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CompilerDevTools: add proof of concept for caching runtime calls #57193

merged 10 commits into from
Feb 28, 2025
50 changes: 39 additions & 11 deletions Compiler/extras/CompilerDevTools/src/CompilerDevTools.jl
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@@ -1,46 +1,74 @@
module CompilerDevTools

using Compiler
using Compiler: argextype, widenconst
using Core.IR
using Base: isexpr

mutable struct SplitCacheOwner end

struct SplitCacheOwner; end
struct SplitCacheInterp <: Compiler.AbstractInterpreter
function SplitCacheInterp(;
world::UInt = Base.get_world_counter(),
owner::SplitCacheOwner = SplitCacheOwner(),
inf_params::Compiler.InferenceParams = Compiler.InferenceParams(),
opt_params::Compiler.OptimizationParams = Compiler.OptimizationParams(),
inf_cache::Vector{Compiler.InferenceResult} = Compiler.InferenceResult[])
new(world, inf_params, opt_params, inf_cache, IdDict{CodeInstance,CodeInfo}())
new(world, owner, inf_params, opt_params, inf_cache, IdDict{CodeInstance,CodeInfo}())

Compiler.InferenceParams(interp::SplitCacheInterp) = interp.inf_params
Compiler.OptimizationParams(interp::SplitCacheInterp) = interp.opt_params
Compiler.get_inference_world(interp::SplitCacheInterp) =
Compiler.get_inference_cache(interp::SplitCacheInterp) = interp.inf_cache
Compiler.cache_owner(::SplitCacheInterp) = SplitCacheOwner()
Compiler.cache_owner(interp::SplitCacheInterp) = interp.owner
Compiler.codegen_cache(interp::SplitCacheInterp) = interp.codegen_cache

import Core.OptimizedGenerics.CompilerPlugins: typeinf, typeinf_edge
@eval @noinline typeinf(::SplitCacheOwner, mi::MethodInstance, source_mode::UInt8) =
Base.invoke_in_world(which(typeinf, Tuple{SplitCacheOwner, MethodInstance, UInt8}).primary_world, Compiler.typeinf_ext_toplevel, SplitCacheInterp(; world=Base.tls_world_age()), mi, source_mode)
@eval @noinline typeinf(owner::SplitCacheOwner, mi::MethodInstance, source_mode::UInt8) =
Base.invoke_in_world(which(typeinf, Tuple{SplitCacheOwner, MethodInstance, UInt8}).primary_world, Compiler.typeinf_ext_toplevel, SplitCacheInterp(; world=Base.tls_world_age(), owner), mi, source_mode)

@eval @noinline function typeinf_edge(::SplitCacheOwner, mi::MethodInstance, parent_frame::Compiler.InferenceState, world::UInt, source_mode::UInt8)
@eval @noinline function typeinf_edge(owner::SplitCacheOwner, mi::MethodInstance, parent_frame::Compiler.InferenceState, world::UInt, source_mode::UInt8)
# TODO: This isn't quite right, we're just sketching things for now
interp = SplitCacheInterp(; world)
interp = SplitCacheInterp(; world, owner)
Compiler.typeinf_edge(interp, mi.def, mi.specTypes, Core.svec(), parent_frame, false, false)

function with_new_compiler(f, args...)
mi = @ccall jl_method_lookup(Any[f, args...]::Ptr{Any}, (1+length(args))::Csize_t, Base.tls_world_age()::Csize_t)::Ref{Core.MethodInstance}
world = Base.tls_world_age()
function lookup_method_instance(f, args...)
@ccall jl_method_lookup(Any[f, args...]::Ptr{Any}, (1+length(args))::Csize_t, Base.tls_world_age()::Csize_t)::Ref{Core.MethodInstance}

function Compiler.optimize(interp::SplitCacheInterp, opt::Compiler.OptimizationState, caller::Compiler.InferenceResult)
@invoke Compiler.optimize(interp::Compiler.AbstractInterpreter, opt::Compiler.OptimizationState, caller::Compiler.InferenceResult)
ir =
override = GlobalRef(@__MODULE__(), :with_new_compiler)
for inst in ir.stmts
stmt = inst[:stmt]
isexpr(stmt, :call) || continue
f = stmt.args[1]
f === override && continue
if isa(f, GlobalRef)
T = widenconst(argextype(f, ir))
T <: Core.Builtin && continue
insert!(stmt.args, 1, override)
insert!(stmt.args, 3, interp.owner)

with_new_compiler(f, args...; owner::SplitCacheOwner = SplitCacheOwner()) = with_new_compiler(f, owner, args...)

function with_new_compiler(f, owner::SplitCacheOwner, args...)
mi = lookup_method_instance(f, args...)
new_compiler_ci = Core.OptimizedGenerics.CompilerPlugins.typeinf(
SplitCacheOwner(), mi, Compiler.SOURCE_MODE_ABI
owner, mi, Compiler.SOURCE_MODE_ABI
invoke(f, new_compiler_ci, args...)
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions Compiler/extras/CompilerDevTools/test/runtests.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using Test
using Compiler: code_cache
using Base: inferencebarrier
using CompilerDevTools
using CompilerDevTools: lookup_method_instance, SplitCacheInterp

@testset "CompilerDevTools" begin
do_work(x, y) = x + y
f1() = do_work(inferencebarrier(1), inferencebarrier(2))
interp = SplitCacheInterp()
cache = code_cache(interp)
mi = lookup_method_instance(f1)
@test !haskey(cache, mi)
@test with_new_compiler(f1, interp.owner) === 3
@test haskey(cache, mi)
# Here `do_work` is compiled at runtime, and so must have
# required extra work to be cached under the same cache owner.
mi = lookup_method_instance(do_work, 1, 2)
@test haskey(cache, mi)
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Compiler/extras/CompilerDevTools/test/testpkg.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
using Pkg

Pkg.activate(dirname(@__DIR__)) do
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion test/choosetests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const STDLIB_DIR = Sys.STDLIB
const STDLIBS = filter!(x -> isfile(joinpath(STDLIB_DIR, x, "src", "$(x).jl")), readdir(STDLIB_DIR))

const TESTNAMES = [
"subarray", "core", "compiler", "worlds", "atomics",
"subarray", "core", "compiler", "compiler_extras", "worlds", "atomics",
"keywordargs", "numbers", "subtype",
"char", "strings", "triplequote", "unicode", "intrinsics",
"dict", "hashing", "iobuffer", "staged", "offsetarray",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ function test_path(test)
return joinpath(pkgdir, "test", "runtests")
elseif t[1] == "Compiler" && length(t) ≥ 3 && t[2] == "extras"
testpath = length(t) >= 4 ? t[4:end] : ("runtests",)
return joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", t[1], t[2], t[3], "test", testpath...)
elseif t[1] == "Compiler"
testpath = length(t) >= 2 ? t[2:end] : ("runtests",)
return joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", t[1], "test", testpath...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,6 +175,7 @@ function choosetests(choices = [])
# do subarray before sparse but after linalg
filtertests!(tests, "subarray")
filtertests!(tests, "compiler", ["Compiler"])
filtertests!(tests, "compiler_extras", ["Compiler/extras/CompilerDevTools/testpkg"])
filtertests!(tests, "stdlib", STDLIBS)
filtertests!(tests, "internet_required", INTERNET_REQUIRED_LIST)
# do ambiguous first to avoid failing if ambiguities are introduced by other tests
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