Bulletproof is a single-class library to upload images in PHP with security.
Using git
$ git clone https://github.com/samayo/bulletproof.git
Or composer
$ composer require samayo/bulletproof:4.0.*
Or download it manually based on the archived version of release-cycles.
Create an HTML form like this.
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000"/>
<input type="file" name="pictures" accept="image/*"/>
<input type="submit" value="upload"/>
And copy & paste the following code to upload the image
require_once "path/to/bulletproof.php";
$image = new Bulletproof\Image($_FILES);
$upload = $image->upload();
echo $upload->getFullPath(); // uploads/cat.gif
echo $image->getError();
To use the full potential of bulletproof, check the following codes & examples.
Before uploading, you can use these methods to restrict the image size, dimensions, mime types, location...
// Pass a custom name, or leave it if you want it to be auto-generated
// define the min/max image upload size (size in bytes)
$image->setSize($min, $max);
// define allowed mime types to upload
$image->setMime(array('jpeg', 'gif'));
// set the max width/height limit of images to upload (limit in pixels)
$image->setDimension($width, $height);
// pass name (and optional chmod) to create folder for storage
$image->setLocation($folderName, $optionalPermission);
Methods for getting image info before/after upload.
// get the provided or auto-generated image name
// get the image size (in bytes)
// get the image mime (extension)
// get the image width in pixels
// get the image height in pixels
// get image location (folder where images are uploaded)
// get the full image path. ex 'images/logo.jpg'
// get the json format value of all the above information
To set and get image info, before or after image upload, use as:
$image = new Bulletproof\Image($_FILES);
->setLocation(__DIR__ . "/avatars");
echo $image->getName(); // samayo
echo $image->getMime(); // gif
echo $image->getLocation(); // avatars
echo $image->getFullPath(); // avatars/samayo.gif
If you want to crop, resize or watermark images, use the functions in the separate folder: src/utils
To create your own errors and responses, instead of the default error messages, use exceptions:
try {
if($image->getMime() !== 'png'){
throw new \Exception('Only PNG image types are allowed');
// do the same to check size, dimension ...
if(!$upload = $image->upload()){
throw new \Exception($image->getError());
} else {
echo $image->getFullPath();
} catch (\Exception $e){
echo "Error " . $e->getMessage();
- Uses
to get the true image mime (.extension
) - Uses
to check if image has a valid height / width in pixels. - Sanitized images names, strict folder permissions and more...