonnn in #929
- Added missing Polish translation by @kingflamez in #932
- Enable Save button in Dev Center only when settings change and add a Reset button by @ria147 in #934
- Update Italian translations by @RidvanPlluzhina in #935
- Revert "Update Italian translations" by @jelveh in #936
- PR_836_italian translation by @puyab91 in #937
- Update it.js by @danielpetrica in #939
- #871 added missing Finnish translations in fi.js by @mkalevo in #940
- Review Undefined Words and Correct it by @Aliieeee in #942
- Update ig.js by @enweazudaniel in #943
- Fixes issue #871 by @mithunmunsi in #938
- Update hy.js by @MherFrangyan in #945
- doc: ai generated comments by @KernelDeimos in #941
- File association format by @rowin-C in #946
- Revert "File association format" by @jelveh in #947
- Added the warning dialog by @paulinezhanghh in #980
- Add missing turkish translations by @ulaski in #984
- tweak: added missing hindi translation by @rowin-C in #982
- Translate billing-related strings to Persian in fa.js by @Agastya18 in #985
- Translated to Chinese by @githubalexliu in #986
- feat: added tagify in Filetype-Association input in dev center by @rowin-C in #981
- Added new Dutch translation by @arthur-adriansens in #989
- Update ur.js by @ICODER32 in #990
- sync(i18n): add Polish translations for billing-related terms by @paulinek13 in #993
- feat: add brazillian translations for billing-related terms in br.js by @samueldev900 in #994
- Japanese translation issue number 967 by @hutajoullach in #996
- japanese translations by @kirney23 in #995
- add translation for missing sentancies by @smikayel in #998
- Update ro.js by @bertsrl in #997
- Fixes issue [#976]: Add missing Finnish translations. by @JJooaa in #999
- Issue #961, filled missing translations, Updating ru.js by @HeorhiiPavlovskyi in #1001
- Update he.js by @Tristramit in #1002
- feat: added a few Korean translatations by @sumi1239 in #1003
- Close apps by clicking on icons (issue #944) + awesome animations! by @arthur-adriansens in #1005
- Fix issue #970 by @arrafi-ahmed in #1006
- update id translations by @wildanhkm in #1004
- Update id.js by @zefta27 in #1007
- Revert "Update id.js" by @jelveh in #1008
- Created test cases for issue #878 by @joeni21 in #1009
- Revert "Created test cases for issue #878 " by @jelveh in #1011
- Update it.js by @danielpetrica in #1012
- Added missing Italian translations (#968) by @CriDM in #1013
- Complete the Ukrainian (Українська) translation of Puter · Issue #956 · HeyPuter/puter by @gwyneblaidd in #1014
- Add Bengali translations for billing module strings by @nafisa45 in #1015
- Completed Arabic translations for issue #948 by @hasanayoub in #1016
- Update Arabic translations for issue #948 by @RamiIbrahim2002 in #1017
- tweak: update ua translations; by @dmytro-nesteruk in #1018
- Added Traditional Chinese translations by @Elisassa in #1019
- Added to new Tamil Words to the ta.js file. by @cprogrammer1209 in #1010
- feat: Complete the German (Deutsch) translation of Puter #952 by @akuumaa in #1022
- feat: (#954) Add Vietnamese translations for billing-related terms by @lvluu in #1020
- feat: add Vietnamese translations for billing in vi.js by @vulct174 in #1021
- (#954) Add Vietnamese translations for billing-related terms by @lephuongnam22 in #1023
- feat: Complete the Vietnamese translation of Puter #954 by @hoursing in #1025
- Update th.js by @nathnapa88 in #1026
- portuguese translations for #963 issue added by @loismbferraz in #1028
- feat: set max token to 8096 by @devanenWl in #1031
- Complete Igbo translations for missing keys (#969) by @Victor-Evogor in #1034
- Update missing translations for Igbo by @Nathaniyell in #1035
- Revert "Update missing translations for Igbo" by @jelveh in #1036
- fixed "Complete the Igbo translation of Puter #969" issue by @Exclusiveideas in #1038
- Add missing Thai translations in th.js by @twuttiwat in #1040
- feat: add Escape key functionality to UIPrompt for closing the prompt by @Agastya18 in #1039
- Update Swedish translations in sv.js by @saud-saeed in #1042
- refactor: adjust max_tokens for specific models by @KenKout in #1041
- Added Spanish translations for all the missing translations. by @rdsingh120 in #1045
- kurdish translate ismailix by @ismailix in #1044
- Korean translation improvement (#966) by @nicola-laura in #1046
- Complete Hungarian translation of Puter #972 by @phellinger in #1048
- Add Hungarian translations by @vasarmilan in #1052
- fix: resolve issue #983 - Stuck on Creating new app loading screen by @mariatouil in #1051
- Revert "fix: resolve issue #983 - Stuck on Creating new app loading s… by @jelveh in #1053
- Fix languages orders in translations.js by @landof in #1054
- Update dev-center.js to improve UX by @alizargit in #1056
- Resolved Issue #965: Completed Kurdish Translations by @Abdulbasit0123 in #1043
- Revert "Resolved Issue #965: Completed Kurdish Translations" by @jelveh in #1057
- Complete Korean translation for ko.js (#966) by @dev-wonny in #1047
- Add missing French translations (#975) by @hexsproductions in #1058
- feature(issue #975) finish French translations by @themermabrouk in #1055
- add missing danish translations by @lauritsbonde in #1062
- #875 Complete the Danish (Dansk) translation of Puter by @MPiya in #1061
- Finish Danish translation, resolve issue #875 by @biocyberman in #1060
- Update da.js #875 by @charlottekatzmann in #1063
- Update README.zh.md by @bestlaw66 in #1065
- Fix explorer table extra white space on right by @bill-c-law in #1067
- Complete Malayalam translation based on English file #754 by @joswin18 in #1075
- feat: Complete the French (Français) translation of Puter #975 by @HatemLamia in #1024
- Create devcontainer.json by @akamas in #1076
- Revert "Create devcontainer.json" by @jelveh in #1078
- Fix: drag-and-drop issue: files not appearing on desktop automatically by @mariatouil in #1050
- Revert "Fix: drag-and-drop issue: files not appearing on desktop automatically" by @jelveh in #1079
- English README translated to Persian language by @ahmadkani in #1082
New Contributors
- @fauzipadlaw made their first contribution in #638
- @BryarGh made their first contribution in #640
- @RandomStrangerOnTheInternet made their first contribution in #646
- @ljyamada made their first contribution in #648
- @de1eb made their first contribution in #650
- @Razy-F made their first contribution in #654
- @NGunjyal01 made their first contribution in #657
- @JoelSjogren made their first contribution in #659
- @Ranegg made their first contribution in #661
- @looz0 made their first contribution in #662
- @JesHansen made their first contribution in #679
- @TatianaMagnus made their first contribution in #680
- @NFFY88 made their first contribution in #681
- @juank0205 made their first contribution in #685
- @abhishekpaturkar made their first contribution in #690
- @calreed-prof made their first contribution in #691
- @emrhngngr made their first contribution in #695
- @jsdmas made their first contribution in #698
- @Priyanshu1035 made their first contribution in #700
- @Sam-SSTU made their first contribution in #702
- @FabioDePalma made their first contribution in #703
- @Morraycage made their first contribution in #707
- @yanniro2 made their first contribution in #706
- @Atharva089 made their first contribution in #711
- @catalin-lungu made their first contribution in #712
- @Panyakornk made their first contribution in #717
- @yomalbalooshi made their first contribution in #718
- @VinayakPaka made their first contribution in #719
- @EngrAdnanAhmad made their first contribution in #727
- @Pulkitxm made their first contribution in #740
- @OrelsProjects made their first contribution in #747
- @Sky-De made their first contribution in #748
- @gng92 made their first contribution in #751
- @rinogodson made their first contribution in #753
- @SergiyZyuzko made their first contribution in #757
- @gyarfasB made their first contribution in #760
- @the-heidi made their first contribution in #762
- @bibekp-dev made their first contribution in #763
- @4nshuman made their first contribution in #765
- @ruthwikchikoti made their first contribution in #770
- @ProgrammerIn-wonderland made their first contribution in #788
- @lohitkotni made their first contribution in #803
- @bitsnaps made their first contribution in #782
- @djelacik made their first contribution in #817
- @Abhinav-Bansal751 made their first contribution in #882
- @FahimFBA made their first contribution in #885
- @NadaAly56 made their first contribution in #888
- @kazi331 made their first contribution in #887
- @Barkatzx made their first contribution in #889
- @motabbirhossain made their first contribution in #886
- @LuizGribner made their first contribution in #891
- @tien0412 made their first contribution in #894
- @kiwipix made their first contribution in #895
- @nlaburu made their first contribution in #892
- @afaq-karim made their first contribution in #896
- @mark10112 made their first contribution in #897
- @pashak1207 made their first contribution in #899
- @decipher2k made their first contribution in #715
- @kemal-akar made their first contribution in #898
- @DavidReque made their first contribution in #902
- @Kumara2mahe made their first contribution in #903
- @saltimbanc made their first contribution in #904
- @PeterZsigmond made their first contribution in #906
- @yeldynov made their first contribution in #905
- @rsdribeiroIT made their first contribution in #907
- @AmirH-Sal made their first contribution in #908
- @monish-j made their first contribution in #910
- @mardax007 made their first contribution in #911
- @SoarUI made their first contribution in #913
- @BertramYe made their first contribution in #912
- @JessicaFredin made their first contribution in #914
- @bestlucky123 made their first contribution in #915
- @DigitalGenius-ui made their first contribution in #916
- @rhecustein made their first contribution in #917
- @Rebandradha made their first contribution in #919
- @junian made their first contribution in #921
- @monyxie made their first contribution in #923
- @denisugiarto made their first contribution in #924
- @anapimolodec made their first contribution in #922
- @hpark75 made their first contribution in #926
- @Fumnanya92 made their first contribution in #925
- @keimindev made their first contribution in #927
- @Nathaniyell made their first contribution in #928
- @AmitMaymon made their first contribution in #930
- @ahamiltonnn made their first contribution in #929
- @kingflamez made their first contribution in #932
- @ria147 made their first contribution in #934
- @RidvanPlluzhina made their first contribution in #935
- @puyab91 made their first contribution in #937
- @danielpetrica made their first contribution in #939
- @mkalevo made their first contribution in #940
- @Aliieeee made their first contribution in #942
- @mithunmunsi made their first contribution in #938
- @MherFrangyan made their first contribution in #945
- @rowin-C made their first contribution in #946
- @paulinezhanghh made their first contribution in #980
- @ulaski made their first contribution in #984
- @Agastya18 made their first contribution in #985
- @githubalexliu made their first contribution in #986
- @arthur-adriansens made their first contribution in #989
- @ICODER32 made their first contribution in #990
- @paulinek13 made their first contribution in #993
- @samueldev900 made their first contribution in #994
- @hutajoullach made their first contribution in #996
- @kirney23 made their first contribution in #995
- @smikayel made their first contribution in #998
- @bertsrl made their first contribution in #997
- @JJooaa made their first contribution in #999
- @HeorhiiPavlovskyi made their first contribution in #1001
- @Tristramit made their first contribution in #1002
- @sumi1239 made their first contribution in #1003
- @arrafi-ahmed made their first contribution in #1006
- @wildanhkm made their first contribution in #1004
- @zefta27 made their first contribution in #1007
- @joeni21 made their first contribution in #1009
- @CriDM made their first contribution in #1013
- @gwyneblaidd made their first contribution in #1014
- @nafisa45 made their first contribution in #1015
- @hasanayoub made their first contribution in #1016
- @RamiIbrahim2002 made their first contribution in #1017
- @dmytro-nesteruk made their first contribution in #1018
- @Elisassa made their first contribution in #1019
- @cprogrammer1209 made their first contribution in #1010
- @akuumaa made their first contribution in #1022
- @lvluu made their first contribution in #1020
- @vulct174 made their first contribution in #1021
- @lephuongnam22 made their first contribution in #1023
- @hoursing made their first contribution in #1025
- @nathnapa88 made their first contribution in #1026
- @loismbferraz made their first contribution in #1028
- @devanenWl made their first contribution in #1031
- @Victor-Evogor made their first contribution in #1034
- @Exclusiveideas made their first contribution in #1038
- @twuttiwat made their first contribution in #1040
- @saud-saeed made their first contribution in #1042
- @KenKout made their first contribution in #1041
- @rdsingh120 made their first contribution in #1045
- @ismailix made their first contribution in #1044
- @nicola-laura made their first contribution in #1046
- @phellinger made their first contribution in #1048
- @vasarmilan made their first contribution in #1052
- @mariatouil made their first contribution in #1051
- @landof made their first contribution in #1054
- @alizargit made their first contribution in #1056
- @Abdulbasit0123 made their first contribution in #1043
- @dev-wonny made their first contribution in #1047
- @hexsproductions made their first contribution in #1058
- @themermabrouk made their first contribution in #1055
- @lauritsbonde made their first contribution in #1062
- @MPiya made their first contribution in #1061
- @biocyberman made their first contribution in #1060
- @charlottekatzmann made their first contribution in #1063
- @bestlaw66 made their first contribution in #1065
- @bill-c-law made their first contribution in #1067
- @joswin18 made their first contribution in #1075
- @HatemLamia made their first contribution in #1024
- @akamas made their first contribution in #1076
- @ahmadkani made their first contribution in #1082
Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v2.5.0