Want a beautiful cross-platform terminal but don't want to sacrifice performance? Then Wives is the terminal you're looking for
- Beautiful UI, fast, fluent and smooth experience
- Efficient, small in size and low memory usage
- Cross platform (Linux, macOS, Windows)
- Infinite split terminals for each tab
- Modern Command Palette for quick access to commands/functionalities instead of grandpa's (traditional) title bar action menus
- Flexible and predictable keyboard shortcuts (similar to vscode)
- Highly customizable:
- Editable Keyboard shortcuts
- Huge collection of color schemes for both terminal and app UI
- Categorized Dark and Light Themes
- Built-in fonts so you don't have mess around and find out the best monospace/fixed-width font for your terminal
- Switch to other shells on the fly
- No data collection, no telemetry, no ads, no tracking, no bullshit. Not even crash-logs
- Extensions support (WIP)
At first I named it "wives" to troll "toxic part" of linux community and the troll was successful. Plus, there's no value in keep trolling those toxic worthless, pathetic, losers.
But for real,
It's a tribute to all those passionate women/mom programmers who also work hard but most of the time neglected.
Contributions are welcome. Please read CONTRIBUTION.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Flutter SDK (>= 3.0.0)
- git
Setup environment:
$ git clone https://github.com/KRTirtho/wives.git && cd wives
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter pub global activate flutter_distributor
Build the app:
$ flutter_distributor package --platform=linux --targets=<deb/rpm/appimage>
PS: --targets can be any one or multiple of
etc..You can find the built packages in
dist/<Current Version>/
If you want to make a tarball, then run:
$ make tar VERSION=<Current Version>
Build tarball will be in
build/wives-linux-<Current Version>-x86_64.tar.xz
directoryCurrent Version can be find in the