This is a custom version of LaTeX Tufte Template integrated with the [Tufte-LaTeX] (https://tufte-latex.github.io/tufte-latex/) templates.
This Technical Manuals are related to the MIMBCD-UI project regarding the prototype-cornerstone repository. We are providing publicly the hereby repository to support our comminity on how to do a Technical Manuals of this kind. Also, to improve our document by the community's feedback. So please, if you would like to improve our manual just open a New issue.
Try typesetting main.tex
with the following sequence of commands:
pdflatex main
bibtex main
pdflatex main
pdflatex main
The result should look like main.pdf
The sample book can be compiled with the following:
pdflatex main
bibtex main
texindy --language english main.idx
# or makeindex main.idx
pdflatex main
pdflatex main
pdflatex main
This repository was created by Francisco Maria Calisto (FMCalisto) using the basics of the LaTeX Tufte Template.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 License.