The Hypergraph Analysis Toolbox is a general purpose software for analyzing the structure and dynamics of Hypergraphs.
Hypergraph Analysis Toolbox (HAT) is a software suite for the analysis and visualization of hypergraphs and higher order structures. Motivated to investigate Pore-C data, HAT is intended as a general prupose, versatile software for hypergraph construction, visualization, and analysis. HAT's main features include:
- Controllability and observability of higher order systems
- Hypergraph metrics: centrality, similarity, entropy, etc.
- Tensor based analysis: eigenvalues, decompositions, Kronecker products, etc.
Documentation for HAT is found here at:
Papers by the HAT Team HAT was developed to consolidate and facilitate the development of new hypergraph methods. Select papers that motivated this development and whose methods are part of HAT include:
- Scalable Hypergraph Algorithms for Observability of Gene Regulation (coming soon)
- Kronecker Products of Tensors and Hypergraphs
- Observability of Hypergraphs
- Geometric Apsects of Observability of Hypergraphs
- HAT: Hypergraph Analysis Toolbox
- Deciphering Multiway Interactions in the Human Genome
- Hypergraph Similarity Measures
- Controllability of Hypergraphs
- Tensor Entropy for Uniform Hypergraphs
- Multilinear Control Systems Theory