Coming from a background in architectural design I have always had an eye for green design. I find it's important to design with the environment in mind due to climate concerns from mans devistating impact on Earth. Yes, we have Instagram, Facebook, and other social media sites, but I have yet to find one where its main objective is to promote sustainable design.
In comes, Eco-Share. A fun, interactive social media web application. Where creatives from all over the world can come together and share their eco-friendly designs. In hopes of inspiring others to incorporate sustainability within their artistry. As well as possible networking to come together to make the world a better place!
At landing page User has a feed of recent designs from other users that they follow. So a User can follow and unfollow another user on their profile page. The feed will filter accordingly. A User can look up another user and view their profile page, which is filled with projects designed by the user. As well as, on click, view show pages for specific designs. Able to view accompanying images and comments on their designs. A User can comment on the design if inspired!
- Ruby on Rails
- JavaScript
- React.js
- Redux.js
I used vanilla CSS for icons, buttons, styling and forms.
Profile header background was imported from an image found on Google. Others images uploaded from other images found on Google. My main profile page "Johnnie71" has all of my designs that I completed for my Architectural Portfolio.
The next version will include authorization for log in and out. Would also like to implement other features such as live direct messaging, pop-up notifications, Active Storage, viewing a list of followed and followers, and a mobile app using React Native. All would be nice to implement but due to time constraints given for the project only a few original stretch goals were completed. Upgrades comming soon! :)