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A simple Telegram userbot based on Telethon .
X-tra-TelegramUniborg & Uniborg forkNana-RemixUserge-X
Your Telegram account may get banned.
Catuserbot or we are not responsible for your account,
This bot is intended for the purpose of having fun with some fun commands
and group management with some helpfull commands.
If you ended up spamming groups, getting reported left and right,
and you ended up in being fight with Telegram
and at the end Telegram Team deleted your account. DON'T BLAME US.
No personal support will be provided / We won't spoon feed you.
If you need help ask in our support group
and we or our friends will try to help you.
Thanks for using our bot 😺
Special thanks to LonamiWebs for Telethon library.To all devs of these UserbotsFinally to all contributors of Catuserbot