Teranga.Core is a .NET library providing easy access to Senegal's administrative data (regions, departments, and communes).
- ✨ Complete administrative data of Senegal
- 🚀 High performance and thread-safe
- 🔄 Asynchronous operations
- 🎯 Zero configuration required
- 📦 Embedded data
- 🧪 Fully tested
Install-Package Teranga.Core
dotnet add package Teranga.Core
- Register the service in your application:
using Teranga.Core.Extensions;
- Use it in your application:
public class RegionsController : ControllerBase
private readonly ITerangaService _terangaService;
public RegionsController(ITerangaService terangaService)
_terangaService = terangaService;
public async Task<IActionResult> GetAllRegions()
var regions = await _terangaService.GetAllRegionsAsync();
return Ok(regions);
var regions = await _terangaService.GetAllRegionsAsync();
var dakar = await _terangaService.GetRegionByCodeAsync("DK");
var departments = await _terangaService.GetDepartmentsByRegionAsync("DK");
var commune = await _terangaService.GetCommuneByCodeAsync("DK1C1");
- Regions: 2 characters (e.g., "DK" for Dakar)
- Departments: 3 characters (e.g., "DK1")
- Communes: 5 characters (e.g., "DK1C1")
DK -> Dakar (Region)
DK1 -> Dakar (Department)
DK1C17-> Plateau (Commune)
public interface ITerangaService
Task<TerangaData> GetTerangaDataAsync();
Task<IEnumerable<Region>> GetAllRegionsAsync();
Task<Region?> GetRegionByCodeAsync(string code);
Task<IEnumerable<Department>> GetDepartmentsByRegionAsync(string regionCode);
Task<Department?> GetDepartmentByCodeAsync(string code);
Task<IEnumerable<Commune>> GetCommunesByDepartmentAsync(string departmentCode);
Task<Commune?> GetCommuneByCodeAsync(string code);
- Initial load time: < 100ms
- Simple queries: < 10ms
- Complex queries: < 50ms
- Memory usage: < 10MB
// Use dependency injection
// Handle null results
var region = await service.GetRegionByCodeAsync(code);
if (region == null) return NotFound();
// Use async/await
await service.GetAllRegionsAsync();
// Don't create instances manually
var service = new TerangaService(); // ❌
// Don't ignore null checks
return Ok(await service.GetRegionByCodeAsync(code)); // ❌
// Don't block on async calls
service.GetAllRegionsAsync().Result; // ❌
var region = await _service.GetRegionByCodeAsync(code);
if (region == null)
// Handle not found case
return NotFound();
return Ok(region);
catch (TerangaException ex)
// Handle specific exceptions
_logger.LogError(ex, "Error retrieving region");
return StatusCode(500, "An error occurred");
The service uses Microsoft.Extensions.Logging:
services.AddLogging(builder =>
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
dotnet test
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- 📫 Report issues on GitHub
- 🌟 Star the repo if you find it helpful
- 🤝 Contribute via pull requests
- Data provided by official Senegalese administrative sources
- Built with .NET 8.0
- Inspired by the need for standardized administrative data access
- Email : [email protected]
- X : @IbrahimaDiaw
- GitHub : @IbrahimaDiaw
- LinkedIn : @ibrahimaDiaw
Made with ❤️ for Senegal