The roundcube webmail-client have calendar plugin implemented by the Kolab-Project. This calendar only have a database, google and spezial kolab-backend event storage. In this project a additional backend is developed, with support for access an CalDAV server like Baikal
In the driver path of the calendar, make a simple git clone of this repository, including all submodules.
git clone caldav --recurse-submodules
change the bankend driver in (of the calendar plugin) to "caldav"
// backend type (database, google, kolab)
$rcmail_config['calendar_driver'] = "caldav";
add the CalDAV Backend path to the end of the
// Base URL to build fully qualified URIs to access calendars via CALDAV
// The following replacement variables are supported:
// %h - Current HTTP host
// %u - Current webmail user name
// %n - Calendar name
// %i - Calendar UUID
$rcmail_config['calendar_caldav_url'] = 'http://%h/cal.php/calendars/%u';
Note: only %h and %u are supported
see Issue-List: ToDos
Help is always welcome