JavaScript / Canvas based imagediff utility.
create a new Canvas element.createImageData(width, height)
create a new ImageData object.isImage(object)
tests for Image object.isCanvas(object)
tests for Canvas object.isContext(object)
tests for CanvasRenderingContext2D object.isImageData(object)
tests for ImageData object.isImageType(object)
tests for any of the above.toImageData(object)
converts image type object to a new ImageData object.equal(a, b, tolerance)
tests image type objects for equality; accepts tolerance in pixels.diff(a, b, options)
performs an image diff on a and b, returning a - b.options.align
set to'top'
to top-align the images when diffing different sizes.
removes imagediff from the global space for compatibility, returning imagediff.imageDataToPNG(imageData, outputFile, [callback])
(node only) renders the imageData to png in outputFile with optional callback.
js-imagediff is available through the npm. It uses node-canvas which requires lib cairo to be installed.
Install js-imagediff with npm install -g imagediff
imagediff [-e|equal] [-t|tolerance VALUE] FILE_A FILE_B
tests equality of two image files with an optional tolerance, printing 'true' or 'false'.imagediff [-d|diff] FILE_A FILE_B OUTPUT_FILE
renders an imagediff between two files, saving as the output file.
Canvas has been moved to an optional dependency for better browser and browserify support. If you see a message that the module cannot be found, please check npm install
first, incase there was indeed an issue installing it. This relates to #22. Please let me know if you have any issues on account of this, or know of a better work around.
JS ImageDiff opens up the easy testing of Canvas and other image-like objects in JavaScript. js-imagediff supplies two Jasmine matchers to make this easier.
toImageDiffEqual(expected, tolerance)
expect a result to equal another image type.toBeImageData()
expect a result to be ImageData.
On failed tests, toImageDiffEqual()
will display the expected image, the actual image and the imagediff of the two letting you easily spot mistakes.
To use matchers:
beforeEach(function () {
- A demo is available at
- A Jasmine test demo is available at
- Flotr2 - unit testing
- Envision.js - unit testing
- CSS Critic - A CSS regression testing framework
- HUSL - Human-friendly HSL - used for regression testing before release.
- SUCCSS - CSS regression testing.
- Origami.js - A canvas library
If you are using js-imagediff pelase drop us a line and let us know what you are doing with it.
* Update to support Jasmine 3. * Update canvas dependency. * Expose internal Canvas. * Add async image loading for canvas (closes #31, #35, #39). * Support `--diff`, `--equal`, `--tolerance` (closes #17). * Add top-aligned diffing option. * Fix issue with diffing transparencies. * Move canvas to optional dependencies for browserify support. * Updated canvas dependency. * Add check for arguments count in diff mode. * Added NPM/node.js support. * Added command line interface for `equal` and `diff` methods. * Added `imageDataToPNG` method for node environments. * Added tolerance to handle lossy formats and provide option for acceptable difference. * Added optional width / height parameters to `createCanvas` for symmetry with `createImageData`. * Fixed issue with `toImageDiffEqual()` matcher and non Node types - will no convert ImageData and contexts to Canvas elements for display. * Moved library to imagediff.js * Added Jasmine matchers * Minor bug fixes, lint fixes.Carl Sutherland [email protected]