Romain Vuillemot, LIRIS, Γcole Centrale de Lyon/DΓ©partement Math-Info, Website, Twitter.
Contact or questions: [email protected]
![]() |
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web by Scott Murray |
Other books
- Visualization Analysis and Design by Tamara Munzner
- Design for Information by Isabel Meirelles
- Making Data Visual: A Practical Guide to Using Visualization for Insight by Danyel Fisher & Miriah Meyer
- 30% Final exam
- 60% Final projects
- 10% Homeworks/Submitted assignments (pass/fail policy)
- 10% Bonus (class participation, best homeworks/assignments)
All homeworks/assignements/reports are due the day before the class at 23.59pm Lyon Time (GMT+1). Using this form.
Friday 10/01/2020 13:30-15:30
Overview: Class organization (slides)
Basics of Data Visualization: Perception, cognition, Visual mapping, Standard charts (slides)
Authoring visualizations: Libraries, Tools, Tableau Software (slides)
Introduction to D3.js (slides)
Final projects description (slides)
Friday 10/01/2020 15:45-17:45
Tableau Tutorial
- The goal is to have a first experience with Tableau and build standard charts using a simple dataset.
- Download and install Tableau Public (Free) on your machine.
- Altenartive for Linux users is the Online version of Tableau
- Other(simple) alternative to Tableau: Polestar
Problem 1: Iris flowers visualization
- Download the
and load it in Tableau; convert data types (if needed) - Plot a scatterplot with X:sepal_length, Y:sepal_width, color:species and a trend line
- Save as a tab and save the workbook
Problem 2: Elections map
- Download the
and load it in Tableau; convert data types (if needed) - Plot a grid plot with
as columns,State
as rows andState Winner
as color/marks. - Save as a tab
- Plot a geo-map with colors winning party in 2012
Latitude (generated)
etLongitude (generated)
, withState
as shapes and colorATTR([State Winner])
- Save as a tab and save the workbook
- Tips: make sure you parse the dataset correctly (FR version of Tableau automatically splits comas)
Problem 3: Stock markets visualizations
- Download the
and load it in Tableau; convert data types (if needed) - Plot a multiple line chart over time, for all stocks in a different color, grouped by company
- Plot a grouped bar chart (companies as categories, grouped by year or by companies)
- Your own chart!
- Save as a tab and save the workbook
Problem 4: Global Superstore Dataset
- Download the
and load it in Tableau; join datasets (if needed) - Find an interesting story / selection with this dataset
- Create a Dashboard and explain your story/finding
- BONUS: Add storytelling (Tableau Feature)
- BONUS: Join other datasets (e.g. People, ..)
π For next class (17/01/2020)
β Assignments
PROJECT: Group proposal of 2 or 3 students
Submit a project topic (1-paragraph): what is the question you expect to answer? which data do you need? how do you plan to collect your data? what are the main risk in collecting/visualizing it? what are the privacy/ethical issues?
Create a GitHub account
π Readings and preparation
Read introductions to JavaScript, D3 and Git
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web Chapter 1. Introduction , Chapter 2. Introducing D3 and Chapter 3. Technology Fundamentals
Get familiar with JavaScript
Get familiar with GitHub
Friday 17/01/2020 13:30-15:30
- Cheatsheet intro to D3
- Margin conventions
var margin = {top: 20, right: 10, bottom: 20, left: 10};
var width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 500 - - margin.bottom;
Assignment: draw a red rectangle (like the gray one above) in the center of the page (using margin
, width
and height
Bar chart | SVG
- Mark:
- Position:
- Height:
- Color:
(style) - Scales: quantitative
and categoricald3.scaleBand()
Assignment: build a bar chart with a random dataset
- How to generate a random list of integers:
- The
function generates thewidth
attribute for the<rect>
Line chart | SVG
- Mark:
- Position:
d3.line().x(function(d) { }).y(function(d) { })
to generate attributed
- Color: style
- Interpolate:
- Scales:
Assignment: build a line chart using a simple JSON temporal dataset add circles for each time point.
- Create a
file in blockbuilder:
[{"id" : 1, "name": "A", "value": 10, "date": "2016-01"}, {"id" : 2, "name": "B", "value": 30, "date": "2016-02"}, {"id" : 3, "name": "C", "value": 20, "date": "2016-03"} ]
- Be careful: one single mark (a line) to draw for the whole dataset!
- Load a JSON dataset:
d3.json("dataset.json", function(error, data) {}
- Data parsing:
- Temporal scale
- Data display:
d3.timeFormat("%b %y")
Scatterplot | SVG
- Mark:
- Position:
- Area:
(radius) andd3.scaleSqrt()
- Color:
(style) andd3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20)
color scale
Assignment: build a scatterplot using the Iris dataset and load the chart using a function that takes the chart visual mapping and dimensions as input parameters.
- Load a CSV dataset:
d3.csv('iris.csv', function(error, data){}
Friday 17/01/2020 15:45-17:45
- Advanced D3.js: page layout, d3.nests, legends, scatterplot and grouped bar chart (slides)
Axis | SVG
var xAxis = d3.axisBottom()
var yAxis = d3.axisLeft()
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
- Mouse click:
.on("click", function(d){})
- Mouse hover:
.on("mouseover", function(d){})
and.on("mouseout", function(d) {})
- Drag & drop
, tooltip (example)
- Display the unique values of an attribute (e.g. use the
to retrieve them) - Show the visual mapping for those values (color, shape, etc.) as rows (create a group
and then fill the rows with the mappings) - You have to do it yourself!
Multiple views
- Load and coordinate multiple visualizations
- Charts coordination
Assignment: build a coordinated scatterplot matrix using the Iris dataset.
Submit the blockbuilder link to submit here at the end of the class (17h45)
π For next class (24/01/2020)
CODE: Submit your blockbuilder for scatterplot matrix βοΈ submission form
CODE: Extend the line chart using the
where each line is a different symbol (and a different color). BONUS: add a title, legend and interactivity (e.g. tooltip, show time points, etc.) submission form -
PROJECT: Write a document that describes the dataset(s) for your project, mechanism to collect the data and expected model (as a table, use Excel). Add more informations:
- Project full name, project description and members names
- Data you plan to use, does it exist, if not how you collect it?
- 3-5 questions you want to answer using your project
- 5-10 visualizations that are related to your project (screenshot and link sources)
- Wait for validation by instructor before any design/coding
READINGS: Chapter 4. Setup, Chapter 5. Data, Chapter 6. Drawing with Data, Chapter 7. Scales.
Friday 24/01/2020 13:30-15:30
Visualization of geo and temporal data
Introduction to data cleaning tools and methods
Advanced data visualization concepts: Animation, Interaction, Multiple Views (slides)
Solution for interactive scatterplot matrix and legend and multiple line-chart. How would you improve this chart? by adding brushing interactions, including legends in diagonal and distribution in diagonal.
Solution for stocks line chart. How would you improve this chart?
Advanced D3 layouts (slides)
Friday 24/01/2020 15:45-17:45
- Grouping data with
{symbol: "MSFT", date: Sat Jan 01 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET), price: 39.81}
{symbol: "MSFT", date: Tue Feb 01 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET), price: 36.35}
{symbol: "MSFT", date: Wed Mar 01 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET), price: 43.22}
Assignment: Nest stocks by symbol and calculate aggregated values (max/min/sum) over price; parse dates.
Expected result:
0: {key: "MSFT", values: Array(123), maxPrice: 43.22, sumPrice: 3042.6}
1: {key: "AMZN", values: Array(123), maxPrice: 135.91, sumPrice: 5902.4}
2: {key: "IBM", values: Array(123), maxPrice: 130.32, sumPrice: 11225.13}
Grouped bar chart |
- Grouping:
- Mark:
- Positions: using two categorical scales
- Color: style
Assignment: build a grouped bar chart using the stocks.csv
Start using random data
var n = 10, // number of samples
m = 5; // number of series
var data = d3.range(m).map(function() {
return d3.range(n).map(Math.random);
Stacked bar chart |
- Grouping:
- Mark:
- Positions: nested categorical scales
- Color: style
- Scales:
Assignment: build a stacked bar chart using the stocks.csv
- Start with random data (see grouped bar chart)
- Nest data
- by
- by
- Calculate sum
- Flatten the dataset to be used by the
0: {MSFT: 356.07999999999987, AMZN: 527.17, IBM: 1162.97, AAPL: 260.98, year: "2000"}
1: {MSFT: 304.17, AMZN: 140.87, IBM: 1163.6200000000001, AAPL: 122.11000000000003, year: "2001"}
2: {MSFT: 261.92, AMZN: 200.68, IBM: 901.4999999999999, AAPL: 112.89999999999998, year: "2002"}
- Apply the
layout using the list of unique symbols askeys
and the flat dataset as data
Animated transitions
- Add animation using:
, and.delay(duration)
- Triggered by a widget, e.g. a
button - Examples of transitions: bar chart, D3 show reel).
Assignment (BONUS): build an animated transition between grouped bar chart and stacked bar chart.
- Isolate each layout as two function
- Add a swap function between each other
<label><input type="radio" name="mode" value="grouped" checked>Grouped</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="mode" value="stacked">Stacked</label>
- Bind events using
d3.selectAll("input").on("change", function() {})
π For next class (31/01/2020)
Write a document for your project data cleaning and preparation: data source, data shaping, processing, etc. If you use external tools (e.g. Excel, DataWrangler, Tableau) add some details of the role and steps performed using those.
Load a clean data sample using d3 and descriptive charts (histogram, scatterplot, ..) in a wepage showing the characteristics of the dataset: distribution, statistics, trends, etc. Add this link to your analysis in the class document (the page should be hosted on GitHub).
Draw a mockup of your project using pen and paper and add this link to the class document (the page should be hosted on GitHub).
Read principles of the Five design sheets methodology
Reading: Chapter 8. Axes, Chapter 9. Updates, Transitions, and Motion , Chapter 10. Interactivity, Chapter 11. Layouts.
Friday 31/01/2020 13:30-15:30
Design and case studies in visualization (slides)
Introduction to Sketching, Rapid Prototyping, Development cycles (slides) and using the Five Design Sheet methodology
Friday 31/01/2020 15:45-17:45
Apply the 5DS to your project (paper and pen!)
Project setup using modern web development tools: local server, package managers (slides)
Geo-Map | Example
- Mark:
- Position:
- Color:
Assignment: build a geo-map following those instructions.
At the end of the tutorial:
- Update your proposal after feedback from instructor
- Add the link to (a pdf of all) the design sheets in the class document
π For next class (07/02/2020)
β Assignments
- Website fully functional with full dataset
- Implement the page layouts
- Implement graphics specific to your project
Friday 07/02/2020 13:30-15:30
- Graphs, Networks and Tree visualizations (slides)
Node-Link Graph | Example
- Mark:
- Position:
- Color:
Assignment: starting with this Node link diagram that is based on force layout with different layouts: random, radial, line, line by category and encodings: color, size.
documentation- Parameters playground)
- Use multiple foci to group nodes by similariy
Friday 07/02/2020 15:45-17:45
Friday 14/02/2020 13:30-15:30
Peer-review of other groups projects
- Link to description of the project
- Link to design sheets/mockups
- Link to a demo hosted on GitHub
- Are all the pre-requirements met? If not, what is missing?
- Summarize the projet (what you understand): who is the audience? which question does it address?
- Is the design effective? What would you recommend?
- Are you aware of a similar project that would help the project? If so, please add links to it.
- What are the strength of the project?
- What are the weaknesses?
- What would you have done differently?
- Any other remark?
Friday 14/02/2020 15:45-17:45
You may also add the following header to your project:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta name="description" content="Your Description">
<meta name="author" content="Authors">
<meta property="og:title" content="Your Title">
<meta property="og:description" content="Your Description">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
In the class document:
- PROJECT_TITLE: title of the project (10 words max)
- PROJECT_DESCRIPTION: details of the project (2/3 sentences)
- PROJECT_AUTHORS: list of authors
- PROJECT_TWEET: tweet/social media-like presentation (see examples)
Friday 21/03/2020 13:30-17:45
Each group has a 15min time slot (10min presentation, 5min questions) to present their project.
No slide: just show the visualization and tell a convincing story (e.g. don't list features, etc.). Should address the following:
- Present context, dataset, data collection
- Describe key design decisions (visual mappings, interactions, animations, ..)
- Did the visualization help you find anything of interest in the dataset?
- Discuss technical challenges, limits, what you would have done with more time.
Add a
file in the repository organized as follows:
- Name of the participants of the project
- Description of the project
- Screenshots and/or video of the main features
- Credits to external code or data you may have used in your project
- Link to any document/report that may be related to your project
IMPORTANT -- Regarding the dataset
- If you don't want to share your dataset, add a demo/fake dataset (e.g. sample or fake data) for the live demo
- Provide a way to let users use their own dataset and explain how to do it (upload button? using a Python script? etc.)
- If you take screenshots with the real dataset make sure you preserve individuals privacy
As a general rule keep in mind the projects will be made public so anybody should be able to understand on their own and privacy of the datasets should be preserved.
Friday 28/02/2020 13:30-15:30
Friday 28/03/2020 15:45-17:45
Final project is due
Wednesday 11/02/2020
- 2h written exam
- Questions in French
- Answers either in French or English
- Bring drawing material (pen, eraser, eventually colors)
Tableau Software
- Gallery of examples
- Code examples and references for the course "D3.js in Motion"
- Relearning D3.js
- D3 in depth
- Awesome D3
- Changes in D3 4.0
- D3 V4 - What's new?
- Wide vs. Long Data in D3
- D3 Cheatsheet
- Git and GitHub (e.g. Try GitHub)
- Mozilla Developers Network's Javascript reference
- Learn JavaScript (e.g. JS learnxinyminutes, learnjsdata)
- JSON (e.g. JS learnxinyminutes)
- Eloquent JavaScript
- Notes on Douglas Crockford's Javascript the Good Parts π
Data Visualization Classes
- DataViz at MIT
- Visual Analytics Ecole Centrale Paris
- Dataviz resources
- D3 color schemes
- ColorBrewer
- Nomenclature of colours