With this program you can let your Arduino analize logic circuits with up to 18 inputs or outputs
Connect your logic circuit to the arduino
After uploading the program open the serial console.
(version 2a only) The arduino will ask you, if it should treat analog pins as analog
Treat analog pins as analog? :
Type "y" or "Y" to treat the pins A0 to A5 (pin 14-19) as analog outputs of the attached circuit and record analog values when they are declared as outputs.
- You can still declare those pins as inputs if you want to.
Type anything else to treat those pins as digital pins
(version 3 only) The arduino will ask you, if it should display the logic table in hexadecimal
Format output as hexadecimal?:
Type "y" or "Y" to show the logic table in hexadecimal
Type anything else to display the logic table like normal
(version 2 and higher) The Arduino will ask you which pin you want to assign to a cretain input of the attached circuit. You can assign pin 2-19
Pin for IC input <input number> :
- Type a pin number to assign this pin to the displayed input. Pins cannot be assigned twice.
- Type "e" or "E" to end the assinging process and continue to assing output pins
(version 2 and higher) The Arduino will ask you which pin you want to assign to a cretain output of the attached circuit. You can assign pin 2-19
Pin for IC output <output number> :
- Type a pin number to assign this pin to the displayed output. Pins cannot be assigned twice.
- Type "e" or "E" to end the assinging process and continue with the iterating process
The Arduino will iterate troug the different combinations of
of the input pins and record the state of the output pins. -
The arduino will display a logic chart showing the states of all output pins for all combinations of input pins
Download one of the versions from the branches and upload it to your Arduino using the IDE
A simulation of the latest version can be found at https://wokwi.com/projects/347380666516636244