Creating the best friend for user desck. We will use wx250s robotic arm from trossen robotics, with kodak projector min attached to the end-effector to create a smart lamp to help the user with his work.
- Buy Kodak Projector mini 75
- download kodak manual pdf
- Use natnet_ros_cpp
This project introduces AIfred, a Clever Lamp, and innovative robotic lighting system designed to be the perfect companion for users. The system features a WX250s robotic arm from Trossen Robotics, equipped with a Kodak Mini projector mounted on its end-effector. The Clever Lamp combines advanced robotics with customizable projection capabilities, creating a versatile and interactive lighting solution.
The robotic arm's precise movements allow the projector to illuminate and transform the surrounding environment with tailored images and videos. Users can effortlessly manipulate the lamp's position and projection content, offering a unique and personalized lighting experience. The simplicity of the 3D design ensures ease of use and installation, while the customization options open up a wide range of applications, from mood lighting and entertainment to educational and professional uses.
By integrating cutting-edge robotics with user-centric design, the Clever Lamp offers immense potential for creative and practical applications, making it an indispensable addition to modern living spaces.
The objective of the project is to have a friend and tool at the disposal of the user. With a simple webcam, AIfred can detect what is appening on the user workspace and provide with usefull insights such as YouTube videos and Wikypedia links. Moreover, AIfred will be able to see your workspace intercat with you with voice (speech-to-speech) and solve on paper math for you.
To run the code you will need some prerequisites:
- Optitrack system: It is a system of camares that detect position and orientation of cetain objects thank to capability of reflection of the ball markers.
- Install natnet_ros_cpp ros package to send messages from Optitrack to your
. - For a easyer user interaction we 3D printed our universal marker. It is an object that will be easily detected from Optitrack. We call it
. - For a easyer user interaction we 3D printed our custom wx250s base, for the robot arm. It has M3 scrues to host marker balls in place and detect position of robot base. We call it
create ros package with some dependencies:
catkin_create_pkg alfred_clever_lamp std_msgs rospy roscpp
Source workspace
source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Run natnet gui to send data to your roscore
roslaunch natnet_ros_cpp gui_natnet_ros.launch
In another terminal, source the interbotix workspace and run controll package:
roslaunch interbotix_xsarm_control xsarm_control.launch robot_model:=wx250s
After building catkin workspace you can now launch clever_lamp.launch that will execute both nodes, and
source /home/gringo/clever_lamp/Computer_vision/env/bin/activate # dependencies for Computer vision roslaunch alfred_clever_lamp clever_lamp.launch
: This section of the project combine digital space wit real word with a user frendly interface. In RViz the robot is set in (0,0,0) that is the word cordinate space. But in the reality the robot is in a diffrent position in space (it depends where you position the working table). Here we take the Optitrack cordinates of the real robot base (/natnet_ros/real_base_wx250s/pose
) in relation with the real marker (/natnet_ros/umh_2/pose
), and we transform that relation with the digital robot base (wx250s/base_link
), publishing a new tf for the marker (umh_2_new
: Look at the tf transformation of the universal marker position relative to the digital space and move end effector accordingly.c.
: Look at the webcam, detect using mediapipe if you are pointing at something with your finger, take screenshot and shows YouTube video and Wikipedia of what you are looking at. If it detect some math, it solve it step by tep with you, projecting on the paper the solution. To run this script you will need to create a virtual environment with all the dependencies and activate it when launching the alfred node. (gemini 6 request evry 2:30 min. 1 min of cooldown)
Move the Universal Marker and the robot will follow pointing the projector content on the table.
Lift the Marker to change the projection surface form table to wall in fornt.
Rotate the marker to show next YouTube video or the next step in math problem.
Point on the workspace with your finger to trigger the screenshot and therfore the AI model
Speak to AIfred for more concise response or personalized google querys
Combine the 2 parts of the project and this is what you will have:
Demo example: lets say we are looking at giraffes and we are curious to know more about it, we can trigger the computer vision to tell us what it sees, and send us a YouTube video about it. Then we can manipulate the position of the projector and projct on a specific area of the table. Using chorome cast attached to the projector we have one more screen to improve our working quality.