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DiscountDB 🏷️

An open-source database for coupons and discounts, freely available for everyone! 🎉

Overview 🔍

DiscountDB is a community-driven platform that aims to collect and provide easy access to discount coupons across various services and retailers. Our mission is to make savings accessible to everyone through open data.

🌐 Live Website:

📚 API Repo:

Technology Stack 💻

  • Frontend: SvelteKit with shadcn-svelte components
  • Backend: Supabase
  • Package Manager: Bun
  • API Documentation: Swagger UI (available at

Getting Started 🚀

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd discountdb
  1. Install dependencies
bun install
  1. Set up environment variables
cp .env.example .env

Fill in your Supabase credentials in the .env file.

  1. Run the development server
bun dev

The application should now be running at http://localhost:5173

API Documentation 📚

Our API is fully documented using Swagger UI. You can access the documentation at:

License 📜

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). This means you're free to:

  • Use the software for any purpose
  • Study how the software works and modify it
  • Redistribute copies of the software
  • Distribute copies of your modified versions to others

For more details, see the LICENSE file.

Contributing 🤝

We're currently working on our contribution guidelines. In the meantime, feel free to:

  • Open issues for bugs you find
  • Submit feature requests
  • Fork the repository and submit pull requests

Contact 📧

If you have any questions or suggestions, please open an issue in our GitHub repository.

⭐ Star us on GitHub if you find this project useful!