If you run a Discord server and would like the bot, click here to add it!
A highly configurable Discord bot. ARX-7's younger sibling.
If you'd like to get a local version of Aquarius up and running, you'll need to do the following:
- Install PostgreSQL
- Install Node.js (v6+)
- Register a bot user on discord (https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me)
- Add the bot to your server
- Create a
Note when you're creating the Discord bot you'll need to convert your bot to a App Bot User account - it will warn you about the process being irreversible when you do this.
Once you have PostgreSQL installed, create a aquarius_dev
database. You'll need to add the connection string to the .env
The .env
file should look like the following:
TOKEN=[Discord "Token"]
CLIENT_ID=[Discord "Client/Application ID"]
OWNER_ID=[Your Discord User ID]
The bot should work across all OS environments and is controlled via the following npm scripts.
$ npm start
Starts the bot.$ npm test
Runs the test suite.
Adding new commands is detailed in the wiki.
We use Sequelize and the Sequelize CLI. To generate a table, you can run
$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize model:create --config ./.sequelizerc --name quotes --attributes name:string,quote:text
To migrate the changes, you can run
$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate --config ./.sequelizerc