The following project is a way to practice Full Stack Web Development fresh out of two online bootcamp courses from Udemy. The goal is to create a an application using the MERN stack.
At the same time, I wanted to make something useful for myself. One of my hobbies is whiskey tasting. To track my whiskey notes, I had been using a google doc. I have wanted a better way to save my notes and compare whiskeys. This application will serve as a simple React CRUD application with the ability to compare whiskeys.
I am going to start with this in blog format. Only I will be able to push data to my backend and others won't be able to comment or update their own reviews. I can add this later, but really this app is meant for me to upload my own reviews.
Whiskey is generally tasted and reviewd based on its three profiles on the nose, palate, and finish. These will be integrated into my reviews along with notes as explanations.
To compare whiskeys I want a graphical image to show you differences in whiskeys. I will have radar charts of a flavor/tasting wheel that can be used to compare whiskeys. I will have the options to select up to 4 whiskeys to be generated next to eachother for comparison.
One of my bootcamps was to learn React. I will use react to create the frontend. I will use bootstrap over Material UI simply because I have more practive with bootstrap.
Node, Express, and MongoDB will make up the backend. I am particularly excited to use a NoSQL database as I have used SQL databases before in previous projects.