A collection of components, stores and other javascript code for use in holo happ uis.
This library includes a package.json that is only used for testing. You do NOT need to install any additional libraries to use the components in this project.
Codeowner: @mateuszRybczonek @paterick Consulted: @robbiecarlton @jettech Informed: None
npm run test
npm run build
npm run lint
contains a number of pinia stores (overview of pinia) for making connections, app info calls and zome calls in Holo and hybrid holo/holochain apps.
The hybrid case is the most complete, so I'll describe it here.
At a high level, you use a clientStore
to provide an agnostic interface for your ui, which
- tells your ui if your connection is ready to make zome calls
- lets you make zome calls
- lets you make app info calls
When creating your clientStore
you pass it an interfaceStore
, which is either a holoStore
or a holochainStore
(depending on which
context your in), which actually provides implementations of the above functionality. These two stores share a common interface.
, useHoloStore.js
, and useHolochainStore.js
each export a factory function, (makeUse[X]Store
) that take extra configuration args.
allows you to subscribe to signals from your holo or holochain connection. Pass a callback to the store to be called whenever you get a signal from either holo or holochain
useSignalStore().addCallback(signal => console.log('got signal', signal))
Note: signals are of the form
type Signal = {
// The payload of the signal as provided by the DNA
data: unknown
// The hash of the DNA that emitted this signal
// (Helpful to disambiguate if the hApp has multiple DNAs)
dna_hash: Uint8Array
allows you to check the loading status of a particular zome_name, fn_name pair. calling
useIsLoadingStore().isLoading({ zome_name, fn_name })
will return a bool
import makeUseClientStore from "@uicommon/stores/useClientStore"
import makeUseHolochainStore from "@uicommon/stores/useHolochainStore"
import useSignalStore from "@uicommon/stores/useSignalStore"
import makeUseHoloStore from "@uicommon/stores/useHoloStore"
import makeUseYourCustomDnaStore from "./useYourCustomDnaStore"
// This is just so that we have a consistent pattern of importing stores from src/stores, not individual store files
export const useUiStore = useUiStoreRaw
export const useHolochainStore = makeUseHolochainStore({
installed_app_id: 'your-local-installed-app-id',
app_ws_url: 'http://localhost:8888', // path to your local hc app websocket
: "http://localhost:24274"
export const useHoloStore = makeUseHoloStore({
// Connection args is passed directly to WebSdkApi.connect, see here for details: https://github.com/Holo-Host/web-sdk
connectionArgs: {
chaperoneUrl: CHAPERONE_URL,
export const useClientStore = makeUseClientStore({
useInterfaceStore: IS_HOSTED ? useHoloStore : useHolochainStore,
onInit: () => {
useSignalStore().addCallback(signal => useYourCustomDnaStore().handleSignal(signal))
export const useYourCustomDnaStore = makeUseYourCustomDnaStore({
From here, you can check if the client store is ready to make zome calls, and make zome calls and app info calls
const clientStore = useClientStore()
if (clientStore.isReady) {
console.log(await clientStore.appInfo())
role_name: 'your-dna-role',
zome_name: 'a-zome',
fn_name: 'a-fn',
payload: null