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Partial derivatives of TaylorN (#164)
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* Add arbitrary partial derivatives of TaylorN

* Add tests and docs

* Add a new method of derivative, and use same convention as Taylor1's derivative

* Add methods for getcoeff involving tuples
  • Loading branch information
lbenet authored Apr 17, 2018
1 parent 23c0657 commit 81b4649
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Showing 5 changed files with 107 additions and 25 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ We note that the above functions use expansions in `Int128`. This is actually
required, since some coefficients are larger than `typemax(Int)`:

```@repl fateman
getcoeff(f2, [1,6,7,20]) # coefficient of x y^6 z^7 w^{20}
getcoeff(f2, (1,6,7,20)) # coefficient of x y^6 z^7 w^{20}
ans > typemax(Int)
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22 changes: 19 additions & 3 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -304,11 +304,12 @@ exy = exp(x+y)

The function [`getcoeff`](@ref)
gives the normalized coefficient of the polynomial that corresponds to the
monomial specified by a vector `v` containing the powers. For instance, for
monomial specified by the tuple or vector `v` containing the powers.
For instance, for
the polynomial `exy` above, the coefficient of the monomial ``x^3 y^5`` is

obtained using `getcoeff(exy, (3,5))` or `getcoeff(exy, [3,5])`.
```@repl userguide
getcoeff(exy, [3,5])
getcoeff(exy, (3,5))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,6 +345,21 @@ an error is thrown.
derivative( q, 3 ) # error, since we are dealing with 2 variables

To obtain more specific partial derivatives we have two specialized methods
that involve a tuple, which represents the number of derivatives with
respect to each variable (so the tuple's length has to be the
same as the actual number of variables). These methods either return
the `TaylorN` object in question, or the coefficient corresponding to
the specified tuple, normalized by the factorials defined by the tuple.
The latter is in essence the 0-th order coefficient of the former.

```@repl userguide
derivative(p, (2,1)) # two derivatives on :x and one on :y
derivative((2,1), p) # 0-th order coefficient of the previous expression
derivative(p, (1,1)) # one derivative on :x and one on :y
derivative((1,1), p) # 0-th order coefficient of the previous expression

Integration with respect to the `r`-th variable for
`HomogeneousPolynomial`s and `TaylorN` objects is obtained
using [`integrate`](@ref). Note that `integrate` for `TaylorN`
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18 changes: 11 additions & 7 deletions src/auxiliary.jl
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Expand Up @@ -94,15 +94,17 @@ setindex!(a::Taylor1{T}, x::Array{T,1}, c::Colon) where {T<:Number} = a.coeffs[c
getcoeff(a, v)
Return the coefficient of `a::HomogeneousPolynomial`, specified by
`v::Array{Int,1}` which has the indices of the specific monomial.
Return the coefficient of `a::HomogeneousPolynomial`, specified by `v`,
which is a tuple (or vector) with the indices of the specific
function getcoeff(a::HomogeneousPolynomial, v::Array{Int,1})
@assert length(v) == get_numvars()
function getcoeff(a::HomogeneousPolynomial, v::NTuple{N,Int}) where {N}
@assert N == get_numvars() && all(v .>= 0)
kdic = in_base(get_order(),v)
@inbounds n = pos_table[a.order+1][kdic]
getcoeff(a::HomogeneousPolynomial, v::Array{Int,1}) = getcoeff(a, (v...,))

getindex(a::HomogeneousPolynomial, n::Int) = a.coeffs[n]
getindex(a::HomogeneousPolynomial, n::UnitRange) = view(a.coeffs, n)
Expand All @@ -123,14 +125,16 @@ setindex!(a::HomogeneousPolynomial{T}, x::Array{T,1}, c::Colon) where {T<:Number
getcoeff(a, v)
Return the coefficient of `a::TaylorN`, specified by
`v::Array{Int,1}` which has the indices of the specific monomial.
Return the coefficient of `a::TaylorN`, specified by `v`,
which is a tuple (or vector) with the indices of the specific
function getcoeff(a::TaylorN, v::Array{Int,1})
function getcoeff(a::TaylorN, v::NTuple{N, Int}) where {N}
order = sum(v)
@assert order a.order
getcoeff(a[order], v)
getcoeff(a::TaylorN, v::Array{Int,1}) = getcoeff(a, (v...,))

getindex(a::TaylorN, n::Int) = a.coeffs[n+1]
getindex(a::TaylorN, u::UnitRange) = view(a.coeffs, u .+ 1)
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50 changes: 48 additions & 2 deletions src/calculus.jl
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Expand Up @@ -132,10 +132,11 @@ end
derivative(a::HomogeneousPolynomial, s::Symbol) = derivative(a, lookupvar(s))

derivative(a, [r=1])
derivative(a, r)
Partial differentiation of `a::TaylorN` series with respect
to the `r`-th variable.
to the `r`-th variable. The `r`-th variable may be also
specified through its symbol.
function derivative(a::TaylorN, r=1::Int)
T = eltype(a)
Expand All @@ -148,6 +149,51 @@ function derivative(a::TaylorN, r=1::Int)
derivative(a::TaylorN, s::Symbol) = derivative(a, lookupvar(s))

derivative(a::TaylorN{T}, ntup::NTuple{N,Int})
Return a `TaylorN` with the partial derivative of `a` defined
by `ntup::NTuple{N,Int}`, where the first entry is the number
of derivatives with respect to the first variable, the second is
the number of derivatives with respect to the second, and so on.
function derivative(a::TaylorN, ntup::NTuple{N,Int}) where {N}

@assert N == get_numvars() && all(ntup .>= 0)

sum(ntup) > a.order && return zero(a)
sum(ntup) == 0 && return copy(a)

aa = copy(a)
for nvar in 1:get_numvars()
for numder in 1:ntup[nvar]
aa = derivative(aa, nvar)

return aa

derivative(ntup::NTuple{N,Int}, a::TaylorN{T})
Returns the value of the coefficient of `a` specified by
`ntup::NTuple{N,Int}`, multiplied by the corresponding
function derivative(ntup::NTuple{N,Int}, a::TaylorN) where {N}

@assert N == get_numvars() && all(ntup .>= 0)

c = getcoeff(a, [ntup...])
for ind = 1:get_numvars()
c *= factorial(ntup[ind])

return c

## Gradient, jacobian and hessian
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40 changes: 28 additions & 12 deletions test/manyvariables.jl
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Expand Up @@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ end
@test get_order(zeroT) == 1
@test xT[1][1] == 1
@test yH[2] == 1
@test getcoeff(xT,[1,0]) == 1
@test getcoeff(yH,[1,0]) == 0
@test getcoeff(xT,(1,0)) == getcoeff(xT,[1,0]) == 1
@test getcoeff(yH,(1,0)) == getcoeff(yH,[1,0]) == 0
@test typeof(convert(HomogeneousPolynomial,1im)) ==
@test convert(HomogeneousPolynomial,1im) ==
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,9 @@ end
@test abs(-1-xT) == 1+xT
@test derivative(yH,1) == derivative(xH, :x₂)
@test derivative(mod2pi(2pi+yT^3),2) == derivative(yT^3, :x₂)
@test derivative(yT) == zeroT
@test derivative(yT^3, :x₂) == derivative(yT^3, (0,1))
@test derivative(yT) == zeroT == derivative(yT, (1,0))
@test derivative((0,1), yT) == 1
@test -xT/3im == im*xT/3
@test (xH/3im)' == im*xH/3
@test xT/BigInt(3) == TaylorN(BigFloat,1)/3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,11 +189,20 @@ end
@test integrate(xT^17, :x₁, 2.0) == TaylorN(2.0, get_order())
@test_throws AssertionError integrate(xT, 1, xT)
@test_throws AssertionError integrate(xT, :x₁, xT)

@test derivative(2xT*yT^2,1) == 2yT^2
@test_throws AssertionError derivative(xT, (1,))
@test_throws AssertionError derivative(xT, (1,2,3))
@test_throws AssertionError derivative(xT, (-1,2))
@test_throws AssertionError derivative((1,), xT)
@test_throws AssertionError derivative((1,2,3), xT)
@test_throws AssertionError derivative((-1,2), xT)

@test derivative(2xT*yT^2, (8,8)) == 0
@test derivative((8,8), 2xT*yT^2) == 0
@test derivative(2xT*yT^2, 1) == 2yT^2
@test derivative((1,0), 2xT*yT^2) == 0
@test derivative(2xT*yT^2, (1,2)) == 4*one(yT)
@test derivative((1,2), 2xT*yT^2) == 4
@test xT*xT^3 == xT^4
txy = 1.0 + xT*yT - 0.5*xT^2*yT + (1/3)*xT^3*yT + 0.5*xT^2*yT^2
@test getindex((1+TaylorN(1))^TaylorN(2),0:4) == txy.coeffs[1:5]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,10 +307,10 @@ end
@test conj(im*yH) == (im*yH)'
@test conj(im*yT) == (im*yT)'
@test real( exp(1im * xT)) == cos(xT)
@test getcoeff(convert(TaylorN{Rational{Int}},cos(xT)),[4,0]) ==
@test getcoeff(convert(TaylorN{Rational{Int}},cos(xT)),(4,0)) ==
cr = convert(TaylorN{Rational{Int}},cos(xT))
@test getcoeff(cr,[4,0]) == 1//factorial(4)
@test getcoeff(cr,(4,0)) == 1//factorial(4)
@test imag((exp(yT))^(-1im)') == sin(yT)
exy = exp( xT+yT )
@test evaluate(exy) == 1
Expand All @@ -312,7 +323,7 @@ end
@test isapprox(evaluate(exy, (1,1)), eeuler^2)
@test exy(:x₁, 0.0) == exp(yT)
txy = tan(xT+yT)
@test getcoeff(txy,[8,7]) == 929569/99225
@test getcoeff(txy,(8,7)) == 929569/99225
ptxy = xT + yT + (1/3)*( xT^3 + yT^3 ) + xT^2*yT + xT*yT^2
@test getindex(tan(TaylorN(1)+TaylorN(2)),0:4) == ptxy.coeffs[1:5]
@test evaluate(xH*yH, 1.0, 2.0) == (xH*yH)(1.0, 2.0) == 2.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -465,7 +476,12 @@ end
@test jac == jacobian( [g1(xT+2,yT+1), g2(xT+2,yT+1)] )
jacobian!(jac, [f1,f2], [2,1])
@test jac == jacobian([f1,f2], [2,1])
@test hessian( f1*f2 ) == [4 -7; -7 0]
@test hessian( f1*f2 ) ==
[derivative((2,0), f1*f2) derivative((1,1), (f1*f2));
derivative((1,1), f1*f2) derivative((0,2), (f1*f2))] == [4 -7; -7 0]
@test hessian( f1*f2, [xT, yT] ) ==
[derivative(f1*f2, (2,0)) derivative((f1*f2), (1,1));
derivative(f1*f2, (1,1)) derivative((f1*f2), (0,2))]
@test [xT yT]*hessian(f1*f2)*[xT, yT] == [ 2*TaylorN((f1*f2)[2]) ]
@test hessian(f1^2)/2 == [ [49,0] [0,12] ]
@test hessian(f1-f2-2*f1*f2) == (hessian(f1-f2-2*f1*f2))'
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