It utilizies the new Github GraphQL API which drastically reduces the amount of requests which have to be sent over the wire to download the issues. On the downside, this requires each user to join the github early-access program and create a personal access token which has to be exposed as the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.
go install
gir is an offline github issues reader by Go to for further information.
> gir help
gir [command]
Available Commands:
add Cache an additional repository's issues
cr Selects an active repository which gir list and gir show work against
drop Removes a repository's cached data
list Lists all issues in one repository
repos Gives an overview of all cached repositories
show Gives detailed information about an issue including comments
update Updates cached issues
Use "gir [command] --help" for more information about a command.
gir has a concept of an "current repository" which allows you to omit the target repository when calling the gir list and gir show commands. You can set this current repository using the gir cr command.
> gir cr --help
gir cr <owner/name> allows you to set a default repository for gir list and gir show.
> gir repos
golang/go (1600 issues)
> gir list
No repository specified. You either have to specify a repo as an argument or enter a scope.
> gir cr golang/go
> gir list
1/CLOSED: Make Golang awesome (bradfitz)
2/CLOSED: Think about generics (robpike)
3/OPEN: Gir is a hip github issues reader (JanBerktold)
> gir show 3
issues info here
gir cr <owner/name> [flags]