Version 4.3.0 / June 28, 2024
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Add to your pom.xml
Add to your build.gradle
implementation group: 'org.htmlunit', name: 'htmlunit3-android', version: '4.3.0'
HtmlUnit is a "GUI-Less browser for Java programs" usually runs on every platform supported by java.
But Android is a bit different because the Android SDK already includes some (old) classes from the Apache HttpClient. HtmlUnit uses a more recent version HttpClient; and this is where the problem begins.
To solve the conflicts, this package uses shading and includes the HttpClient and apache commons-codec in the jar file itself but with a modified package name. There are no changes done to the implementation.
Or to be more detailed, this packages includes
HtmlUnit itself (org.htmlunit, netscape.javascript)
htmlunit-core-js (org.htmlunit.corejs)
htmlunit-csp (org.htmlunit.csp)
htmlunit-cssparser (org.htmlunit.cssparser)
htmlunit-xpath (org.htmlunit.xpath)
htmlunit-websocket-client (org.htmlunit.websocket)
neko-htmlunit (org.htmlunit.cyberneko)
httpcomponents/httpmime:jar (shaded org.apache.http ->
httpcomponents/httpclient (shaded org.apache.http ->
httpcomponents/httpcore (shaded org.apache.http ->
commons-codec/commons-codec (shaded org.apache.commons.codec ->
All the other dependencies are still dependencies of this package (see the pom.xml for more).
Android 7 (Nougat)
Due to the lack of support for ThreadLocal#withInitial, the connons-io version 2.16.1 used by HtmlUnit does not work. Therefore, you need to override the dependency and use commons-io 2.5 instead.
Pull Requests and and all other Community Contributions are essential for open source software. Every contribution - from bug reports to feature requests, typos to full new features - are greatly appreciated.
Usually snapshot builds are available based on the latest HtmlUnit code.
Read on if you want to try the latest bleeding-edge snapshot.
Add the snapshot repository and dependency to your pom.xml
<!-- ... -->
<id>OSS Sonatype snapshots</id>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
Add the snapshot repository and dependency to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url "" }
// ...
// ...
dependencies {
implementation group: 'org.htmlunit', name: 'htmlunit3-android', version: '3.8.0-SNAPSHOT'
// ...
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License