vue-kindergarten is a plugin for VueJS 2.0 that integrates kindergarten into your VueJS applications. It helps you to authorize your components, routes and the rest of your application in very modular way. If you are not familiar with kindergarten yet, I highly recommend you to check out the README first.
yarn add vue-kindergarten
# or
npm install vue-kindergarten
And you can register the plugin like this:
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueKindergarten from 'vue-kindergarten';
import App from './App';
import router from './router';
import store from './store';
Vue.use(VueKindergarten, {
// Getter of your current user.
// If you use vuex, then store will be passed
child: (store) => {
return store.state.user;
// or
// return decode(localStorage.getItem('jwt'));
// or your very own logic..
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: '<App/>',
components: { App },
First we need to define our perimeters. Perimeter is a module that represents some part of your applications or a business domain. It defines rules that has to be respected and can additionally expose some methods that you can use in your application.
import { createPerimeter } from 'vue-kindergarten';
purpose: 'article',
can: {
read: () => true
// only admin or moderator can update articles
update(article) {
return this.isAdmin() || (this.isCreator(article) && this.isModerator());
// if user can update articles then she can also destroy them
destroy(article) {
return this.isAllowed('update', article);
secretNotes(article) {
this.guard('update', article);
return article.secretNotes;
isAdmin() {
return this.child.role === 'admin';
isModerator() {
return this.child.role === 'moderator';
isCreator(article) {
return ===;
expose: [
<article v-for="article in articles.items" v-show="$isAllowed('read')">
<h1>{{ article.title }}</h1>
<router-link :to="`/article/${}/edit`" v-show="$article.isAllowed('update', article)">
Edit Article
<p>{{ article.content }}</p>
<p>{{ $article.secretNotes() }}</p>
import { mapState } from 'vuex';
export default {
computed: {
// add your perimeters
perimeters: [
In example above we have injected our articlesPerimeter
into our component. Our component act as sandbox now. We can call all the methods that are available in the Sandbox directly on our component.
import Router from 'vue-router';
import { createSandbox } from 'vue-kindergarten';
import Home from '@/components/Home';
import Articles from '@/components/Articles';
import EditArticle from '@/components/EditArticle';
import RouteGoverness from '@/governesses/RouteGoverness';
import articlesPerimeter from '@/perimeters/articlesPerimeter';
import child from '@/child';
const router = new Router({
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: Home
path: '/articles',
name: 'articles',
component: Articles,
meta: {
perimeter: articlesPerimeter,
perimeterAction: 'read',
path: '/articles/:id/edit',
name: 'edit-article',
component: EditArticle,
meta: {
perimeter: articlesPerimeter,
perimeterAction: 'update',
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
to.matched.some((routeRecord) => {
const perimeter = routeRecord.meta.perimeter;
const Governess = routeRecord.meta.governess || RouteGoverness;
const action = routeRecord.meta.perimeterAction || 'route';
if (perimeter) {
const sandbox = createSandbox(child(), {
governess: new Governess(),
perimeters: [
return sandbox.guard(action, { to, from, next });
return next();
export default router;
import { HeadGoverness } from 'vue-kindergarten';
export default class RouteGoverness extends HeadGoverness {
guard(action, { next }) {
// or your very own logic to redirect user
// see. for inspiration
return this.isAllowed(action) ? next() : next('/');
Register plugin in plugins/vue-kindergarten.js
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueKindergarten from 'vue-kindergarten';
import child from '~/child';
Vue.use(VueKindergarten, {
Implement your child
getter in child.js
export default (store) => store && store.state.user;
Add reference to your plugin inside of nuxt.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: ['~/plugins/vue-kindergarten']
You can now use vue-kindergarten
in your Nuxt templates.
To protect our routes we need to create a Nuxt middleware in middleware/vue-kindergarten
import { createSandbox } from 'vue-kindergarten';
import RouteGoverness from '~/governesses/RouteGoverness';
import child from '~/child';
export default (context) => {
const { route, error, redirect, store, isServer } = context;
route.matched.some((routeRecord) => {
const options = routeRecord.components.default.options;
const perimeter = options.routePerimeter;
const Governess = options.routeGoverness || RouteGoverness;
const action = options.routePerimeterAction || 'route';
if (perimeter) {
const sandbox = createSandbox(child(store), {
governess: new Governess(context),
perimeters: [
return sandbox.guard(action, { redirect });
and again register your middleware in you Nuxt config:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
router: {
middleware: 'vue-kindergarten'
This middleware will look in you component for routePerimeter
and for routePerimeterAction
and will check if the condition passes with the currently logged-in user.
import { createPerimeter } from 'vue-kindergarten';
import articlesPerimeter from '~/perimeters/articles';
// This component will only be accessible if user can update articles
export default {
routePerimeter: articlesPerimeter,
routePerimeterAction: 'update'
The implementation of your default routing governess might look like this:
import { HeadGoverness } from 'vue-kindergarten';
export default class RouteGoverness extends HeadGoverness {
guard(action, { redirect }) {
if (this.isNotAllowed(action)) {
You can also implement you own governess per each component to define a different redirect logic based on context:
import { createPerimeter } from 'vue-kindergarten';
import articlesPerimeter from '~/perimeters/articles';
import ArticlesRoutingGoverness from '~/governesses/ArticlesRoutingGoverness';
// This component will only be accessible if user can update articles
export default {
routePerimeter: articlesPerimeter,
routePerimeterAction: 'update',
routeGoverness: ArticlesRoutingGoverness
Role Based Authorization for your Vue.js and Nuxt.js Applications Using vue-kindergarten
The MIT License (MIT) - See file 'LICENSE' in this project
Copyright © 2017 Jiří Chára. All Rights Reserved.