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Pandoc Specification Builder

This is a Pandoc utility that simplifies the building of technical specifications using Pandoc. Although not definitive, it provides sensible defaults and the ability to generate repeatable results through a configuration file rather than command-line parameters. Any Pandoc options not available through the predefined configuration properties may be specified through the additionalOptions property of the configuration file.

In addition, there is a GitHub Action available to automate building the specification, with the option to publish it to GitHub Pages.

Pre-defined Filters

Four filters are pre-defined and always available:

  • include-files
    • Lua filter from the Pandoc Lua filters repository.
    • Allows specifications written in Markdown to include other Markdown files as a way of modularizing a specification.
    • Incorporated directly into this package, but unlikely to be updated at source.
  • include-code-files
    • Lua filter from the Pandoc Lua filters repository.
    • Allows specifications written in Markdown to externalize code files (C, JavaScript, JSON, XML, etc.) as a way of modularizing a specification.
    • Incorporated directly into this package, but unlikely to be updated at source.
  • pandoc-defref
  • mermaid-filter
    • Mermaid filter
    • Included as a dependency, so users of this package don't have to rely on this package being updated to get the latest version.


Attribute Type Required? Default Description
optionsFile string false pandoc-spec.options.json Path of options file. Allows the command-line to specify the an options file other than the default.
debug boolean false false If true, dumps the input and output directory and the Pandoc command-line to stderr prior to execution.
verbose boolean false false If true, passes --verbose to Pandoc for verbose output.
autoDate boolean false false If true, adds a date value to the metadata in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
inputFormat string false markdown Input file format.
outputFormat string false html Output file format.
shiftHeadingLevelBy number false -1 The amount by which to shift the section heading level. A value of -1 takes heading level 1 as the title.
numberSections boolean false true If true, sections are numbered automatically.
generateTOC boolean false true If true, a table of contents is generated from the headings.
filters object[] false [] Zero or more additional filters to be applied to the transformation.
- type string false "lua" Filter type, either "lua" or "json". Lua filters are integrated directly by Pandoc; JSON filters process the JSON AST from stdin and write updated JSON AST to stdout.
- path string true Either the path to a script for a Lua filter, relative to the starting directory, or an operating system command for a JSON filter. If an operating system command and it contains a path delimiter ('/'), it is assumed to be relative to the starting directory.
templateFile string false (internal) The Pandoc template to use in generating the output, relative to the starting directory. If none is provided and outputFormat is "html", an internal template ("pandoc/template.html") relative to the package root directory is used.
headerFile string false A header file to apply to the template, relative to the starting directory.
footerFile string false A footer file to apply to the template, relative to the starting directory.
inputDirectory string false . The directory in which the input file or files reside. This will be the working directory while Pandoc is running.
inputFile string | string[] true One or more input files, either a single string (one input file) or an array of strings (multiple input files), relative to the input directory.
cssFile string | string[] false Zero or more CSS files, either a single string (one CSS file) or an array of strings (multiple CSS files), relative to the input directory. CSS files are copied to the output directory with their relative paths preserved.
resourceFile string | string[] false Zero or more resource files, either a single string (one resource file) or an array of strings (multiple resource files), relative to the input directory. Resource files may be expressed as glob patterns. Resource files are copied to the output directory with their relative paths preserved.
outputDirectory string false The directory to which the output file will be written and CSS and resource files will be copied.
cleanOutput boolean false If true, the output directory is cleaned before Pandoc is run for the first time.
outputFile string true The name of the output file, relative to the output directory.
additionalOptions object[] false [] Additional options to be added to the Pandoc command line.
- option string true The option to be added to the Pandoc command line.
- value string false The value for the option, if any, to be added to the Pandoc command line.
watch boolean false If true, the input directory is watched for changes and Pandoc is rerun when detected. Ignored if running inside a GitHub Action.
watchTemplateFile boolean false If true, the template file is watched for changes and Pandoc is rerun when detected. Ignored if watch is false.
watchWait number false 2000 Time in milliseconds to wait for changes to be fully written before rerunning Pandoc.

The Pandoc Specification Builder looks for the file pandoc-spec.options.json in the starting directory. If present, this file is expected to be structured according to the above. For example:

  "verbose": true,
  "autoDate": true,
  "inputDirectory": "chapters",
  "inputFile": [
  "cssFile": "css/spec.css",
  "outputDirectory": "_site",
  "cleanOutput": true,
  "outputFile": "index.html"

Running the Builder

There are three ways to run the Pandoc Specification Builder: from code, from the command line, or as a GitHub Action. In all cases, the options are built from two sources: the options file (if present) and the options object passed as a parameter. The options file defaults to pandoc-spec.options.json in the starting directory, but this may be overridden by setting the optionsFile property in the options object passed as a parameter.


The code option allows options specified in the options file to be overridden. This example enables debugging and verbosity and leaves the rest to pandoc-spec.options.json.

import { type Options, pandocSpec } from "@legreq/pandoc-spec";

const options: Partial<Options> = {
  debug: true,
  verbose: true


Command Line

The command line is script that takes parameters matching the options properties, using standard command-line syntax.

Given the following in pandoc-spec.options.json:

  "verbose": true,
  "autoDate": true,
  "inputDirectory": "chapters",
  "cssFile": "css/spec.css",
  "outputDirectory": "_site",
  "cleanOutput": true,
  "outputFile": "index.html"

The command-line to add the input files and override some of the options could look like this:

pandoc-spec --debug --no-verbose --input-file "" \
  --input-file "" --input-file "Use" \
  --input-file "" --input-file "" \
  --input-file ""  --input-file ""
  --output-directory "test" --watch

Note the following:

  • All options are in lower-case with hyphen separators and are preceded by two hyphens.
  • Boolean options are enabled by their name, disabled by "no-" followed by their name.
  • Options that take arrays may be repeated, and the resulting arrays will be in the same order as on the command-line.
  • Two additional options are available:
    • "--help" shows the command-line syntax.
    • "--version" displays the current version.

GitHub Action

The GitHub Action runs within a workflow. If package.json exists and the script pandoc-spec-action is defined within it, the Pandoc Specification Builder will be called via npm run pandoc-spec-action; otherwise, it will be called via pandoc-spec.

The GitHub Action is available at legreq/pandoc-spec@v1 and defines the following input parameters:

  • include-repository
    • If true, includes node setup, repository checkout, and npm install. Default is false.
  • node-version
    • Version of node to be installed; ignored if include-repository is false. Default is environment-defined.
  • include-pages
    • If true, includes publication to GitHub Pages. Default is false.
  • pages-path
    • Path of the output directory containing the GitHub Pages content; ignored if include-pages is false. Default is "_site/".

The following workflow, when installed in .github/workflows, will be triggered on any push to the main branch. It will set up node, check out the repository, run npm install, build the specification, and publish it to GitHub Pages.

name: Push to main

      - main

  id-token: write
  pages: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Pandoc Specification Builder
        uses: legreq/pandoc-spec@v1
          include-repository: true
          include-pages: true