A Node package that exposes standardized error creation functions and a class. This package was written for Express but doesn't have any dependencies on Express or any other package, except for development.
import { BadRequest } from 'http-json-errors'
throw new BadRequest('You done messed up, son!')
isHttpError: true,
statusCode: 400,
title: 'Bad Request',
message: 'You done messed up, son!',
type: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/400',
body: {
error_text: 'You done messed up, son!'
If you don't know the error type up front, but do know the code, use the createError
function to get a custom class, or a generic one, if the status code can't be matched:
import { createError } from 'http-json-errors'
throw createError(401, 'OMG!')
isHttpError: true,
statusCode: 401,
title: 'Unauthorized',
message: 'OMG!',
type: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/401',
body: {
error_text: 'OMG!'
Create your own custom Error message using the HttpError class:
import { HttpError } from 'http-json-errors'
throw new HttpError(401, {message: 'OMG!', body: { error_code: 'OMG!', error_text: 'I wish you wouldn\'t have done that.' } });
isHttpError: true,
statusCode: 401,
title: 'Internal Server Error',
message: 'OMG!',
body: {
error_code: 'OMG!',
error_text: "I wish you wouldn't have done that."
This project was built in TypeScript and contains exported interfaces and type definitions for your convenience. The module is designed to use ES6 imports.
// Check out the Custom HTTP Error Classes section for a full list of custom classes!
import { BadRequest, HttpErrorOptions } from 'http-json-errors'
function totallyThrowsABadRequestError(options: HttpErrorOptions) {
throw new BadRequest(options)
totallyThrowsABadRequestError('The user did something completely new that NOONE foresaw')
isHttpError: true,
statusCode: 400,
title: 'Bad Request',
message: 'The user did something completely new that NOONE foresaw',
type: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/400',
body: {
error_text: 'The user did something completely new that NOONE foresaw'
Note that in the examples above the returned object contains both Error detail and a response body that can be returned to the user. The body defaults to an object with the format below. Any stand-alone strings will be assigned to the message
property, and if the status is < 500, this will be copied to the body.
import { HttpError } from 'http-json-errors'
throw new HttpError(400, 'Bad stuff happened')
isHttpError: true,
statusCode: 400,
title: 'Internal Server Error',
message: 'Bad stuff happened',
body: { error_text: 'Bad stuff happened' }
If the error code is >= 500, you should provide a body by passing an HttpErrorOptions object (one of the exported TypeScript interfaces). Note that any options provided in this way overwrite the default options.
import { HttpError } from 'http-json-errors'
throw new HttpError(500, 'Bad stuff happened', {body: {error_code: 'Why', error_description: 'You did the thing you should not have done' }})
isHttpError: true,
statusCode: 500,
title: 'Internal Server Error',
message: 'Bad stuff happened',
body: {
error_code: 'Why',
error_description: 'You did the thing you should not have done'
new BadRequest('Bad stuff happened', {body: 'That was not good'})
isHttpError: true,
statusCode: 400,
title: 'Bad Request',
message: 'Bad stuff happened',
type: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/400',
body: 'That was not good'
import { NotImplemented } from 'http-json-errors'
throw new NotImplemented({body: {excuse: 'I just write the code. THEY designed the damn thing'}})
isHttpError: true,
statusCode: 501,
title: 'Not Implemented',
message: 'The request method is not supported by the server and cannot be handled.',
type: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/501',
body: { excuse: 'I just write the code. THEY designed the damn thing' }
The following custom classes are available:
HTTP Status Code | Exported Class Name |
400 | BadRequest |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | NotFound |
405 | MethodNotAllowed |
406 | NotAcceptable |
407 | ProxyAuthenticationRequired |
408 | RequestTimeout |
409 | Conflict |
410 | Gone |
411 | LengthRequired |
412 | PreconditionFailed |
413 | PayloadTooLarge |
414 | URITooLong |
415 | UnsupportedMediaType |
416 | RangeNotSatisfiable |
417 | ExpectationFailed |
418 | ImATeapot |
421 | MisdirectedRequest |
422 | UnprocessableEntity |
423 | Locked |
424 | FailedDependency |
425 | TooEarly |
426 | UpgradeRequired |
428 | PreconditionRequired |
429 | TooManyRequests |
431 | RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge |
451 | UnavailableForLegalReasons |
500 | InternalServerError |
501 | NotImplemented |
502 | BadGateway |
503 | ServiceUnavailable |
504 | GatewayTimeout |
505 | HTTPVersionNotSupported |
506 | VariantAlsoNegotiates |
507 | InsufficientStorage |
511 | NetworkAuthenticationRequired |
Version | Notes |
1.2.0 | Initial release: Why start at 1? |
1.2.1 | Updates to Readme; Added type file headers; Added .editorconfig; |
1.2.2 | Fixed name in readme |
1.2.3 | Added body and isHttpError properties to HttpError class; Security update for mocha; Updated Readme with new content and more examples |
1.2.4 | Changed statusCode to primary status property to be in line with NodeJS; status is now just a read-only property; Updated tests to reflect change |
1.2.5 | A string passed to a custom class will be set as the body error_text value. Updated examples to reflect the change. Updated dev dependency versions. |
1.2.6 | Developer environment updates: updated to [email protected]; Removed all implicit any values; replaced object with Record<string, any>; migrated from tslint to eslint; added VSCode settings. |
1.2.7-1.2.8 | Updates to NPM package |
1.2.9 | Updated mocha to address security advisory: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-p9pc-299p-vxgp; |
1.2.10 | Updated typo for status 425 |
1.2.11 | Fixed a bug where a value starting with 3 numbers would be mis-construed as a status code. |
1.2.12 | Updated mocha and chai to address vulnerabilities. |