With node-webkit you can write native applications with Web technologies. node-webkit is a runtime combining Chromium Web engine and Node.js. Functions from all Node.js modules can be called from DOM directly. So you can write GUI with HTML5 and have the native capabilities via Node.js.
It also provides an easy way of packaing so your application written in HTML5 looks like a native one.
- 1: How to access Node.js from DOM with node-webkit
- 2: Make package for your application
- 3: Learn various node-webkit APIs for native UI (menu, tray, shell)
- 4: Compiling Node.js C++ modules with nw-gyp
- Roger Wang: Twitter: @wwr
In order to prepare to this training you should do the following List of readings and exercises. If you have questions, please open an issue and we will be glad to answer, you might be helping other participants too.
- 1: Node.js tutorial: Get to know what's Node.js
- 2: Introduction to node-webkit: Slides for introduction of node-webkit
- David Cruz - dcruz
- Pedro Reis - pmreis
- André Cruz - satazor
- Ricardo Malta - ricmalta
- André Santos - andrefs
- Pedro Carrico - pedrocarrico
- João Jerónimo - joaojeronimo
- Nelson Neves - nneves
- Paulo Vieira - paulovieira
- Filipe Dias - filipediasferreira
- Abel Soares - abelsoares
- Marco Oliveira - marcooliveira
- Franz Enzenhofer - franzenzenhofer
- David Bruant - DavidBruant
- Paulo Miranda - pauloabmiranda
- Jorge Braz - jorgepcbraz
- Tim Park - timfpark
- Nuno Costa - naflcosta
- Dominic Lüchinger - dol
- James Nocentini - jamiltz
- Miguel Pereira - miguelampereira
- Rui Patinha - rfp
- Roger Wang - rogerwang
- Jonathan Lipps - jlipps
- Hugo Rodrigues - hugominas
- Luís Ferreira - zamith
- Bruno Abrantes - inf0rmer
- Marcelo Conceição - marcelombc
- Bruno Azevedo - azevedo-252
- Gabriel Poça - gabrielpoca
- António Capelo - antoniocapelo
- João Araújo - unisphere
- Marta Maio - martarsm
- Ana Rodrigues - ana-rodrigues
- António Pires - borgesPires
- Mike Bartlett - mydigitalself
- Walter Carvalho - waltervascarvalho
- Andrew Newdigate - suprememoocow
- Nuno Morgadinho - nunomorgadinho
- Espen Hovlandsdal - rexxars
- Kristoffer Brabrand - kbrabrand
- Patrick Marques - pmarques
- Thiago Dantas - tdantas
- Pierre Ozoux - pierreozoux
- Afonso Oliveira - afonsomota
- Telmo Costa - telmofcosta
- Thomas Parisot - oncletom
- Frederic Hemberger - fhemberger
- Mario Nzualo - marionzualo
- Jean Carlos Meninno - eth0lo
- Luis Confraria - luisbug
- Michael Geers - naltatis
- Marco Pantaleo - peeofive
- Alex Treppass - alextreppass
- Tiago Rodrigues - trodrigues
- James Wood - jamesjwood
- Sebastian Golasch - asciidisco
- J Oates - joates
- Daniel Wellman - danwellman
- Matthias Knoll - kohlikohl
- Jorge Dias - diasjorge
- Alejandro Dev - ainformatico
- Ricardo Quintas - rdquintas
- Matteo Collina - mcollina
- Roger Wang - rogerwang
- André Neves - andrefgneves
- Ricardo Correia - extravaganza47
- Luís Miranda - luispmiranda
- João Ribeiro - JoaoCasalNovo
- Rui Carneiro - sgtcarneiro
- Tiago Morais - tnbmorais
- Juliana Pereira - jvpereira
- Peter Milan - pity
- Alex McFadyen - a-c-m
- Andy Trevorah - trevorah
- Fábio Santos - fabiosantoscode
- Gegely Szanto - szantogeri
- Catarina Moura - catarinamoura
- Carlos Timóteo - ctimoteo
- João Andrade - thejoaosa
- Nuno Jesus - nmjesus