This is a Python Backend with Flask for the Tai-an Tea School front-end website written in JavaScript with React and Redux. The lesson management website provides tea teachers and students a streamlined and efficient platform for lesson registration and feedback.
Clone this repository, install necessary dependencies for backend with pipenv install && pipenv shell
. You will also need to set up the database by running:
$ flask db init
$ flask db migrate -m "Initial migration."
$ flask db upgrade
You are welcome to seed the database with your own data but you can also run python
which provides sample data generated by Faker. To start the server, run python
This repository runs the application's back end; you will also need to install the front end available at (
This Python Backend wth Flask server supports a front-end lesson management app, which provides tea teachers and students a streamlined and efficient platform for lesson registration and feedback.
- Flask
- Flask-RESTful
- Flask-Migrate
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-Bcrypt
- Stripe API
- Python