This project provides a ocs2 model of dynamics (system flow map) for legged robots using floating base model [1] [2]:
- t: time
$\boldsymbol{x}$ : system state vector
$\boldsymbol{u}$ : input state vector
Equations of dynamics (System Flow Map)
$\boldsymbol{v}^B_B$ : base linear "classical" velocity expressed in base frame of reference ($B$ ) [0] -
$\boldsymbol{\omega}^B_B$ : base angular "classical" velocity expressed in base frame of reference ($B$ ) [0] -
$\boldsymbol{r}^0_B$ : base position from inertial frame expressed in inertial frame of reference ($0$ ) -
$\boldsymbol{q}_E$ : base orientation from inertial frame defined in ZYX Euler angles -
$\boldsymbol{q}_Q$ : base orientation from inertial frame defined in quaterions -
$\boldsymbol{q}_j$ : actuated joint positions -
$\dot{\boldsymbol{q}_j}$ : actuated joint velocities -
$\boldsymbol{q}$ : generalized positions of pinocchio multibody system -
$\boldsymbol{v}$ : generalized velocities of pinocchio multibody system -
$\boldsymbol{R}^0_B(\boldsymbol{q}_E)$ : base to inertial frame rotation matrix -
$\boldsymbol{E}(\boldsymbol{q}_E)$ : matrix that maps base angular "classical" velocity expressed in base frame of reference to derivative of ZYX Euler angles -
$\boldsymbol{J}_{B, i}$ : robots end-effector "spatial" jacobian matrix [0] -
$\boldsymbol{f}_{ext}$ : external force acting on robot end-effectors -
$\boldsymbol{\tau}_{ext}$ : external torque acting on robot end-effectors -
$\boldsymbol{F}_{ext_i}$ : external "spatial" force acting on robot end-effectors [0] -
$\boldsymbol{M}_B$ :$6 \times 6$ "spatial" inertia matrix called "Locked Spatial Inertia Matrix" [0] -
$\boldsymbol{aba}_{B}(...)$ : equation for solving "spatial" base acceleration ($v$ is linear and$\omega$ is angular part of equation) [0]
- All
⚠️ IMPORTANT: ocs2 is big monorepo, first clone and build all ocs2 packages in you'r workspace. It can take up to an hour.
- Clone repo to your workspace:
git clone
- Install dependencies in workspace:
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths . -y -r
- Build:
colcon build --packages-select floating_base_model
- Generate local (in workspace) API documentation using
rosdoc2 build --package-path src/floating_base_model
- Show documentation in browser e.g. firefox:
firefox docs_output/floating_base_model/index.html
- Change code.
- Pass all unit tests:
colcon build --packages-select floating_base_model
colcon test --packages-select floating_base_model
- Add clear description what changes you've made in pull request.
[0] R. Featherstone, “Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms“, November, 2007, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4899-7560-7.
[1] R. Grandia, F. Jenelten, S. Yang, F. Farshidian, and M. Hutter, “Perceptive Locomotion through Nonlinear Model Predictive Control”, (submitted to) IEEE Trans. Robot., no. August, 2022, doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2208.08373.
[2] J. P. Sleiman, F. Farshidian, M. V. Minniti, and M. Hutter, “A Unified MPC Framework for Whole-Body Dynamic Locomotion and Manipulation”, IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 4688–4695, 2021, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3068908.
[3] S. Stramigioli, V. Duindam, G. van Oort, and A. Goswami, “Compact Analysis of 3D Bipedal Gait Using Geometric Dynamics of Simplified Models,” in Robotics and Automation, 2009. ICRA ’09. IEEE International Conference on, May 2009, pp. 1978–1984.