A standard 8x8 chess game built using C#/WPF (.NET Framework 4.7.2).
To play the game simply go to Chess\bin\Debug
and execute Chess.exe
The game follows standard chess rules (see Rules of Chess on Wikipedia).
- Timer: No time limits are enforced during the game.
- Pawn Moving Two Tiles: Pawns can only move one tile at a time.
- Resignation: Players cannot formally resign.
- Draw Conditions: The game does not support draw conditions such as stalemate, threefold repetition, or the fifty-move rule.
- Dead Position: Scenarios where neither player can checkmate do not result in a draw.
Note: The game continues until one player checkmates the other, or it must be manually restarted.
Players can save the current state of a game at any time by clicking the Save button. The game is saved as an XML file, located in the project directory under \Chess\bin\Saved_Games\
. To Load a chess game file, you need to enter the name in the input field left to the Load button. Next, click the Load button to load the stored chess game.
You can resume to a previously played game state by clicking the Resume button of a played moved from the Current Game box. This feature allows players to continue from where they left off.
Clicking the reset button in the top-right corner immediately resets the game, clearing all current progress and starting a new game.