A Unity asset extractor for Python based on AssetStudio.
Next to extraction, UnityPy also supports editing Unity assets. Via the typetree structure all objects types can be edited.
# modification via dict:
raw_dict = obj.read_typetree()
# modify raw dict
# modification via parsed class
instance = obj.read()
# modify instance
If you need advice or if you want to talk about (game) data-mining, feel free to join the UnityPy Discord.
If you're using UnityPy a commercial project, a donation to a charitable cause or a sponsorship of this project is expected.
As UnityPy is still in active development breaking changes can happen. Those changes are usually limited to minor versions (x.y) and not to patch versions (x.y.z). So in case that you don't want to actively maintain your project, make sure to make a note of the used UnityPy version in your README or add a check in your code. e.g.
if UnityPy.__version__ != '1.9.6':
raise ImportError("Invalid UnityPy version detected. Please use version 1.9.6")
Python 3.7.0 or higher is required
via pypi
pip install UnityPy
from source
git clone https://github.com/K0lb3/UnityPy.git
cd UnityPy
python -m pip install .
Visual C++ Redistributable is required for the brotli dependency. In case a new(ish) Python version is used, it can happen that the C-dependencies of UnityPy might not be precompiled for this version. In such cases the user either has to report this as issue or follow the steps of this issue to compile it oneself. Another option for the user is downgrading Python to the latest version supported by UnityPy. For this see the python version badge at the top of the README.
The C-implementation of the typetree reader can directly crash python. In case this happens, the usage of the C-typetree reader can be disabled by adding these two lines to your main file.
from UnityPy.helpers import TypeTreeHelper
TypeTreeHelper.read_typetree_boost = False
The following is a simple example.
import os
import UnityPy
def unpack_all_assets(source_folder : str, destination_folder : str):
# iterate over all files in source folder
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_folder):
for file_name in files:
# generate file_path
file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
# load that file via UnityPy.load
env = UnityPy.load(file_path)
# iterate over internal objects
for obj in env.objects:
# process specific object types
if obj.type.name in ["Texture2D", "Sprite"]:
# parse the object data
data = obj.read()
# create destination path
dest = os.path.join(destination_folder, data.name)
# make sure that the extension is correct
# you probably only want to do so with images/textures
dest, ext = os.path.splitext(dest)
dest = dest + ".png"
img = data.image
# alternative way which keeps the original path
for path,obj in env.container.items():
if obj.type.name in ["Texture2D", "Sprite"]:
data = obj.read()
# create dest based on original path
dest = os.path.join(destination_folder, *path.split("/"))
# make sure that the dir of that path exists
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest), exist_ok = True)
# correct extension
dest, ext = os.path.splitext(dest)
dest = dest + ".png"
You probably have to read Important Classes and Important Object Types to understand how it works.
People with slightly advanced python skills should look at UnityPy/tools/extractor.py for a more advanced example. It can also be used as a general template or as an importable tool.
The chinese version of Unity has its own inbuild option to encrypt AssetBundles/BundleFiles. As it's a feature of Unity itself, and not a game specific protection, it is included in UnityPy as well.
To enable encryption simply use UnityPy.set_assetbundle_decrypt_key(key)
, with key being the value that the game that loads the budles passes to AssetBundle.SetAssetBundleDecryptKey
Environment loads and parses the given files. It can be initialized via:
- a file path - apk files can be loaded as well
- a folder path - loads all files in that folder (bad idea for folders with a lot of files)
- a stream - e.g., io.BytesIO, file stream,...
- a bytes object - will be loaded into a stream
UnityPy can detect if the file is a WebFile, BundleFile, Asset, or APK.
The unpacked assets will be loaded into .files
, a dict consisting of asset-name : asset
All objects of the loaded assets can be easily accessed via .objects
which itself is a simple recursive iterator.
import io
import UnityPy
# all of the following would work
src = "file_path"
src = b"bytes"
src = io.BytesIO(b"Streamable")
env = UnityPy.load(src)
for obj in env.objects:
# saving an edited file
# apply modifications to the objects
# don't forget to use data.save()
with open(dst, "wb") as f:
Assets are a container that contains multiple objects. One of these objects can be an AssetBundle, which contains a file path for some of the objects in the same asset.
All objects can be found in the .objects
dict - {ID : object}
The objects with a file path can be found in the .container
dict - {path : object}
Objects contain the actual files, e.g., textures, text files, meshes, settings, ...
To acquire the actual data of an object it has to be read first. This happens via the .read()
function. This isn't done automatically to save time because only a small part of the objects are of interest. Serialized objects can be set with raw data using .set_raw_data(data)
or modified with .save()
function, if supported.
All object types can be found in UnityPy/classes.
converts the texture into aPIL.Image
- texture width (int).m_Height
- texture height (int)
from PIL import Image
for obj in env.objects:
if obj.type.name == "Texture2D":
# export texture
data = obj.read()
path = os.path.join(export_dir, f"{data.m_Name}.png")
# edit texture
fp = os.path.join(replace_dir, f"{data.m_Name}.png")
pil_img = Image.open(fp)
data.image = pil_img
Sprites are part of a texture and can have a separate alpha-image as well. Unlike most other extractors (including AssetStudio), UnityPy merges those two images by itself.
- converts the merged texture part into aPIL.Image
- sprite width (int).m_Height
- sprite height (int)
for obj in env.objects:
if obj.type.name == "Sprite":
data = obj.read()
path = os.path.join(export_dir, f"{data.m_Name}.png")
TextAssets are usually normal text files.
- str
Some games save binary data as TextFile, so to convert the str
back to bytes correctly m_Script.encode("utf-8", "surrogateescape")
has to be used.
for obj in env.objects:
if obj.type.name == "TextAsset":
# export asset
data = obj.read()
path = os.path.join(export_dir, f"{data.m_Name}.txt")
with open(path, "wb") as f:
f.write(data.m_Script.encode("utf-8", "surrogateescape"))
# edit asset
fp = os.path.join(replace_dir, f"{data.m_Name}.txt")
with open(fp, "rb") as f:
data.m_Script = f.read().decode("utf-8", "surrogateescape"))
MonoBehaviour assets are usually used to save the class instances with their values. The structure/typetree for these classes might not be contained in the asset files. In such cases see the 2nd example (TypeTreeGenerator) below.
import json
for obj in env.objects:
if obj.type.name == "MonoBehaviour":
# export
if obj.serialized_type.node:
# save decoded data
tree = obj.read_typetree()
fp = os.path.join(extract_dir, f"{tree['m_Name']}.json")
with open(fp, "wt", encoding = "utf8") as f:
json.dump(tree, f, ensure_ascii = False, indent = 4)
# edit
if obj.serialized_type.node:
tree = obj.read_typetree()
# apply modifications to the data within the tree
data = obj.read(check_read=False)
with open(os.path.join(replace_dir, data.m_Name)) as f:
data.save(raw_data = f.read())
UnityPy can generate the typetrees of MonoBehaviours from the game assemblies using an optional package, TypeTreeGeneratorAPI
, which has to be installed via pip.
UnityPy will automatically try to generate the typetree of MonoBehaviours if the typetree is missing in the assets and env.typetree_generator
is set.
import UnityPy
from UnityPy.helpers.TypeTreeGenerator import TypeTreeGenerator
# create generator
# e.g. r"D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Aethermancer Demo"
# you can get the version via an object
# e.g. objects[0].assets_file.unity_version
generator = TypeTreeGenerator(GAME_UNITY_VERSION)
# generator.load_local_game(root_dir: str) - for a Windows game
# generator.load_dll_folder(dll_dir: str) - for mono / non-il2cpp or generated dummies
# generator.load_dll(dll: bytes)
# generator.load_il2cpp(il2cpp: bytes, metadata: bytes)
env = UnityPy.load(fp)
# assign generator to env
env.typetree_generator = generator
for obj in objects:
if obj.type.name == "MonoBehaviour":
# automatically tries to use the generator in the background if necessary
x = obj.read()
-{sample-name : sample-data}
The samples are converted into the .wav format. The sample data is a .wav file in bytes.
clip : AudioClip
for name, data in clip.samples.items():
with open(name, "wb") as f:
if obj.type.name == "Font":
font : Font = obj.read()
if font.m_FontData:
extension = ".ttf"
if font.m_FontData[0:4] == b"OTTO":
extension = ".otf"
with open(os.path.join(path, font.m_Name+extension), "wb") as f:
- mesh exported as .obj (str)
The mesh will be converted to the Wavefront .obj file format.
mesh : Mesh
with open(f"{mesh.m_Name}.obj", "wt", newline = "") as f:
# newline = "" is important
- exports the associated mesh, materials, and textures into the given directory
The mesh and materials will be in the Wavefront formats.
mesh_renderer : Renderer
export_dir: str
if mesh_renderer.m_GameObject:
# get the name of the model
game_object = mesh_renderer.m_GameObject.read()
export_dir = os.path.join(export_dir, game_object.m_Name)
WARNING - not well tested
converts the texture2darray into aPIL.Image
- texture width (int).m_Height
- texture height (int)
import os
from PIL import Image
for obj in env.objects:
if obj.type.name == "Texture2DArray":
# export texture
data = obj.read()
for i, image in enumerate(data.images):
image.save(os.path.join(path, f"{data.m_Name}_{i}.png"))
# editing isn't supported yet!
UnityPy uses fsspec under the hood to manage all filesystem interactions. This allows using various different types of filesystems without having to change UnityPy's code. It also means that you can use your own custom filesystem to e.g. handle indirection via catalog files, load assets on demand from a server, or decrypt files.
Following methods of the filesystem have to be implemented for using it in UnityPy.
- sep (not a function, just the seperator as character)
- isfile(self, path: str) -> bool
- isdir(self, path: str) -> bool
- exists(self, path: str, **kwargs) -> bool
- walk(self, path: str, **kwargs) -> Iterable[List[str], List[str], List[str]]
- open(self, path: str, mode: str = "rb", **kwargs) -> file ("rb" mode required, "wt" required for ModelExporter)
- makedirs(self, path: str, exist_ok: bool = False) -> bool
First of all, thanks a lot to all contributors of UnityPy and all of its users.
Also, many thanks to:
- Perfare for creating and maintaining and every contributor of AssetStudio
- ds5678 for the TypeTreeDumps and the custom minimal Tpk format
- Razmoth for figuring out and sharing Unity CN's AssetBundle decryption (src).
- nesrak1 for figuring out the Switch texture swizzling
- xiop_13690 (discord) for figuring out unsolved issues of the ManagedReferencesRegistry