In this release we have fixed an issue so curators may edit datasets while in review. We provide an OpenShift template for Dataverse and Docker image for experimenting with this configuration. We've made several additional bug fixes. For a complete list of changes, see the closed issues in this milestone.
- Allow curators to edit datasets while in review
- Provide OpenShift template and Docker image
- Document how one can experiment with Dataverse and OpenShift
- Fix index exception when there are Null values in TextBox-type metadata fields
- Fix missing thumbnail images for map files when stored on S3
- When Terms of Use and Terms of Access are defined, expand all populated fields on Dataset Terms tab
- Mitigate against password guessing by adding a math question to the form after 2 failed attempts
- Fix displayed navigation URLs to use Pretty URLs format
For the complete list of issues, see the 4.8.2 milestone in Github.
For help with upgrading, installing, or general questions please email [email protected].
If this is a new installation, please see our Installation Guide.
If you are upgrading from v4.x, you must upgrade to each intermediate version before installing this version. When upgrading from the previous version, you will need to do the following:
- Undeploy the previous version.
- /glassfish4/bin/asadmin list-applications
- /glassfish4/bin/asadmin undeploy dataverse
- Stop glassfish and remove the generated directory, start
- service glassfish stop
- remove the generated directory: rm -rf /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/generated
- service glassfish start
- Deploy this version.
- /glassfish4/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse-4.8.2.war
If you are upgrading from v3.x, you will need to perform a migration to v4.x since our application was redesigned and the database schema are completely different. This is a significant undertaking. Please contact us (support at dataverse.org) before beginning. Also refer to our migration google group for additional support and information: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dataverse-migration-wg
IMPORTANT: If you are running TwoRavens with your dataverse:
Make sure the two applications are using the same version of the "pre-processed statistics" R code. Compare the 2 files:
On the TwoRavens side:
On the Dataverse side:
If they are different, replace the Dataverse copy with the TwoRavens copy (i.e., the TwoRavens version wins!).
And, also, remove all the already-generated pre-processed fragments in your Dataverse file directory, for example:
cd [files directory]
rm -f `find . -name '*.prep'`
If the two copies are the same, you don't need to do any of this.
Please note that this is a temporary measure, we are working on a fix that will make the two applications resolve code version conflicts like this automatically.