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PTX: Lower unreachable control flow to avoid bad CFG reconstruction #467

merged 11 commits into from
Jun 12, 2023
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/precompile.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ end
function _precompile_()
ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ()) == 1 || return nothing
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(GPUCompiler.assign_args!),Expr,Vector{Any}})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(GPUCompiler.hide_trap!),LLVM.Module})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(GPUCompiler.hide_unreachable!),LLVM.Function})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(GPUCompiler.lower_trap!),LLVM.Module})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(GPUCompiler.lower_unreachable!),LLVM.Function})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(GPUCompiler.lower_gc_frame!),LLVM.Function})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(GPUCompiler.lower_throw!),LLVM.Module})
#@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(GPUCompiler.split_kwargs),Tuple{},Vector{Symbol},Vararg{Vector{Symbol}, N} where N})
276 changes: 135 additions & 141 deletions src/ptx.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,25 +11,23 @@ Base.@kwdef struct PTXCompilerTarget <: AbstractCompilerTarget
# codegen quirks
## can we emit debug info in the PTX assembly?
debuginfo::Bool = false
## do we permit unrachable statements, which often result in divergent control flow?
unreachable::Bool = false
## can exceptions use `exit` (which doesn't kill the GPU), or should they use `trap`?
exitable::Bool = false

# optional properties
minthreads::Union{Nothing,Int,NTuple{<:Any,Int}} = nothing
maxthreads::Union{Nothing,Int,NTuple{<:Any,Int}} = nothing
blocks_per_sm::Union{Nothing,Int} = nothing
maxregs::Union{Nothing,Int} = nothing

# deprecated; remove with next major version
exitable::Union{Nothing,Bool} = nothing
unreachable::Union{Nothing,Bool} = nothing

function Base.hash(target::PTXCompilerTarget, h::UInt)
h = hash(target.cap, h)
h = hash(target.ptx, h)

h = hash(target.debuginfo, h)
h = hash(target.unreachable, h)
h = hash(target.exitable, h)

h = hash(target.minthreads, h)
h = hash(target.maxthreads, h)
@@ -92,8 +90,7 @@ isintrinsic(@nospecialize(job::CompilerJob{PTXCompilerTarget}), fn::String) =
# XXX: the debuginfo part should be handled by GPUCompiler as it applies to all back-ends.
runtime_slug(@nospecialize(job::CompilerJob{PTXCompilerTarget})) =
"ptx-sm_$($(" *
"-debuginfo=$(Int(llvm_debug_info(job)))" *

function finish_module!(@nospecialize(job::CompilerJob{PTXCompilerTarget}),
mod::LLVM.Module, entry::LLVM.Function)
@@ -132,14 +129,6 @@ function finish_module!(@nospecialize(job::CompilerJob{PTXCompilerTarget}),

@dispose pm=ModulePassManager() begin
# hide `unreachable` from LLVM so that it doesn't introduce divergent control flow
if !
add!(pm, FunctionPass("HideUnreachable", hide_unreachable!))

# even if we support `unreachable`, we still prefer `exit` to `trap`
add!(pm, ModulePass("HideTrap", hide_trap!))

# we emit properties (of the device and ptx isa) as private global constants,
# so run the optimizer so that they are inlined before the rest of the optimizer runs.
@@ -188,6 +177,13 @@ function finish_ir!(@nospecialize(job::CompilerJob{PTXCompilerTarget}),
mod::LLVM.Module, entry::LLVM.Function)
ctx = context(mod)

@dispose pm=ModulePassManager() begin
add!(pm, ModulePass("LowerTrap", lower_trap!))
add!(pm, FunctionPass("LowerUnreachable", lower_unreachable!))

run!(pm, mod)

if job.config.kernel
# add metadata annotations for the assembler to the module

@@ -242,111 +238,29 @@ end

## LLVM passes

# HACK: this pass removes `unreachable` information from LLVM
# `ptxas` is buggy and cannot deal with thread-divergent control flow in the presence of
# shared memory (see JuliaGPU/CUDAnative.jl#4). avoid that by rewriting control flow to fall
# through any other block. this is semantically invalid, but the code is unreachable anyhow
# (and we expect it to be preceded by eg. a noreturn function, or a trap).
# TODO: can LLVM do this with structured CFGs? It seems to have some support, but seemingly
# only to prevent introducing non-structureness during optimization (ie. the front-end
# is still responsible for generating structured control flow).
function hide_unreachable!(fun::LLVM.Function)
# replace calls to `trap` with inline assembly calling `exit`, which isn't fatal
function lower_trap!(mod::LLVM.Module)
job = current_job::CompilerJob
ctx = context(fun)
ctx = context(mod)
changed = false
@timeit_debug to "hide unreachable" begin
@timeit_debug to "lower trap" begin

# remove `noreturn` attributes
# when calling a `noreturn` function, LLVM places an `unreachable` after the call.
# this leads to an early `ret` from the function.
attrs = function_attributes(fun)
delete!(attrs, EnumAttribute("noreturn", 0; ctx))
if haskey(functions(mod), "llvm.trap")
trap = functions(mod)["llvm.trap"]

# build a map of basic block predecessors
predecessors = Dict(bb => Set{LLVM.BasicBlock}() for bb in blocks(fun))
@timeit_debug to "predecessors" for bb in blocks(fun)
insts = instructions(bb)
if !isempty(insts)
inst = last(insts)
if isterminator(inst)
for bb′ in successors(inst)
push!(predecessors[bb′], bb)
# inline assembly to exit a thread
exit_ft = LLVM.FunctionType(LLVM.VoidType(ctx))
exit = InlineAsm(exit_ft, "exit;", "", true)

# scan for unreachable terminators and alternative successors
worklist = Pair{LLVM.BasicBlock, Union{Nothing,LLVM.BasicBlock}}[]
@timeit_debug to "find" for bb in blocks(fun)
unreachable = terminator(bb)
if isa(unreachable, LLVM.UnreachableInst)
unsafe_delete!(bb, unreachable)
changed = true

# the basic-block is still terminated properly, nothing to do
# (this can happen with `ret; unreachable`)
# TODO: `unreachable; unreachable`
catch ex
isa(ex, UndefRefError) || rethrow(ex)
for use in uses(trap)
val = user(use)
if isa(val, LLVM.CallInst)
@dispose builder=IRBuilder(ctx) begin
position!(builder, bb)

# find the strict predecessors to this block
preds = collect(predecessors[bb])

# find a fallthrough block: recursively look at predecessors
# and find a successor that branches to any other block
fallthrough = nothing
while !isempty(preds)
# find an alternative successor
for pred in preds, succ in successors(terminator(pred))
if succ != bb
fallthrough = succ
fallthrough === nothing || break

# recurse upwards
old_preds = copy(preds)
for pred in old_preds
append!(preds, predecessors[pred])
push!(worklist, bb => fallthrough)

# apply the pending terminator rewrites
@timeit_debug to "replace" if !isempty(worklist)
let builder = IRBuilder(ctx)
for (bb, fallthrough) in worklist
position!(builder, bb)
if fallthrough !== nothing
br!(builder, fallthrough)
# couldn't find any other successor. this happens with functions
# that only contain a single block, or when the block is dead.
ft = function_type(fun)
if return_type(ft) == LLVM.VoidType(ctx)
# even though returning can lead to invalid control flow,
# it mostly happens with functions that just throw,
# and leaving the unreachable there would make the optimizer
# place another after the call.
position!(builder, val)
call!(builder, exit_ft, exit)
unsafe_delete!(LLVM.parent(val), val)
changed = true
@@ -355,41 +269,121 @@ function hide_unreachable!(fun::LLVM.Function)
return changed

# HACK: this pass removes calls to `trap` and replaces them with inline assembly
# lower `unreachable` to `exit` so that the emitted PTX has correct control flow
# if LLVM knows we're trapping, code is marked `unreachable` (see `hide_unreachable!`).
function hide_trap!(mod::LLVM.Module)
job = current_job::CompilerJob
ctx = context(mod)
changed = false
@timeit_debug to "hide trap" begin
# During back-end compilation, `ptxas` inserts instructions to manage the harware's
# reconvergence stack (SSY and SYNC). In order to do so, it needs to identify
# divergent regions:
# entry:
# // start of divergent region
# @%p0 bra cont;
# ...
# bra.uni cont;
# cont:
# // end of divergent region
# bar.sync 0;
# Meanwhile, LLVM's branch-folder and block-placement MIR passes will try to optimize
# the block layout, e.g., by placing unlikely blocks at the end of the function:
# entry:
# // start of divergent region
# @%p0 bra cont;
# @%p1 bra unlikely;
# bra.uni cont;
# cont:
# // end of divergent region
# bar.sync 0;
# unlikely:
# bra.uni cont;
# That is not a problem as long as the unlikely block continunes back into the
# divergent region. Crucially, this is not the case with unreachable control flow:
# entry:
# // start of divergent region
# @%p0 bra cont;
# @%p1 bra throw;
# bra.uni cont;
# cont:
# bar.sync 0;
# throw:
# call throw_and_trap();
# // unreachable
# exit:
# // end of divergent region
# ret;
# Dynamically, this is fine, because the called function does not return.
# However, `ptxas` does not know that and adds a successor edge to the `exit`
# block, widening the divergence range. In this example, that's not allowed, as
# `bar.sync` cannot be executed divergently on Pascal hardware or earlier.
# To avoid these fall-through successors that change the control flow,
# we replace `unreachable` instructions with a call to `exit`. This informs
# `ptxas` that the thread exits, and allows it to correctly construct a CFG,
# and consequently correctly determine the divergence regions as intended.
function lower_unreachable!(f::LLVM.Function)
ctx = context(f)

# - if unreachable blocks have been merged, we still may be jumping from different
# divergent regions, potentially causing the same problem as above:
# entry:
# // start of divergent region 1
# @%p0 bra cont1;
# @%p1 bra throw;
# bra.uni cont1;
# cont1:
# // end of divergent region 1
# bar.sync 0; // is this executed divergently?
# // start of divergent region 2
# @%p2 bra cont2;
# @%p3 bra throw;
# bra.uni cont2;
# cont2:
# // end of divergent region 2
# ...
# throw:
# trap;
# br throw;
# if this is a problem, we probably need to clone blocks with multiple
# predecessors so that there's a unique path from each region of
# divergence to every `unreachable` terminator

# remove `noreturn` attributes, to avoid the (minimal) optimization that
# happens during `prepare_execution!` undoing our work here.
# this shouldn't be needed when we upstream the pass.
attrs = function_attributes(f)
delete!(attrs, EnumAttribute("noreturn", 0; ctx))

# inline assembly to exit a thread, hiding control flow from LLVM
exit_ft = LLVM.FunctionType(LLVM.VoidType(ctx))
exit = if
InlineAsm(exit_ft, "exit;", "", true)
InlineAsm(exit_ft, "trap;", "", true)
# find unreachable blocks
unreachable_blocks = BasicBlock[]
for block in blocks(f)
if terminator(block) isa LLVM.UnreachableInst
push!(unreachable_blocks, block)
isempty(unreachable_blocks) && return false

if haskey(functions(mod), "llvm.trap")
trap = functions(mod)["llvm.trap"]
# inline assembly to exit a thread
exit_ft = LLVM.FunctionType(LLVM.VoidType(ctx))
exit = InlineAsm(exit_ft, "exit;", "", true)

for use in uses(trap)
val = user(use)
if isa(val, LLVM.CallInst)
@dispose builder=IRBuilder(ctx) begin
position!(builder, val)
call!(builder, exit_ft, exit)
unsafe_delete!(LLVM.parent(val), val)
changed = true
# rewrite the unreachable terminators
@dispose builder=IRBuilder(ctx) begin
entry_block = first(blocks(f))
for block in unreachable_blocks
inst = terminator(block)
@assert inst isa LLVM.UnreachableInst

position!(builder, inst)
call!(builder, exit_ft, exit)

return changed
return true

# Replace occurrences of __nvvm_reflect("foo") and llvm.nvvm.reflect with an integer.