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Add support for the LLVM SPIR-V back-end. #665

merged 1 commit into from
Feb 13, 2025


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@maleadt maleadt commented Feb 13, 2025

This adds a temporary backend flag to the SPIRVTarget constructor, automatically set based on whether the Translator or LLVM JLL is available in the current environment. It's a non-breaking change; we'll only have to tag a breaking release when removing support for the translator.


julia> main()
target = SPIRVCompilerTarget(; backend = :khronos) = SPIRVCompilerTarget(nothing, String[], true, true, :khronos)
; Version: 1.0
; Generator: Khronos LLVM/SPIR-V Translator; 14
; Bound: 9
; Schema: 0
               OpCapability Addresses
               OpCapability Linkage
               OpCapability Kernel
          %1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
               OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
               OpEntryPoint Kernel %6 "_Z6kernel"
               OpSource OpenCL_C 200000
               OpName %_Z6kernel "_Z6kernel"
               OpName %conversion "conversion"
               OpDecorate %_Z6kernel LinkageAttributes "_Z6kernel" Export
       %void = OpTypeVoid
          %3 = OpTypeFunction %void
  %_Z6kernel = OpFunction %void None %3
 %conversion = OpLabel
          %6 = OpFunction %void None %3
          %7 = OpLabel
          %8 = OpFunctionCall %void %_Z6kernel

julia> main()
target = SPIRVCompilerTarget(; backend = :llvm) = SPIRVCompilerTarget(nothing, String[], true, true, :llvm)
; Version: 1.4
; Generator: LLVM LLVM SPIR-V Backend; 19
; Bound: 11
; Schema: 0
               OpCapability Kernel
               OpCapability Addresses
          %1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
               OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
               OpEntryPoint Kernel %_Z6kernel "_Z6kernel"
               OpExecutionMode %_Z6kernel ContractionOff
               OpSource OpenCL_C 200000
               OpName %_Z6kernel "_Z6kernel"
       %void = OpTypeVoid
          %3 = OpTypeFunction %void
  %_Z6kernel = OpFunction %void None %3
          %5 = OpLabel

Back-ends will need some work to switch to this alternative back-end, e.g., probably reimplement atomics based on LLVM atomics. That said, I think this back-end should have several advantages. The code is more likely to pass validation (and thus be usable with tools like spirv-reduce), and the generated IL doesn't contain a wrapper function hopefully allowing us to compile back to OpenCL C code for JuliaGPU/OpenCL.jl#234

@maleadt maleadt added the spirv Stuff about the SPIR-V back-end. label Feb 13, 2025
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diff --git a/src/spirv.jl b/src/spirv.jl
index f819fdb..1bc0917 100644
--- a/src/spirv.jl
+++ b/src/spirv.jl
@@ -5,14 +5,20 @@
 const SPIRV_LLVM_Backend_jll =
-    LazyModule("SPIRV_LLVM_Backend_jll",
-               UUID("4376b9bf-cff8-51b6-bb48-39421dff0d0c"))
+    LazyModule(
+    "SPIRV_LLVM_Backend_jll",
+    UUID("4376b9bf-cff8-51b6-bb48-39421dff0d0c")
 const SPIRV_LLVM_Translator_unified_jll =
-    LazyModule("SPIRV_LLVM_Translator_unified_jll",
-               UUID("85f0d8ed-5b39-5caa-b1ae-7472de402361"))
+    LazyModule(
+    "SPIRV_LLVM_Translator_unified_jll",
+    UUID("85f0d8ed-5b39-5caa-b1ae-7472de402361")
 const SPIRV_Tools_jll =
-    LazyModule("SPIRV_Tools_jll",
-               UUID("6ac6d60f-d740-5983-97d7-a4482c0689f4"))
+    LazyModule(
+    "SPIRV_Tools_jll",
+    UUID("6ac6d60f-d740-5983-97d7-a4482c0689f4")
 ## target
@@ -20,7 +26,7 @@ const SPIRV_Tools_jll =
 export SPIRVCompilerTarget
 Base.@kwdef struct SPIRVCompilerTarget <: AbstractCompilerTarget
-    version::Union{Nothing,VersionNumber} = nothing
+    version::Union{Nothing, VersionNumber} = nothing
     extensions::Vector{String} = []
     supports_fp16::Bool = true
     supports_fp64::Bool = true
@@ -33,14 +39,14 @@ end
 function llvm_triple(target::SPIRVCompilerTarget)
     if target.backend == :llvm
-        architecture = Int===Int64 ? "spirv64" : "spirv32"  # could also be "spirv" for logical addressing
+        architecture = Int === Int64 ? "spirv64" : "spirv32"  # could also be "spirv" for logical addressing
         subarchitecture = target.version === nothing ? "" : "v$(target.version.major).$(target.version.minor)"
         vendor = "unknown"  # could also be AMD
         os = "unknown"
         environment = "unknown"
         return "$architecture$subarchitecture-$vendor-$os-$environment"
     elseif target.backend == :khronos
-        return Int===Int64 ? "spir64-unknown-unknown" : "spirv-unknown-unknown"
+        return Int === Int64 ? "spir64-unknown-unknown" : "spirv-unknown-unknown"
@@ -117,20 +123,20 @@ end
     # translate to SPIR-V
     input = tempname(cleanup=false) * ".bc"
-    translated = tempname(cleanup=false) * ".spv"
+    translated = tempname(cleanup = false) * ".spv"
     write(input, mod)
     if === :llvm
         cmd = `$( $input -filetype=obj -o $translated`
         if !isempty(
-            str = join(map(ext->"+$ext",, ",")
+            str = join(map(ext -> "+$ext",, ",")
             cmd = `$(cmd) -spirv-ext=$str`
     elseif === :khronos
         cmd = `$(SPIRV_LLVM_Translator_unified_jll.llvm_spirv()) -o $translated $input --spirv-debug-info-version=ocl-100`
         if !isempty(
-            str = join(map(ext->"+$ext",, ",")
+            str = join(map(ext -> "+$ext",, ",")
             cmd = `$(cmd) --spirv-ext=$str`
@@ -140,29 +146,35 @@ end
     proc = run(ignorestatus(cmd))
     if !success(proc)
-        error("""Failed to translate LLVM code to SPIR-V.
-                 If you think this is a bug, please file an issue and attach $(input).""")
+        error(
+            """Failed to translate LLVM code to SPIR-V.
+            If you think this is a bug, please file an issue and attach $(input)."""
+        )
     # validate
-       cmd = `$(SPIRV_Tools_jll.spirv_val()) $translated`
-       proc = run(ignorestatus(cmd))
-       if !success(proc)
-           error("""Failed to validate generated SPIR-V.
-                    If you think this is a bug, please file an issue and attach $(input) and $(translated).""")
-       end
+        cmd = `$(SPIRV_Tools_jll.spirv_val()) $translated`
+        proc = run(ignorestatus(cmd))
+        if !success(proc)
+            error(
+                """Failed to validate generated SPIR-V.
+                If you think this is a bug, please file an issue and attach $(input) and $(translated)."""
+            )
+        end
     # optimize
     optimized = tempname(cleanup=false) * ".spv"
         cmd = `$(SPIRV_Tools_jll.spirv_opt()) -O --skip-validation $translated -o $optimized`
-       proc = run(ignorestatus(cmd))
-       if !success(proc)
-           error("""Failed to optimize generated SPIR-V.
-                    If you think this is a bug, please file an issue and attach $(input) and $(translated).""")
-       end
+        proc = run(ignorestatus(cmd))
+        if !success(proc)
+            error(
+                """Failed to optimize generated SPIR-V.
+                If you think this is a bug, please file an issue and attach $(input) and $(translated)."""
+            )
+        end
         cp(translated, optimized)
diff --git a/test/helpers/spirv.jl b/test/helpers/spirv.jl
index 761cd49..0f8e9f3 100644
--- a/test/helpers/spirv.jl
+++ b/test/helpers/spirv.jl
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ GPUCompiler.runtime_module(::CompilerJob{<:Any,CompilerParams}) = TestRuntime
 function create_job(@nospecialize(func), @nospecialize(types);
                    kernel::Bool=false, always_inline=false,
-                   supports_fp16=true, supports_fp64=true,
-                   backend::Symbol, kwargs...)
+        supports_fp16 = true, supports_fp64 = true,
+        backend::Symbol, kwargs...
+    )
     source = methodinstance(typeof(func), Base.to_tuple_type(types), Base.get_world_counter())
-    target = SPIRVCompilerTarget(; backend, validate=true, optimize=true,
-                                   supports_fp16, supports_fp64)
+    target = SPIRVCompilerTarget(;
+        backend, validate = true, optimize = true,
+        supports_fp16, supports_fp64
+    )
     params = CompilerParams()
     config = CompilerConfig(target, params; kernel, always_inline)
     CompilerJob(source, config), kwargs
diff --git a/test/spirv.jl b/test/spirv.jl
index 2d7fb84..d0d2db8 100644
--- a/test/spirv.jl
+++ b/test/spirv.jl
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ for backend in (:khronos, :llvm)
 @testset "calling convention" begin
     kernel() = return
-    ir = sprint(io->SPIRV.code_llvm(io, kernel, Tuple{}; backend, dump_module=true))
+                ir = sprint(io -> SPIRV.code_llvm(io, kernel, Tuple{}; backend, dump_module = true))
     @test !occursin("spir_kernel", ir)
     ir = sprint(io->SPIRV.code_llvm(io, kernel, Tuple{};
-                                    backend, dump_module=true, kernel=true))
+                        backend, dump_module = true, kernel = true
+                    )
+                )
     @test occursin("spir_kernel", ir)
@@ -20,12 +22,16 @@ end
         kernel(x) = return
-    ir = sprint(io->SPIRV.code_llvm(io, mod.kernel, Tuple{Tuple{Int}}; backend))
+                ir = sprint(io -> SPIRV.code_llvm(io, mod.kernel, Tuple{Tuple{Int}}; backend))
     @test occursin(r"@\w*kernel\w*\(({ i64 }|\[1 x i64\])\*", ir) ||
           occursin(r"@\w*kernel\w*\(ptr", ir)
-    ir = sprint(io->SPIRV.code_llvm(io, mod.kernel, Tuple{Tuple{Int}};
-                                    backend, kernel=true))
+                ir = sprint(
+                    io -> SPIRV.code_llvm(
+                        io, mod.kernel, Tuple{Tuple{Int}};
+                        backend, kernel = true
+                    )
+                )
     @test occursin(r"@\w*kernel\w*\(.*{ ({ i64 }|\[1 x i64\]) }\*.+byval", ir) ||
           occursin(r"@\w*kernel\w*\(ptr byval", ir)
@@ -33,7 +39,7 @@ end
 @testset "byval bug" begin
     # byval added alwaysinline, which could conflict with noinline and fail verification
     @noinline kernel() = return
-    SPIRV.code_llvm(devnull, kernel, Tuple{}; backend, kernel=true)
+                SPIRV.code_llvm(devnull, kernel, Tuple{}; backend, kernel = true)
     @test "We did not crash!" != ""
@@ -47,21 +53,35 @@ end
-    ir = sprint(io->SPIRV.code_llvm(io, mod.kernel, Tuple{Ptr{Float16}, Float16};
-                                    backend, validate=true))
+            ir = sprint(
+                io -> SPIRV.code_llvm(
+                    io, mod.kernel, Tuple{Ptr{Float16}, Float16};
+                    backend, validate = true
+                )
+            )
     @test occursin("store half", ir)
-    ir = sprint(io->SPIRV.code_llvm(io, mod.kernel, Tuple{Ptr{Float32}, Float32};
-                                    backend, validate=true))
+            ir = sprint(
+                io -> SPIRV.code_llvm(
+                    io, mod.kernel, Tuple{Ptr{Float32}, Float32};
+                    backend, validate = true
+                )
+            )
     @test occursin("store float", ir)
-    ir = sprint(io->SPIRV.code_llvm(io, mod.kernel, Tuple{Ptr{Float64}, Float64};
-                                    backend, validate=true))
+            ir = sprint(
+                io -> SPIRV.code_llvm(
+                    io, mod.kernel, Tuple{Ptr{Float64}, Float64};
+                    backend, validate = true
+                )
+            )
     @test occursin("store double", ir)
                          SPIRV.code_llvm(devnull, mod.kernel, Tuple{Ptr{Float16}, Float16};
-                                         backend, supports_fp16=false, validate=true)) do msg
+                    backend, supports_fp16 = false, validate = true
+                )
+            ) do msg
         occursin("unsupported use of half value", msg) &&
         occursin("[1] unsafe_store!", msg) &&
         occursin("[2] kernel", msg)
@@ -69,7 +89,9 @@ end
                          SPIRV.code_llvm(devnull, mod.kernel, Tuple{Ptr{Float64}, Float64};
-                                         backend, supports_fp64=false, validate=true)) do msg
+                    backend, supports_fp64 = false, validate = true
+                )
+            ) do msg
         occursin("unsupported use of double value", msg) &&
         occursin("[1] unsafe_store!", msg) &&
         occursin("[2] kernel", msg)
@@ -88,7 +110,7 @@ end
-    asm = sprint(io->SPIRV.code_native(io, kernel, Tuple{Bool}; backend, kernel=true))
+            asm = sprint(io -> SPIRV.code_native(io, kernel, Tuple{Bool}; backend, kernel = true))
     @test occursin(r"OpFunctionCall %void %(julia|j)_error", asm)

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Member Author

maleadt commented Feb 13, 2025

Nightly failures unrelated.

@maleadt maleadt merged commit 7b208f5 into master Feb 13, 2025
15 of 19 checks passed
@maleadt maleadt deleted the tb/llvm_spirv_backend branch February 13, 2025 07:06
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codecov bot commented Feb 13, 2025

Codecov Report

Attention: Patch coverage is 75.00000% with 10 lines in your changes missing coverage. Please review.

Project coverage is 71.89%. Comparing base (870fa83) to head (1526029).
Report is 3 commits behind head on master.

Files with missing lines Patch % Lines
src/spirv.jl 76.92% 9 Missing ⚠️
src/utils.jl 0.00% 1 Missing ⚠️
Additional details and impacted files
@@            Coverage Diff             @@
##           master     #665      +/-   ##
+ Coverage   71.86%   71.89%   +0.03%     
  Files          24       24              
  Lines        3330     3359      +29     
+ Hits         2393     2415      +22     
- Misses        937      944       +7     

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spirv Stuff about the SPIR-V back-end.
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