Passport.js is a popular authentication middleware for Node.js applications. It is designed to be flexible and modular, allowing you to implement various authentication strategies, including local (username/password), Google, Facebook, and many others.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Node.js (v16 or higher)
- npm (comes with Node.js; npm v6.14.6 or higher recommended)
- MongoDB (v4.0 or higher)
- Your preferred web browser
Note: Make sure to install the specified versions or higher to avoid compatibility issues.
To check if you have Node.js and npm installed, run the following commands in your terminal:
node --version
npm --version
Create the file passport-js-authentication/config.env
with your Atlas URI and the server port:
MONGO_URL = your mongoDb url either from atlas or from localhost shell
If you are going Authenticate with Facebook and Google Through PassportJs Stratgy...
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = your google app clint id
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET = your google app client secret
FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID = your facebook app clint id
FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET = your facebook app client secret
FRONTEND_DOMAIN = you react app url with port
SESSION_SECRET = anything you want
Start server i.e., BackEnd:
cd passport-js-authentication
npm install
npm start
Use at your own risk; not a supported MongoDB product
We appreciate your interest in contributing to our project! Whether you're a developer, designer, or enthusiast, we welcome your contributions. This guide outlines the process and guidelines for making your contributions.
- Fork the repository.
- Clone your forked repository:
git clone
- For bug reports, include details such as the operating system, browser version, and steps to reproduce the issue.
- Check for existing issues before opening a new one.
- Clearly describe the problem and provide any relevant error messages.
- Include screenshots or code snippets if they help explain the issue.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
We greatly appreciate all contributions to this project. Contributors will be acknowledged in our file. Thank you for your support!
For any queries and improvements please reach out to [email protected]
We appreciate your interest in our project and hope that you find it useful. Your contributions and adherence to the project's license are valuable to us.