A python code, made for RaspBerry Pi to work as an Virtual assistant
This code was ran on a RaspBerry Pi with a PiHat installed connected to a speaker.
The Raspberry Pi was running on a normal PiOS, configured to start the script on boot (brain.py).
All files need to be in the same folder as the brain.py script.
- Integration with Spotify
- A configuration page (on local network) This will contain Connection to Wi-Fi, Connection to Spotify in a web interface
- Catch all with integration of ChatGPT for the catchall answers
- Respeaker LED on reactions
- Auto dependancy installations
Feel free to fork these source codes and add your options / ideas e.g. controlling things with Google Home.
- pip install SpeechRecognition
- pip install gtts
- pip install playsound
- pip install pyjokes
- pip install python_weather
- pip install deep-translator
- pip install pyyalm
- pip install wikipedia