This Symfony2 Bundle adds the possibility to render strings instead of files with the Symfony2 native Twig templating engine.
The Bundle adds an additional service named twigstring
. It is used the same way as the original templating service.
The only difference is that the first argument of the method render(<string>, [<array])
is a string to parse instead of a template file.
The bundles supports variable output, conditions, loops and rendering of an controller. It does NOT support including templates, yet. It would interpret the template name as twigstring.
One example usage scenario is to load templates from the database instead of using files.
Extension ideas:
- option to include templates
- add a black-/whitelist for allowed allowed twig tags
git submodule add git:// src/LK/TwigstringBundle
lk_twigstring: ~
'LK' => __DIR__.'/../src',
$bundles = array(
new LK\TwigstringBundle\LKTwigstringBundle(),
// set example parameter
$vars = array('var'=>'x');
// get twigstring service
$tpl_engine = $this->get('twigstring');
// render example string
$vars['test'] = 'u ' . $tpl_engine->render('v {{ var }} {% if var is defined %} y {% endif %} z{% for i in 1..5 %} {{ i }}{% endfor %}', $vars);
or use the short way:
// set example parameter
$vars = array('var'=>'x');
// render example string
$vars['test'] = 'u ' . $this->get('twigstring')->render('v {{ var }} {% if var is defined %} y {% endif %} z{% for i in 1..5 %} {{ i }}{% endfor %}', $vars);
u v x y z
LarsK, cordoval